Couldn't believe my Eyes!
Walked into Sam's Club in SBY today at noon with mother,wife and kids.
There was a table in the entry where they check your club card and faster than I could get my card back in my wallet an employee was handing my two daughters actual prescription pill bottles with candy packed in them. What the ...???
Now my 3 year old thinks all prescription pill bottles are just tasty snacks...
What in the world are they thinking over there?
There will be some calls on Monday morning from SBY to Arkansas to be sure.
I'm pissed, really pissed, what kind of pharmacy marketing is this...???
That is just plain f-d up. Amazing.
Seems wrong to me.
wow that is some pretty crappy marketing. whoever approved that idea should be fired ASAP!
This looks a bit ill-advised, but I don't think that in the grand sceme of things this is any worse than toy guns and candy cigarettes.
Bad idea? Maybe. Something to get yourself all worked up about? Probably not. There are lots of thing to get pissed about in the world and our little corner of it. Pick your battles and save yourself the ulcer.
That is insane. Whoever thought of this promotion should be made to do volunteer work at Poison Control and see how many kids take pills thinking they are candy. Shame on Sam's for letting this happen.
This story can't be true.
Someone is trying to start an attack on Sam's Club.
How stupid are these marketing geniuses? Have they not heard how many children are accidentally poisoned each year by getting into medicine cabinets - especially when so many pills look like tic-tacs and other candy?
I wrote the email to Joe yesterday.
It is true and yes I am still upset about it. we also placed the pictures and info on cnn-ireport; and is drawing more attention there.
Pharmacy times are tight and I guess they're desperate. Now that we have pharmacies on every corner, our kids can consider them candy stores....
Please verify if this happened. (A simple call to Sam's Club.)
If so, it is stupid and dangerous, more so than toy guns and candy cigarettes because pills are everywhere and children do get into them. This just reinforces the idea of pills as candy, a real danger to little ones and a possible danger later on to adults by not treating medicine seriously.
9:56, why don't YOU pick up a phone and verify it your damn self?
If your kid thinks a tootsie roll looks the same as a pill, they've got problems. Lighten up! And, by the way, just put your pills where your kid can't get them! Duh.
This story is absolutely true, I was with my husband and kids at Sam's yesterday. We'd be happy to meet with Joe for his inspection of the bottles. Unlike the anons here, I am a registered user, and I am sure Joe can get in touch with me if he chooses.
Whether or not you think it was a bad marketing ploy, it did its job – it was noticed. Teach your kids that medicine is not candy, and keep the medicine cabinet locked if you can’t trust your children, don’t be naïve and expect Sam’s Club or any other manufacturer to keep your children safe. Use your extra anger and the time it is going to take to complain to spend with your children.
Great advertising, tell your kids not to pick up pill bottles, maybe it was for adults to pick up?
Read the label, if your kids cant then keep everything from them, even the pet food.
I can't belive you all find this acceptable
Cant you see the evil in it? This country is slipping into a nation of credit & addiction. Were not going to make as we know ourselves now. Whats next credit cards for elementary school kids. Ask yourself,Who controls the money & Who controls the Media.
Get a grip, 11:53. When we grew up, there were candy cigarettes, no car seats for kids, parents smoked in the car, women drank and smoked while they were pregnant, and we would say "Bye, mom!" in the morning and return around 5:00 at night, without a cell phone! The horror!!!!!!!!!
Corporations were not as powerful or evil as they are now. Two differant worlds.
9:14 is right on. Extremely poor decision, why did they just not put a coupon in the bottle? Oh yea! Most bang for the buck, coupons would cost them some real money, whereas candy costs just pennies.
It was a clever marketing idea however I don't think it was very well thought through. Now children may probably think that a prescription bottle has candy in it. I just want to remind everyone to keep their medications locked out of the reach of children and parents won't have anything to worry about. This doesn't excuse Sam's Club for their less than thought through plan, but at least you'll be taking precautions at home as well.
What did you have to say that for?
Credit cards for elementary kids.
YOu will give the college kids a new market, when they graduate and cannot find a job.
