I have read these blogs. You can tell the ones that have honest concerns and those that...well you good citizens know the idea. Yes, there are things that are unsettling regarding certain people but the point isn't to bad mouth or put down. The point is to make things fair and just. As far as the 2 story house goes. I don't know about that. But I have heard from several others as well as my own experience with permits being written after the fact. I think we need to look at the idea that sometimes people do things and then when brought to attention, well, then permits are granted. It is one thing is you made an honest mistake. It is a whole different story when the same thing occurs over and over. Not sure if that is legal but does seem to have some ethic issues. As far as down sizing p&Z. I don't know about that but I do have first hand experience with at least one person there that has difficulty when questioned or things are being requested of her.
As far as Mr. Willing. He is a nice guy and he may be pushed by others but I thought the State has rules governing over what can and can not be done. P&Z just needs to take that more seriously. I was told to take it to court. I did. But p&z held a meeting for the opposing party. I could not get that out side of court. How did the opposing party? and a letter was written by p&z which was not totally correct which was not signed but circulated.
To "I See U"
I would love to hear more of your experiences. I only know what I have endured and am not a contractor so I don't know the ins and outs. In talking with people, I have come across many that have had similar concerns. To :blutojthetotmom", I agree. It shouldn't matter how much you do or do not have. The rules should be the same for all. To Brian Fortune. Thanks for bringing this to light in a sincere and honest thought. I hope you stay in the county for awhile, we need more citizens like you. Good Citizen involvement. Yes, that is what is needed. I can only hope that as many good citizens as possible can attend the vote today. It seems like a hopeless and helpless cause at this point given the limited time but you have to start somewhere. Variance hearings need to stay from behind closed doors and in the public eye. I have been following the variance hearings as best as possible looking for the one that pertains to my area. It is not an easy task. I agree that politics have the potential for being corrupt. But they also have the potential to be just and in the publics best interest. And to the person that wrote..My My. Good attempt in trying to change the subject and even a better attempt of being defensive and rude to others trying to make a positive difference. I only wish I did have more time to spend on trying to make a difference with all the issues in Somerset County. But the issue today is the vote on whether variances should go in house or remain monitored by an outside body. I vote they stay out of house and in the public eye and more obtainable to public access. I just hope the that some of the people opposed to the in house rule show up. I am sure that the ones for it will.
Thanks Joe for giving me this forum.
If variances go in house you can bet your life that the decisions will be unfair to all. Everything should be open and discussed in public and monitored by an outside body. If I had not read this information on this site I would not even have known about this meeting, was it advertised anywhere?
It was advertised 2 weeks ago in the Somerset paper. The way it was written was a little confusing as I ended up going to the wrong meeting day and time as no one showed up but us and a meeting was not held even though it was advertised. Further inspection showed that the issue was due to be voted on today at 2 pm instead of the June 19th date. Today in the agenda apparently it is missing. I contacted a commissioner who stated it is to be held in July. He is checking and is to call me back to be sure. I will post the correct date and time for all those opposing. But this just goes to show how difficult it is to get the information you need to plan appropriately and to become involved.
Somerset P&Z has to many employees that just sit around the office all day with nothing to do. The enforcement officers that do go out ride in new, full size pickup trucks. Why do they need full size trucks? They don't carry any cargo. A small car or small pickup would be sufficient. A good department to cut expenses if the commissioners are serious about saving tax payers money. At least one officer arranges to be at home for lunch often during the day driving the vehicle.
I had a similar experence. I was told that if I didn't agree with their decision, I could either comply with it or convince a judge that I was right. It wasn't worth paying a lawyer for so I complyed but still thing they were wrong.
Okay, just got the info I was waiting for. The vote will be heard on July 21st at 2 pm not today. The way it was explained is that it would be a step process instead of 2 step. However. The initial step would be at the p&z office. Then the zoning appeals and then court if one wishes to take it that far. It is called stream lining to make variances quicker. The problem I have with this is that the first step would be during the day and if no one knows about it to contest, variances would go forward without a zoning appeals hearing. This is scary to me as things haven't been posted as they are to be and I would leave a lot up to trust in p&z. It was suggested that people call the commissioners to voice their opinion. The commissioners are Jimmy East, Rex Simpkins, Jimmy Ring, Mike McCready and Paul Ward. The number to leave your message is 651-0364. Please voice your opinion to get your voice heard and again the vote is July 21st at 2 pm.
It seems a though they are trying to sneak this through without the publics knowledge.
There are people who live in critical areas than are not even allowed to add a pool or build a garage,and I can understand their frustration when others are allowed to build whatever they want to.
I Can Take You Right Now To At least 2 Locations In Princess Anne Where Buildings Where Built Without Permits Or Inspections One Is Residental Garage Roughly 40'x30' No permits Where Pulled For This Project.How Do I Know This?? Because The Guy Him Self Told Me As Well As I Could Tell The Structure Had Not Been Inspected Because I Know Jerry Or Charlie Wouldnt Let That Garbage Structure Fly..It Was Built Resently And looks Like Its Ready To Fall Down Already.
Another One Is The Building Right Now Being Built Behind R.H Taylor Right Next To The Kings Creek Market On The Highway.I Havn't Seen No Permit Posted Like Its Suppose To Be.looked Like 6 People Out There Working On A 3 Man project And StillStill Its Not Finished Or Braced Securely.
Also Call Pocomoke Lowes And Ask Them About There Good Buddies From R.H Taylor That Took it Upon There Self To Climb A Display Ladder Outside The Contractor Area And Post One Of There Signs!!! That Was Removed By Lowes Employees As The R.H Taylor Truck Speed Off.
They Are Starting Out Real Good In the Area Ya Think???
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