INCIDENT: Attempted Murder/Rape DATE: June 20, 2009 LOCATION: Farmers Market Road NARRATIVE: On June 20, 2009 at 0653 hours the Wicomico Sheriffs Office received a call for subjects yelling on Farmers Market Lane. Deputies along with MSP Troopers and Officers from Fruitland and Salisbury responded and located the victim on the side on the road. She was in and out of consciousness. EMS from Salisbury responded to treat and transport the victim. She was taken to PRMC and later to Shock Trauma. She is in critical condition.
The suspect was pursued from the scene. With the help of citizens giving police updates and sighting information, the suspect was apprehended without further incident. At the time of this release the suspect was being processed and his bond was not known.
Anyone with information is asked to contact WBI at 410-548-4898 or Crimesolvers at 410-548-1776.
ACCUSED*: Burton, William Edward W/M 40 yoa from Salisbury
Attempted First Degree Murder
Rape First Degree
First Degree Assault
MSP Wicomico Bureau of Investigation
DATE: June 20, 2009 TIME: 1355 Hours
Bureau of Investigation
We see how effective everything can be when everyone works together, the police agencies, citizens, and ems. Great work to all.
It all starts with a concerned citizen who got involved. He could easily said shucks let them do their thing.
the defendant was held without bond and is not being released...
kudos to all the law enforcement involved. should have tazed him in the a$$ or groin instead of arm.
This is my ex-boyfriend!! Such a kind gentle person I always thought he was, party foul
This woman would've been dead if a concerned citizen didn't call the police. Great job to all who assisted.
I also know the accused, he was a gentle, sweet, good hearted person who I can't fathom doing this to anybody. We need to remember the accused is innocent until proven guilty!
1:04! Let me get this.... The woman obviously beaten and raped so badley that shes now in critical condition at shock tramma and you say innocent until proven guilty??????? You are so lucky you're not standing here in front of me so I could shake some sense into you!!! I suppose he was defending himself from her??? They ran him down from the scene and apprehended him!!! Oh, or maybe he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!!! Get Real!
Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUp
Hang his ass. This is not his first. I bet he gets tied to at least two more
01:04, if you were there you might think differently
He did it. He left his truck right there for the police. If the folks on Francis Drive were not having a yard sale and all out back that early he would have gotten away with it too. Should have shot him-they had a clear line of fire trust me.
I would like to see his picture so I can make sure it is the same guy I know. Then I can tell you if he is so wonderful.
12:48 and 1:04- looks like he has some criminal history to me... Just because you know him to be "gentle" doesn't mean he isn't capable of behaving in such a manner- the BTK killer held a job, lived a normal middle class life with wife and kids and was active in his church. I bet no one that knew himi would have believed what he did... You never really know someone.
Attn 12:48 and 1:04- All I can say is....Thank God he was never so nice to me! Maybe next time it will be your azz he beats near to death. Wonder how nice he would be then? I also bet he has done this before. Had it not been for a bystander getting involved, he would likely gotten away with this one too. Shame you cant just strategically place a bullet in such kind, caring individuals.
Thank God THIS Deputy wasn't hiding behind a tree, stopping traffic to write a seatbelt citation!!!!
GOOD JOB OLE BOY! That's REAL Police work, not writing a citation or locking up suspended drivers!
To 12:48~ You were his girlfriend, eh? That's funny, cause he has a wife and children.
And to 1:04~ I can promise you that you do not know him. That's a FACT.
If it the same guy he had a wife and two girls. When the wife wanted to leave him I gave her 100.00 all I had to help her leave and the next day I met her shopping. MMMMMM Niceness must run in the family.
Cocain is a hell of a drug
It IS the same guy. Who also has a grandbaby. Nice. REAL nice (situation, that is). Wonder what they think of all this.
Naughty or nice,he obviously did something or he would not have been arrested WITHOUT bail.
joe do you have a picture of him can you post it please
its that dumb a$$ boston bill, coke head extrordinaire. 40 years old, no job, girlfriend paying for his truck, left his pregnant roommate with an unpaid power bill, he gave a bunch of girls i know of stds, most of them coke heads too. I have seen him take advantage of people for years. He is right where he belongs. Well, maybe fifteen years or so in prison might give him some time to think about his life. Some example for all his illegitimate kids and grandchild.
Hay asshole his children arnt illegitimate. I know, im one of them. You can all say what ever you want about him but he is a good man and when he is proven innocent you will all see that.