Good idea.
i agree i am a mother of three small boys. I dont really like the idea but your kids should know the diffrence between meds and candy, But in another way i see how this has upset the mother that they gave the pill bottles to the kids they should have givin them to the mother and let her give the candy to her kids and threw the pill bottles out. They just need to come up with a better marketing plan if they want to make it kid friendly get an employee from the RX and maybe someone dress up like a clown.
If the concern here is that your kids will now think that pill bottles contain candy, then I think it's time to re-evaluate your parenting skills. For if your kids take everything they see at face value, you're gonna have a couple of pretty f-ed up youngans.
12:09 is right on and so is 1:10. The rest of you need to get a grip. Be parents and put the medicine where it belongs - out of reach - and most kids really do know that candy doesn't come in medicine bottles, and if they don't know it, then you haven't done your job as parents, have you.
Yeah what were they thinking. The are suppose to teach your kids right and wrong so you won't have to..dam them!
ok if your kid is too dumb to realize the difference between a tootsie roll and a little pill then there is a serious problem. even really young kids are smarter than you know.
I read this on another website- at first, I thought it was no big deal. But, after some thought, I have a different perspective. It seems a lot suggest that you should teach your kids that meds aren't candy- I agree- except they put candy in an Rx bottle... I have a 2-year old. I daresay she'd be a bit cinfused uf this happened to her. And yes- our meds are all stored well out of reach- same for a lot of families, I imagine. Yt there are accidental poisonings all the time.
maybe the automotive dept. will give out lemonade in gas cans and the beauty supply aisle can give out pudding in noxema jars
Take your grandkids and have a blast you people who don't understand the issue
Get a life. I ate candy cigarettes as a kid and didn't grow up to smoke or eat real cigarettes. How intelligent is a child that can't tell a tootsie roll from a pill? If they are that young they can't open the cap. Just another chance to complain about something.
Yup... just teach your kids common sense. In a pill case or not... they still need to read and understand.
If they know not to take pills from those containers, there are only about a million other cases/boxes/containers that are harmful if swallowed.
Get a grip.
I'm sure someone thought they were coming up with a good marketing plan, but this was obviously not thought through and backfired heavily. Sam's Club should own up to their error.
I don't think it's a matter of if children are smart enough to know that it's a tootsie roll, not a pill. I think the problem is the fact that as an earlier comment suggested, when you have toddlers or young children involved, one can never be too safe. Children of that age aren't going to know the difference between the two. No, the pill bottles shouldn't be within reach of the young ones, but one way or another, sometimes they get to things that they shouldn't.
My guess is that those of you who are writing in making snide comments, thinking there is nothing wrong with this, or blaming those that do feel it's wrong on bad parenting skills- well, you probably don't have children. If you do have children, I feel sorry for you because you may possibly be the parent of one of the arrested prostitutes that Joe posted on here this weekend. Obviously, you didn't/don't pay much attention to your child and the way that children behave. Even the best parent is going to have a child with scrapes and scratches. Even the best parent is going to watch their young child have accidents or get into stuff they shouldn't get into. When we are teaching our children how to live a good, safe life, it makes it more difficult when they are being mislead about things such as there being candy in a pill container.
wow. what a nasty bunch.
yes, they used to sell candy cigarettes. when the public made a fuss and suggested it was a bad idea, it stopped. so yes, complaining can make a difference. heck, look at this blog.
businesses should be responsible and NOT do stupid things that require parents to HAVE to worry that their kids might be confused.
And for those of you who don't think it's a big deal - seriously, 4 year olds can't read. If one adult says the things in pill bottles are bad, and another says pill bottles have candy in them - that's just bad. No matter HOW good of a parent you are, you can't expect very little kids to have good judgement all the time, and it is up to ALL adults to not do stupid things like give them candy in pill bottles.
The fact that the parents of Salisbury apparently think that their kids wouldn't ever take pills, think they are such great parents that this is not a problem, and think corporations don't need to show any responsibility explains why I get the students I do here.
It is a VERY bad advertising angle,and kind of goes against everything I have taught my child about medicine and poisons but ultimately it is up to us to keep that stuff where they cannot get it.Lighters,drugs,scissors-responsible parents tend to store those things where kids cannot get to them easily.Thats said,it was still a real bonehead move on Sams club part and they should not have done it
Were the bottles "child proof"?
