Got this info from a friend, they asked to be anonymous and so do I. Could this be correct...?
Wico. County Health Dept. has just received a drug dispensing van to distribute Methadone to "clients" inconvenienced by driving to PRMC.
Vehicle cost $156,000 and is not accessible to disabled, not conforming to ADA standards, and has outside "customer" window.
County expense for armed guard; $45,000, part time nurse $25,000?"
All State money…State recommended
Van is not in operation yet.
Van will pick up methadone at PRMC for distribution in Worcester County. Locals still have to go to PRMC for methadone.
Armed guard is from private agency…state and Worcester County exp.
Nurse is state expense
$156,000 is correct
There is a window (one of three) for disabled
All conforms to ADA standards
Dear Colleagues,
Drug abuse has become a major public health problem that impacts our community at every level. Addiction results in increased health care expenditures, lost earnings, and legal costs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2008), thirty-one percent of the homeless population in America suffers from drug and alcohol abuse and sixty percent of adults in Federal prisons are convicted of drug related crimes. Individuals who are employed and are addicted are more likely to have missed two or more days in the past month and have had employment with three or more employers in the past year (NIDA, 2008).
The Wicomico County Health Department is committed to assisting the residents of Wicomico County to further help them achieve recovery and become upstanding citizens of our community. It is important not only for our agency to assist this population, but for the community to embrace and assist those that are struggling. Healthcare providers, physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants play a key role in identifying and helping this population. For this reason we are providing you additional tools to help identify and guide the patient to appropriate care.
We look forward to future relationships and working collaboratively to assist a population in need.
Lori Brewster, MS, APRN/BC, LCADC
Health Officer
Ladies & Gentlemen, I have personally visited the Health Department and have also taken a tour of this new vehicle. I have also spent time with Lori Brewster and Heather Brown to become more educated on this unit as well as the purpose and procedure of how it will be used.
In several discussions with others I have been told if drug users can get to their drug dealers, they can get to the Health Department too. This may be true but what everyone needs to understand is that this unit is for the entire Eastern Shore. That means going to Ocean City regularly and even into Virginia.
Time will tell if this system will be a success but it should be noted that this system is being used very successfully in Baltimore and the State felt it was important to get the same kind of system here in a more rural area/setting.
I am extremely concerned about Chief Webster's decision to shut down the Drug Enforcement Team but I'm not the Chief of Police. Heroine has become a serious problem here, one in which many of you, (including myself) do not see or understand.
I am attaching a couple of links to better serve this article and you.
Mobile Methadone Clinic Proposed for Vermont
( http://www.jointogether.org/ ).
Page title: Mobile Methadone Clinic Proposed for VermontLink to full page: http://www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2004/mobile-methadone-clinic-for.html ( http://www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2004/mobile-methadone-clinic-for.html?log-event=sp2f-view-item&nid=52622457 )
Summary:With more than 200 heroin-addicted residents of northern Vermont traveling for hours to New Hampshire and Massachusetts for treatment, Vermont's Health Commissioner has proposed establishing a mobile methadone clinic.Sign up for news alerts from Join Together ( http://members.jointogether.org/jointogether/join.tcl?source=news_sendpage&email=hkeddie@dhmh.state.md.us )
Need armed security? I meet all qualifications, background check, drug test and am able to qualify firearms for firearms requirements. Perfect for me as a retiree.
Who pays for the gas/diesel, insurance, tires and wear and tear?
forgot to mention CDL's also
now if we could just keep the nursea off the pills we'd be really doing some good
This well help me get my 'done man.
Its bad medicine cause bad medicine is what I need, whoa,oh,oh I said bad medicine...
(Somebody get me a doctor).
Why would that be the states tax payers problem?
I am totally against Methadone. These addicts try to get off one drug and then are addicted to another (Methadone). What are we accompolishing here? I use to work with these people and I can tell you they do still get other drugs in addition to the Methadone and they are some of the nastiest people I was ever around.
Methadone is not just for treating drug addicts. Doctors have also started prescribing methadone for chronic pain. Different doses, and they still have to go to a clinic to receive it.
This is something that I am in total disbelief over. My stepfather is on it or his back...pain management doc put him on it. While he should have done his research before going on it, he was on it for a few months when they discussed back surgery. Problem now is after he gets surgery, he will have to enter a rehabilitation center to come off of the methadone...they have told him that he will not be able to do it on his own. It is beyond me why on earth this would be allowed to be presribed as a pain reliever.
3:51 - judgmental are we?? Please remember that while it breeds crime, death, etc. it is a disease. I hate to see someone lump all "addicts" into "nastiest people"
3:51 - careful how you distance yourself from "these" people. There is not that much that seperates you from them. Also, it is one of the physically addicting drug that is out there and whatever help they can get to eventually be rid of the abuse pattern and become a productive member of the community we should be for it. No one wants to live life having to worry about how long it's going to be before they get sick.
I'm addicted to food. I can't get to McDonalds. Can this thing bring me a double cheeseburger, a 4 piece nuggets (hot mustard sauce) and a sweet tea. Hey...if they are catering to addicts...I'm a food addict!!!
