Hebron is clearly having issues with the MDE on their WWTP and Landfill. The ten day deadline is now up and so far I can't find out if Hebron paid up or it is going to the Attorney General.
The bigger question is, when they just passed an UNbalanced budget last Wednesday, how does Hebron plan to pay this fine of $6,000.00. Also, they presumably had the MDE
letter re: fine, so why wasn't it included in that budget?
More to come, I'm sure.
UPDATE: Mr. Pushkar has just advised: "The Department's position is that the problem was corrected prior to the mailing of the June 10 letter."
Any town stupid enough to let the"Wonder Roast" go bye bye isnt playing with a full deck.
Is Barrie Tilghman now the mayor of Hebron???
David Hooper:
Get you pal Jamie Rostocki to build his casino there, not in Delmar.
Has Hebron turned in the Comp plan stuff to the County for review by the Planning Commission -- the deadline for final approval is now just a few months away.
Maybe it's time for a "TIF" there, just like Barrie and Bubba did in Salisbury.
One thing is for sure: that big Waller Landing project proposed by Rostocki is a pipe dream. Even if the zoning is approved, Hebron won't be able to get the discharge permit to add enough sewage capacity.
Jamie: just go back to Wilmington and stay there.
Good comment to another post today:
"The Hebron town council doesn't know the first rule about how to get out of a hole that you have dug -- STOP DIGGING -- so don't expect them to "dig themselves out of the hole they've dug."
They didn't even know that the Town Charter requires a balanced budget, and now they are getting deeper and deeper with Rostocki with the State of Maryland on them for environmental problems at the sewer plant and such."
You thinks that`s neet ,Joe ckeck out the latest revision of the county water and sewer plan dated 6/22/09. check out the section on Salisbury, 4.2.1
Hebron leaders are looking worse and worse with each day--they're running for cover. Stand up, Hebron taxpayers; get to the next Town meeting (next Wednesday and let them and their two attorneys hear what you have to say). This is getting really bad in Hebron.
Are they talking about the old landfill that has not been used for over 50 years. It is so overgrown that no one can get to it. Why is it a danger to anyone?
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