What a tease, you can see the candy, but you can't open the bottle. Wow.
Imagine beer packaged so that only children can figure out a way to open it.
Whoever ran this idea is obviously impotent because they dont have kids of their own. j@ck@sses
That's just fab. The perfect followup to the Cherry Flavored Cough Soft Chew tabs that my kid thought were candy. (He ate the whole box in secret, BTW. I found the empty box under a pile of underwear.)
When I was a first-time mother I was appalled to see my friends allowing their young children to play with over the counter pain reliever bottles because they rattled. Mentioning what a bad idea this was, I was told that "he/she can't get the cap off" to which I replied, "not yet, but eventually..." I never wanted my children to confuse anything that was medicinal with toys or candy, simply for their own protection. What in the heck were they thinking at Wal-Mart to forge ahead with such a promotion!? People never cease to fascinate me, and more often that not, not in a good way.
People need to chill a little. As a parent I am horrified. I have always taken great strides to make sure my kids don't think pills are candy, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. And I remember a day in 1st grade health class where they showed us a chart with candy and pills that looked similar, to help teach you not to eat things when you don't know what they are. My point is, it's a real danger. Unfortunately not everyone is a good parent. Its sad but still, people should really think.
Reminds me of the droves of people so eager to see Saddam hung, and after the kids saw the video, there were a handful of cases of kids hanging themselves.
Listen people kids are naive, and don't understand things like medications and prescriptions, they link images with ideas very easily, and through the natural learning process linking candy with a prescription bottle is a very dangerous message to be sending.
Yes in the 'old days' people were different, the world we lived in was different. If you're going to compare American parenting from 30 years ago, also compare how many more prescription bottles are in the average household today, and how much more time children may spend unattended at home today.
One life lost because of this is too many, conversely, making a big fuss about it may save a life.
I find it funny that someone who calls herself mommaneedswine is outraged by this
With the name Mommaneedswine, I think your kids are in more danger from you that candy in a pill bottle...
last post
Wow. Try a little parenting rather than getting yourself all worked up over something that is 100% in your control.
If you didn't want YOUR kids to have the candy, tell YOUR kids no, and talk to management then and there about what a bad idea you think it is.
Don't accept it and THEN decide you're outraged and want national attention and some sort of compensation.
I hate people like you.
This thread sure brought out the Internet jack*sses in force! Common sense says candy in a pill bottle is just a bad idea for kids. Unfortunately common sense is a foreign concept to the posters here on this thread.
What's the big deal, you bought it. Quit whining. I'm so sick of having to do things that don't hurt anyone's feelings. Get a life people! You are not guaranteed not to have your feelings hurt!
What were these people thinking? Now the author of this article will have to get off her @ss and do some parenting. She will have to put her med bottles away (maybe even out of reach!) and actually supervise her child(ren). Having to supervise the little brats takes all the fun out of parenting. It might even interrupt "Jerry Springer" and her soaps.
I think she is right to excoriate Sam's Club for being so inconsiderate. After all, one cannot be a mommy and have a career at the same time and she learned from N.O.W. that she can never be fulfilled as "just a mommy". Besides, what kind of byline is that? It will never win her a Pulitzer.
Um...sure, we can all make sure that our kids don't have access to pill bottles when they are at home. What about when they are at friends' houses? Family functions? It's fine and dandy to insist that parents should be teaching their children that medicine is not candy. It's naive to think that parental influence is the only influence (more than naive, quite dangerous actually) and that children somehow don't get confused by this type of mixed message. Kids don't always "get" things the way that parents intend them to, or as deeply as we hope. It's up to all adults to protect children from making a deadly mistake such as thinking that candy comes in a pill bottle. You know, because in this case....it did?!
sams is just doing there part in what nature would call.. population control.. sams was stupid to do it.. you were stupid to let your kids take it.. and if anything bad happens.. well.. welcome to the world.. its not fair.. its not safe.. it just is.. so get over it. and take some control in YOUR life.
Attracting children to pill bottles is just plain stupid, doesn't matter if you think it's an overreaction by the parents or a bad marketing supply.
