It was two years ago at this time when Jim Rapp allegedly turned in his resignation to move on to greener pastures, (cough, year right) while some say the Mayor told him it was time to move on.
Nevertheless, these are the people who have done just about anything they could do to shut me down, have me arrested, you name it, they tried it. However, today Salisbury News has grown larger than the Daily Times and we continue to grow each and every day.
I share this photo for those who wondered if Rapp would ever leave and relieve the animals of such horrible deaths in volumes so unbelievable, even to this day I still can't believe it myself. That's OK though, they're in good hands now and many of the people involved in covering up the horror of that Zoo are now history and the animals can take a deep breath and sigh in relief.
Salisbury News spoke up for the animals and won, that's all that counts. Salisbury News stood up for the Citizens and won and again, that's all that matters. We'll just have to see what the new leadership brings us over time but one thing is for sure, it can't be worse than what we had!
Id rather kiss a baboons a$$
This is one lucky guy. A big wet kiss from Barrie Tilghman. Please Joe I just ate breakfast.
Oh Gawd that picture makes me gag
I can't help it. I wish that was me getting the kiss.
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