Great now the dopers can get a drive by buzz. Just what they needed to spend taxpayer dollars on when we need so many more things of far greater importance. This state sanctioned mobile dope dealing machine will be heard of in every courtroom. Everytime a policeman busts someone for breaking into one of our homes to support their drug habit the first thing they'll tell the judge is "I'm now enrolled in the mobile drug program". WHOOPDEDOOOO. Want to stop the junkies from robbing our homes? Shoot them in their worthless heads and be done with them. Cheaper to bag and tag than it is to support their habits. The junkies CHOSE to shoot, snort or smoke heroin so let them find a way to get to PRMC to get their fix. The only time you will see a rise in participants is when the dope dries up on the streets then they'll use methadone to get them through until the dealers replenish.
I don't give a good kahoot where that thing travels to, junkies will travel as far as they need to get a fix. Here we are bringing it to their door. Why don't they spend the money on feeding people that have lost their jobs instead of feeding synthetic morphine to non productive junkies. This really sets a fire under my a$$.
Can they stock it with Jim Beam and come 'round my way when I can't make it to the WCLCB?
Disease my ass. Malaria is a disease you contract. Illicit drug use is an addiction you choose. Who doesn't know heroin is addicting? Who doesn't know opiates are addicting?
Thats not food partner.
It can't be that bad you know, our government just took over a country full of poppies. I'm sure the soldiers will kill all those poppies and rid us of the drug problem. I'm sure. Yea, I'm pretty sure they're gonna kill all of those poppies. Right?
This is what is wrong with this country, Can't afford to buy heroin, can't make it to your heroin dealer, well have we got a deal for you! We'll call it a medical condition and bring your hospital heroin right to your door at the taxpayers expense! This program doesn't work, they let the "clients" decide how much they need and how long they need it for, and guess what...they never get off it. better to let them get their heroin at their expense and die sooner. obama obama obama
i dont even want to hear the recovering addicts of here crying about people not wanting to be around you or active drug addicts. unless you were three when you started using drugs, you knew damn well when you took your first bump or needle or bong hit or beer, they road it could lead down, so dont be preachin to nobody junkies, i don't feel a bit sorry for you, only your poor families, if they are straigh
Some of these addicts are kids.
The illegal aliens have a large role to play in the amount of herione that is here now.
The parents of these kids that are addicts should have been paying closer attention maybe they could have nipped it in the bud. These kids that are addicts chose to use dope for whatever reason is popular these days. It's no excuse. They don't have to worry much longer, the dope mobile will be there shortly with their fix.
Message to these kids that are addicts. You made your bed, now lie in it.
Is vehicle capable of accepting wheel chair or walker disable? Are nurse and guard required to go outside to treat patient? Does "drug" vehicle have ability to be used for other treatments? Driver reequired to posess CDL permit?
Man they have the rest of their life to live,(if their lucky) it isnt all their fault that some ass in school was selling it and they fell into it, they are young and stupid and now they have the biggest addicttion I know off to fight the rest of their lives. Didnt you ever make mistakes when you were to young to know any better? My daughter,(one of them) has a friend who has been on the done for about seven years and is kicking it, she has fought it tooth and nail and shes winning.That in itself is a "Moment of well earned Grace" my friend. Do I agree with all of this,(NO) do I think some of the young kids on this shit can benefit from this,(YES).
I agree that all they are doing is trading one dependency for another,and don't believe for a moment that these addicts will not sell their methadone to others when they are short on cash,and they would sell it to a kid just as soon as they would to an adult.It burns my a*s too to see our government giving out drugs to addicts,probably funded by Medicaid when people who need medications to stay alive cannot afford their prescriptions.No doubt the addicts also get SSI because they cannot function.
I graduated in 2001 (high school in salisbury) and have had five old friends from high school that got caught up in this stuff one has passed (overdose) three i have not heard from in years (mostly because i choose to separate myself from such actions) and one that still lives in the sby area and fights addiction daily... it is here it is bad and its taring our community apart.... I hope this makes a difference... but we also need to educate our youths and of course parenting plays a big part in this situation
Anon 7:13 if your daughters friend has been on methadone for 7 years, he/she is not fighting very hard to get off the dope.
Stop making excuses for why people get addicted. If they bought it from someone in school, they wanted it otherwise they would have never bought it. If they tried it once and liked it they chose to buy it again. It's all about the choices made. You make bad choices you deal with it. Why is the rest of society held responsible for the bad personal choices made by others?
Meals on Wheels has now become Highs on Wheels.
Once again, the tail wags the dog.
Why should Wicomico County foot the bill for this van to service the entire shore, including VIRGINIA???? I agree, the druggies don't seem to have a problem getting to their suppliers... isn't that what the shore transit bus is for?
People who are not addicts will never understand what an addict goes through. I don't care if you're a drug counselor, if you haven't been through it yourself you don't know. It's not something you can understand from reading a book. I was addicted to heroin and tried so many times to get off of it. I did not want to do methadone I thought like most it was just replacing one thing for another, finally as a last resort not knowing what else to do I got on the methadone program and I have to say I wish I had done it sooner. It completely takes away my cravings It doesn't get me high I feel normal and have completely turned my life around. Methadone saved me and for those who use it properly and don't just keep going up or using other drugs to get a high off of it, it does work. Just think you or someone you love could need this program one day...never say never.
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