It's just dumb.
I am a student pharmacist and also a mother of two. While I agree that this marketing ploy may not be the best idea, I think it has gotten many of you to think about medication safety and children.
From a very young age, I have taught my oldest (who is 4 now) that she must never take any "medicine" unless mommy, daddy or the doctor is giving it to her. Every time she takes her vitamins or a dose of medication, I reinforce that message.
I also make sure to put all medicines in a cabinet with a child-proof lock on it so that she can not get to them.
I've seen this type of marketing several times before, however this is the first time I have heard of them passing the vials out to children. Usually this tactic is aimed at adults. I'm guessing the person who passed these out was not actually a pharmacist or pharmacy technician but your average cashier who was told to give them out and lacked the common sense to judge who should and should not receive one.
For one, that isn't an actual prescription pill bottle. Otherwise the lid wouldn't have come off as easily as it did.
Two, while this was a really bad idea you should.. I dunno, TEACH YOUR CHILD that taking prescription drugs not meant for her is bad? Or are you just going to wait for her to take one and get sick then sue Sams Club?
And finally.. just how many prescriptions do you have in your house that's got you worried?
Whats next for the sams club marketing geniuses - how about kool aid in a liquid drano bottle. And if your kids don't know that drano isn't red, you aren't a good parent.
I don't believe that any of the people saying "Just be a frikken parent instead of whining to Sam's Club" are actually parents.
If they were, they would know what it's like to do your very best to get a message across to the kids and just hope that they listen.
They have no idea how determined kids can be if they want to do something, no matter what you say.
So why isn't anyone upset that they were handing out CANDY??!??! All we ever hear about is childhood obesity, blah blah blah, and here is this store contributing to THAT problem!!! How dare they give out CANDY instead of some healthier treat??!? But great idea for recycling those pill bottles... :)
Cigarettes and guns are not kept in every household, but for the most part prescription drugs are. Sure, if you have kids, you'd probably keep your drugs out of reach, but what about your neighbors, what about your kid's friend's houses, what about their grandparents?
Bottom line is that prescription drugs are more widely available for young kids to get into, and this kind of marketing would make them even more likely than before to try to take a prescription drug. So yes, it IS something worth getting this pissed off about.
If your kid runs out into the street and gets killed by a car, you should have taught them not to run out into the street, bad parenting!
If your kid grabs a kitchen knife when your backs turned, falls on it and impales themself, you should have taught them not to play with knives, your fault, bad parenting!
The only bad parents here are the ones who actually believe that kids are not, well kids. Kids disobey, experiment, get into mischief, and do stupid stuff because they are kids for goodness sake, not because of bad parents. A good parent teaches them well and does what they can to protect them from when they stray.
Hey all you "good parents", How about we sell pacifiers shaped like a penis or a crack pipe for little baby Johnny to suck on?
We need mandatory sterilization for stupid parents.
I AM a mommy, of two small children. I read this, and although I can see how it was dumb of the company to do it... all I'd have to do is tell my children.. "wow, they used medicine bottles to put candy in.. isn't that silly? Mommy would NEVER do that, that's a bit dangerous." We would talk about it, and my children would know better.
Call it a learning opportunity... teachable moments.. etc.
(My children are 6 and 2)
No need to blow up over this... sheesh.
Talk to the management, the only thing the internet is complain, defend, and argue about it.
I love this idea
To "I AM a mommy, of two small children", Are you such a great parent that you only have to tell your children something once and they obey that rule from then on? Amazing! Myself, I can tell my kids to close the door behind them as they're walking through it and they might forget. They're clearly retarded.
To "Try a little parenting rather than getting yourself all worked up over something that is 100% in your control", You're an idiot. The situation may be in your control, but young minds draw their own conclusions based on their limited experience. You have no control over what they think. In fact, children even 4 or 5 years old don't have the vocabulary to articulate everything they think, so they might not even be able to tell you.
All the morons who don't think this was a bad idea and parents need to have better control of their kids, are clearly in the 20 to 25 years of age range. This is a stage in which they know everything about life because they think they've been around. It's similar to being a preteen who know everything because they're so much more mature now.