Keep thinking Daddy is great. The only great man named Bill Burton in that family was Bill Burton Sr. His parents were the nicest people and thank god they can't see the scum bag for what he is.
He stole from the mall when he worked for them. Stole the change from the fountains that goes to charity. Yeah a real pillar of society.
you may be a legitimate child of his.... but how many brothers and sisters do you have that you don't even know about?? i am sorry for you and your sister... you girls don't deserve this ~~ but your dad deserves everything coming his way. Imagine if it were you or your daughter in critical condition...
Say what you will about him, but his estranged wife and daughters were not the ones who committed these crimes. It is simply ignorant of anyone who leaves nasty comments about them. They were the ones smart enough to leave him in Maryland 4 years ago. Show some class and have some respect.
If you think that Bill Sr. was such a great man, it is obvious you didn't know him very well. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
the girl was a local prostitute who was also on coke at the time. He sodomised her, bit her all over her body almost biting her nipple off, and when she was screaming he beat her in the face and when that wasnt enough he strangled her until the cops showed up and he ran off. the authorities could only recognize her through her tattoos. She had to be flown to shock trauma to rebuild her face and repair her torn privates. They also had to take him to the er, because he was so coked up he battled the cops. he is such a dirtbag and he is right where he belongs for a long time. Hopefully he will show up with a public defender. There is plenty of evidence against him.
WOW sounds like a great,caring,gentle person....
As someone who has known Bill for quite some time now and spent alot of time with him,this does suprise me in a way, as he never showed any violent tendencies whatsoever...BUT, I must say he is one of the rudest, crudest, most self centered, arrogant prick of a person I've ever known. He would rather hang around dumb losers than his friend who gave half a crap about him.At least now I dont have to worry about getting drunk phone call from him anymore, but it shouldnt have been at that girls expense.
4 pic go to http://www.wboc.com/global/story.asp?s=10572280
i also knew this p.o.s. and when i heard about it, i was not shocked at all. he has dated two friends of mine, who eventually had to leave his a$$ because he has such a bad drug problem. he actually began stalking one of them after she dumped him. he was always creepy and shady. gave me a weird feeling being around him. intuition says a lot sometimes. as for his wife and kids, and grandchild..my heart goes out to you. although it seems that if he was such a good husband and father,and such a great man you all wouldn't be "estranged". what he did to that woman, prostitute or not, is wrong. and he was caught..red handed. he looks like he was all beat up in the pic..probably where she was trying to defend herself. he is sick. he deserves whatever he has coming.
i just heard the girl has died. so that makes this a-hole a murderer. imagine being her mother or sister and having to deal with all this, just because some horny coke head needed to blow off some steam. bill burton makes me sick.
shes not dead. Shes still in critical condition
What ever happened to INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. What facts do WE have at this time condemming this person? Ran from the scene...thats it. Were his nuckles scraped and bloody? DNA? Has the victim made a statement? We do not know the facts just yet. For all we know he may have run due to other circumstances, what that could be WE do not know. Put yourself in this situation, would you want to be condemned without evidence put forth? Wouldn't you want a fair chance? What happened to this woman is discusting and unforgiveable. My prayers go out to the woman and her family. But we need to keep our eyes on the EVIDENCE, not hearsay, so that the guilty person is punished, whoever that may be.
save it, please, we the public have a witness, dna and his vehicle at the scene. i hope he tries that pimp at the scene BS. he probably doesnt even know that he did it. he was so drugged out. pimps always hang out on farmers market lane at seven in the morning. you didnt know that? maybe the pimp will turn himself in. she is still in shock trauma in a coma. today is the twenty ninth of june. nine days after the assault. He wont get the death penalty. temporary insanity due to the drugs he was on. probably twenty five years. chill out. he will be out just in time to collect social security. he still wont have to get a job.
Let me guess..he cannot keep a job because of his drug problem so he gets a check.Right?If we are paying for him anyway,keep him locked up.
Any word On the victims condition/ name?
Night night Bill keep ur buthole tight !!!!!
What's really sad is the girl was just a kid and she is leaving behind 5 kids....because its unlikely she will recover. Even if she wasnt perfect, she did not deserve this. No one does.
Does any one know anything? did she die?
If you have any info on the girl, would you please post it here??
He has been found to be connected to another rape/assault. It's on the local news now.
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