On Friday June 6, 2009 the case of State of Maryland vs Brinton Cox was brought to trial. As you may recall Brinton Cox is the inmate who attacked Sergeant Victor Stone on January 8, 2009.
After months of delays by the defense(this was the forth time the case was called to court) Brinton Cox was called to face his accuser. The prosecution called four witnesses who testified that Mr. Cox threw or pushed Sergeant Stone against the metal steps in his housing unit. You can get more information by going to a previous post, WCDC Officer injured by inmate posted on January 8, 2009. All four prosecution witnesses testified that Mr. Cox did assault Sergeant Stone. The defense had called for witnesses to show, but nobody showed up in Mr. Cox's defense. Mr. Cox did take the stand in his defense, changed his mind when his attorney informed him that the prosecution could bring up past criminal acts. Mr. Cox declined to testify and ran back to his seat. The Judge, Honorable Bruce Wade, found Mr. Cox guilty on all charges. When the judge proceeded to sentencing he imposed a Pre Sentencing Investigation due to Mr. Cox's extensive violent criminal convictions. Mr. Cox will be sentenced after the investigation is completed. Mr. Cox is facing 15 years to be served consecutive to any other sentences. This is not any normal sentence though. Because it involves a assault on a correctional officer, all time is to be served day for day with no parole or probation possible.
I wish to commend Sergeant Stone and his witnesses for their diligence in seeing this process through. The court system is sometimes slow and cumbersome, but justice will prevail.
What do you know, the legal system does work. No inmate should assault a correctional officer without consequences. The general public has know idea of what goes on in the penal system.
As for Mr. Cox's defense witness's, they were former or current inmates whose credibility is suspect at best.
To bad that WCDC (Devenyns) doesn't care about inmate or inmate assualts. Oh well I guess inmates have no rights so let's just ignore the fact that they get beat up or a regular basis and nothing is evey done about it. most of the time no reports are even generated and no charges ever brought. Well, just keep working on your lawsuit Mr. DDD.
Anonymous 238 inmate on inmate assaults are dealt with , but sad part is that inmates will seldom tell who assaulted them. Most inmates would rather take care of business themselves. MD State law protects inmates when they will talk. So grow a set and man up.
Thank goodness he was found guilty! Those men and women correctional officers have to endure a lot in there but physical abuse should not be one of those things. Most of the "institutionalized" inmates don't care that they are in jail and are more used to that than being out so they have a mindset that they run the place. They need to know they are in there because they can't even run their own lives and need someone else to pay for their care and keep guard on their behavior because they are a danger to society and to themselves. They aren't in jail because they are great managers of their lives. Quite the opposite. So, they need to know that their attempts to control anything are futile. Our c.o.'s need to be protected for protecting us from these criminals. So, hats off to you Judge for keeping us safe from one more violent criminal and hats off to you Stone for standing up for your rights and your fellow workers' rights!!
Never see this story in MSM. Correctional Officers are the police of the penal system. About time that corrections as a whole gets some respect.
One part that did not come out is Mr. Cox's affilation with the BGF(Black Gurrellia Family). At least he will have lots of company in prison.
What good is state law Mr. 2:54 if it is not enforced. I know what I'm talking about and DDD could care less about inmates assaults. The only time he cares is if it's high profile and the press or Joe find out about it and he has to answer questions, otherwise he would rather be in his office doing, well, you know what.
No wounder the inmates are afraid to speak up. They would be pegged a snitch and subjected to more abuse within the system. No protection would be afforded them by the very ones that are charged with that duty, specifically the director and his staff. I'm very suprised that more lawsuits are not filed against this organazation then there has been.
Cox is one of many gun toting thugs in Salisbury and keeping him in prison will probably save someone's life, or his own.
Noone cares at wcdc if officers are assaulted.
They can be replaced, and mngmnt
knows it, and could care less about them.
When one works there, you would
The place is ran by a click, and the
rest don't matter. so much for jail
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