The facts are that children do not do what they're told all the time, just take a look back at your own childhood. Children do not use good judgment, if they did we wouldn't have to watch them all the time. Children do not think things through before they act, they haven't learned that actions lead to consequence. Parents will not see everything, I hope you will stop my child from running out in front of a car. I'll certainly stop yours.
Damned helicopter parents. It's no wonder your kids are weak, stupid, susceptible to disease, and unable to function in the business world when they graduate. You hover over them, and micro-manage them, and then when something like this happens you WHINE about it instead of just sitting down with your kids and telling them what's going on, and trusting that they'll make good decisions. Instead, you make them believe that ANY slight against them, or ANY challenge for them is something for mommy and daddy to handle.
They can't play in the dirt lest they get germs. They can't walk home from school lest they get kidnapped. They can't choose their own path because you're living vicariously through them, and all the while you're conveniently forgetting how smart, durable, and endangered we 30+ folks were, and how despite having dangerous playground equipment, toy guns that looked real, candy cigarettes and bubble pipes, and YES- CANDY PILLS THAT CAME IN BOTTLES MARKED "RX"- we survived and are better people for it.
Kids today are a mess. They're going to end up unable to act on their own, and they'll get a major disease from the first germ that looks at them sideways because you never let them get dirty, and build up an immunity to what's out there.
This is a non-issue. You just want to get pissed off because it makes YOU feel better. Your kids are either TOO DUMB TO LIVE or SMART ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND when you tell them that stuff in those bottles must go through YOU first, and that they are not to open them themselves.
It's simple. You're dumb.
HILARIOUS!!! I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time. what a mess. lol!
I think you are right to be angry, but are wrong on what you are mad about... there are much bigger things to worry about. Now, if you do your job as a parent, then your child will know that the contents of ANY prescription bottle should not be taken WITHOUT your permission. If you were that bothered by it, it is as simple as declining the candy and expressing your concerns there... and before anyone makes any assumptions, I am a mother myself and I care greatly for my children and their safety. I also acknowledge that it is MY job to teach them what is ok and what is not ok, right and wrong. My children do not have access to any medication at home, but if they do encounter any outside of our home, they know that it is not for them and it is not okay to take anything without our consent. I doubt that your children are going to grow up thinking that pill bottles contain candy if you do a good job at explaining things to them. I am in NO way condoning their methods of marketing. I agree that it was definitely a poor choice. I have a problem with ALL marketing campaigns directed at children. I am upset, too, but we are just upset about different things.
I think it's a cute idea.
Parents should not leave meds out. Blame the parents, not corporate America.
Who ever said that the marketing was aimed at children? Why the hell would you do that? They can't walk in to a pharmacy and pay for their prescription. Don't adults eat candy too?? Maybe some parents need to look at what is being handed out before giving it to the child and actually take it out of the container first!
i cannot believe some of these comments.
it is stupid to give kids candy in a pill bottle. i would be pissed off too. i think the op was just saying hey they did this and it is the stupidest rx marketing ive seen bc they are giving it to kids. it is bad! i am a parent and i would be pissed!
does that make me a bad parent? no. i still do my job, i still teach my kid what not to do, and i would also take the bottle and say this is silly you shouldnt put candy in a pill bottle. medicine is not candy and it can be very dangerous. i would take the bottle away. i would tell the guy that they should not be giving that to children, and i would make public knowledge of how stupid that marketing campaign was.
whoever is accusing people of taking the candy then suing sams, well that is stupid. making it known that there is some shady marketing happenning is not the same as blaming everything on the corporation.
come on people. i bet most of you being soo mean about this and calling everyone bad parents, you dont have kids do you? if you did you would see how even a good parent would think it was a bad idea for people to be handing out candy in pill bottles.
I think they should file a lawsuit for a large amount to make companies think twice next time.
To the 12:21 blogger that was anonymous: please don't confuse Wal-mart with Sam's Club. Although similar, they are run under different corporate rules, just FYI...
Wow. I can't believe half the people commenting who think what sam's club did doesn't matter and that parents just need to teach their kids. None of you must have taken psychology in school. I guess we should just let everyone do whatever they want with kids and expect that they should know right from wrong and we taught them well. I have no faith in human kind.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday At Sam's Club
Couldn't believe my Eyes!
