Is it me or is the Sunday Daily Times a big bore today? I scanned through the articles, many of which were already posted here a day or two ago but if you're thinking of spending your hard earned money at the Newspaper Stands today, you'd be better off buying a cup of coffee and a donut for the same kind of money. Just my opinion.
UPDATE: Am I missing something or did the Daily Times completely forget to write a story about D-Day for the second day in a row?
I was pleased with the Shore Life Part with the awards. Why don't you ever have that part in your blog. Then I would have no reason to ever buy the Sunday Edition.
I like to look for the positives on Sunday like the awards to those who are recognized for an outstanding job. Nice to see an ECI person in there and two police officers that the Optimist awarded.
Thanks Joe for always putting yourself out there and getting a lot of grief.
very poor excuse for a newspaper and the website blows,period
The Daily Times has expired, as in died.
There are two good-sized articles about D-Day in today's paper, one on P. A-3 about President Obama's visit to France, and the other on P. A-4 focusing on Gen. Eisenhower's role as Allied Supreme Commander.
The Daily Times is 'same old, same old'.
It is a day late and there is never enough money. Pollitt contends that there is just not enough money to go around.
I guess so when you consider that The Daily Times editorial staff is being run by none other than the recipient lobby in this town.
IMHO, the last news story the DT did a good job of covering was the JFK assassination.
That was in '63...46 years ago. DT, ain't it about time for another decent job on your part? If not, then you need to revert the price of your paper to the '63 level. I'm just sayin.
And on the D-Day thing, you didn't even put anything in the paper on the actual anniversary. I'm sure my Uncle (who died on Utah Beach that day) would be proud of you.
The Daily Times might not be a NY Times equivalent but for those of us that enjoy reading a locdal newspaper its the best we've got.
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