Walked into Sam's Club in SBY today at noon with mother,wife and kids.
There was a table in the entry where they check your club card and faster than I could get my card back in my wallet an employee was handing my two daughters actual prescription pill bottles with candy packed in them. What the ...???
Now my 3 year old thinks all prescription pill bottles are just tasty snacks...
What in the world are they thinking over there?
There will be some calls on Monday morning from SBY to Arkansas to be sure.
I'm pissed, really pissed, what kind of pharmacy marketing is this...???
Let people right click.
To the people who say "Your kids should know the difference between a tootsie roll and a pill."
Yea maybe your right, but that doesn't mean they still won't think it's candy.
"Hey it's not a tootsie roll, but it's probably candy."
This is a bad message.
and yes while i do think we need to keep this things out of reach of children, things do happen.
2:00 (yes, people are times to me!), what exactly would you suggest people sue Sam's Club for? Sure, you can file a lawsuit whenever, but it must have legal merit for it to be taken seriously!
And 8:20, I have no faith in human kind, either, but for different reasons. I agree with the posters who stated that it is the parents' responsibility to raise their children! (And I was a psychology minor, fyi.)
Oh, and to alex at 11:45, yes, I do have kids.
Bruce and Bill were obvious failures when it came to disciplining their own kids.
No matter what you teach your children, something like this is going to confuse the very young ones, and can give them the wrong idea. Most parents are responsible and keep meds out of reach, but accidents happen and ridiculous marketing like this makes mistakes easier. It is irresponsible, and they should definitely rethink their strategy. Based on a lot of these comments, I'm guessing a lot of you have not been around young children.
I feel the need to jump back in here. Thanks again Joe for posting my issues with Sam's Pharmacy. I gotta tell you all I'm rather dissapointed with those of you who think this was no big deal and we're some bad parents. Of course we have educated our kids about pills, poisons etc. and have those put away behind safety latches and yes child proof whenever possible too. If it were that simple, would we have problems with little kids having their stomachs pumped because they got into something they weren't supposed to? I am specifically talking about my 3 yr old. She is smart (smarter than me to be sure ) but that doesn't mean she knows more. The sams club employee handed the two bottles to my daughters in an instant and just as I was putting my card away. No, they did not ask if it was OK? Yes, they are actual perscription bottles. Am I just fishing for a lawsuit? - cetainly not. Should Sam's be penalized? I believe that depends on whether this is truely an "isolated incident" or not. We have already heard it is not. To all of you who think its funny or no big deal, I'd bet you haven't had busy toddlers or it has been so long you've forgotten what they are capable of. I am still pretty bent out about walmart/sams trying to undo our kids training/education with some stupid idea that has no marketing value to a child. My daughter already wants to go to the bank drivethru every other day for a lollypop; what now?
Hey Dad let's go the pharmacy...???
reminds me of the candy cigarettes
If you're so outraged, why didn't you complain about it then and there to management, instead of coming straight onto the internet to bitch and moan?
anonymous 6:40, That's my job, to bitch and moan. To sit silent is to ignore the situation. Trust me, we got it resolved and it will NEVER happen again.
Wow. I understand they were trying to be creative about their marketing...BUT COME ON......that is just the craziest lame brain idea I have ever heard of!!!
This is...just...shocking to be honest.
Rx bottles should be used for medications only. Toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary school aged children have NOT developed the ability of critical thinking. Untill then what they see or hear can lead them to make poor choices. It is hard enought to learn what is right or wrong without having to deal with product/store promotions that are not age appropriate.
I found this blog because a Wal-Mart tech gave the entire 4th grade class candy in a pill bottle for career day, the same pill bottle that i received for my own prescription. I wanted to know if this was even legal! It is serious because the tech even showed the children how to get the bottle open to retrieve the candy! This is rediculous, and yes phone calls will be made to the manager first thing tomorrow.
I think this was an awesome idea and you guys are all poor sports. Stop sitting at home collecting government money bit ching about everything. sheesh
I bet that bottle fix their sweet tooth craving
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