If you were relying on the MSM to report on this incident you would say, NOT. I have been waiting nearly a month, 3 weeks to be exact, to see if anything was going to be reported on this incident by any of the MSM, or not. Obviously, the answer is NOT.
On May 12, 2009, a Tuesday night, when all was quiet over most of Wicomico County, at 11:00 p.m. students were partying like it was a weekend. Partying in large numbers on Cynthia Place, Varsity Lane, and Onley Road. It's the end of classes for many and along with that comes the revelry of either graduation or long awaited summer break, we've all learned to expect it and deal with it, somewhat. The difference on this date, the celebration on Onley Road got a bit out of hand, quite a bit out of hand.
At nearly midnight, Salisbury Police were called out for a fight. Little did they know, there would be 400+ young people out in the streets, in a drunken brawl. In my estimation, of all accounts provided, this was more than a drunken brawl, this was nothing less than a riot. Fists thrown, beer bottles thrown, people being beaten up, shattering the windshields of Salisbury police vehicles, personal property being destroyed, etc. Had these kids set fire to surrounding buildings it would have been a riot on the same scale as the Watts riots.
City police made every attempt to bring the situation under control, according to SU Police calls for service, SPD called the SU police to provide assistance. Neighbors and students said, assistance was provided by Wicomico County Sheriff's deputies, as well.
Today, I called Salisbury University police and spoke with Jack Bunting. I inquired about this incident and asked for a disposition. He transferred me to Student Affairs. A woman with a pleasant voice answered, I asked of her the same information, she transferred me yet again. This time I spoke with Mr. Dane Foust, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. While he was very polite he offered no real information other than to say he found it strange I would be calling today. When asked why strange, he replied that they just put a call in to Chief Allan Webster of SPD to schedule a meeting on this very subject. The meeting is to be held with the Dean of Students, Chief Ed Lashley and Chief Webster. That is all the information he would provide at this time.
Now that school is nearly over and the students either have returned home or are preparing to return to their respective homes, I think it a bit late to attempt any accountability. They should have been arrested at the time of the incident not after a meeting a month later, if at all. Mr. Foust claims they don't know what students are involved. How can they not know when SPD allegedly provided the Dean of Students a list of 93 names of those involved? Mr. Foust claims to have no knowledge of the list of names. Giving Mr. Foust the benefit of doubt, let's assume he has no knowledge of this list. Why hasn't the Dean of Students provided him with this information? Why didn't SPD, SU and WCSO arrest and charge these 93 students? Why is this being kept quiet? I realize relations with the University and the neighborhoods are strained at times but, how can we ever have any level of confidence in the word of the leaders at SU if they keep sweeping things under the rug? Did they honestly believe no one knew about this incident? How will we ever have transparency in our local government if the Chief of Police aids the University in sweeping these incidents under the rug?
Who is going to reimburse the city's insurance company for the damages to the police vehicles? If the city's insurance carrier is not going to be reimbursed, how much damage has to be suffered, at the hands of drunken students, before someone is held accountable and financially responsible? Where is that Government in the Sunshine we've all been promised?
Onley Rd. isn't that area called "the Zoo"? That was a great party zone back in the day (and seems to still be).
Youre comparing this to the Watts riots? Give me a break. Don't manufacture stories that aren't there by speculating and let the facts speak for themselves.
Methinks the police need to attack unruly crowds like this with k-9 dogs, tazers, beanbag guns, etc and after one warning to cease and desist, begin to use these instruments. Maybe they would think twice before doing it again. These kids need to know that defying authority will result in some suffering. Remember Kent State .......... How smart can one be to stand there and defy police with weapons, throwing sh__
I would have been the hell out of there. Guess just because they are in college does not mean they are very smart. SSU (as it will always be to me) needs to clean up its act.
Joe, the culture of SU over the years has been to "sweep it under the rug" to avoid any kind of negative publicity for potential student sponsors (their parents).
First degree assaults, sexual assaults, and even rapes have been swept under the rug under the guise of "we (SU) can take care of it ourselves.
When Jim Phillips was chief of campus police, when Carol Williamson was VP of Student affairs, and Barry King was Assistant dir. of student affairs, the mentality of appeasement to the students and acceptance of deviant behavior reached its peak. It is not as bad now that Ed Lashley took over but he is still following orders.
One only has to look at the Maryland and Delaware criminal and driving histories of the President's children to know that the behavior reached all the way to the top.
You, and many others, would be surprised as to what is NOT reported to even the police, let alone the Salisbury public. Students have lost all faith in the Salisbury City Police Department and the perception that they are being "picked on" for drinking while "real crime" goes unabated, has left students soured on ANY kind of relationship with Law Enforcement - to the point where they will NOT call about criminal acts being performed to them and around them. It is a joke.
Crime is serious and rampant in a lot of the "good neighborhoods" not only BY the students, but by our "locals" as well. Most parents would be shocked as hell if they only knew what goes on in Salisbury with their precious children. Do you think Salisbury University's recruitment people would want the parents to know that? Hell no so you have an institutional coverup that reaches even to the SPD. Its all bullsh--.
Get Ireton, Lashley, Eschbach, Mike Lewis, and a brand NEW police chief together for a public forum, whereby students and residents are offered an unfiltered chance to comment and where law enforcement puts the college on notice for 0 tolerance of student crime - and I guarentee you that the problem will start getting better. Until Webster goes, not a damn thing will change. Until law enforcement puts the "word" out to the college, nothing will change, and until the people of Wicomico rise up and say "no more of the coverup and bs", nothing will change. Start with Webster and the rest will be easy. Its time to take back control of this town.
Maybe everywhere that the students live in these rentals should have security cameras so after the fact the tapes can show who should be charged and diciplined. Tapes dont lie.
Yes there were large number of SU students partying but........ what usually starts these large brawls is the locals/wanna be gangsters are the source of these problems.
I agree Jack, thanks for your opinion as a former police officer.
So you want them to stay around only long enough to sell their drugs and leave huh.
Anon 941 The fact that 400 people, students or residents were fighting in the streets, terrorizing the neighborhood, busting out windshields of police cars is enough to know there are real problems in the city and the university. Both are guilty of concealing this information. Both, SU and the Chief of SPD need to be taken to task once and for all. The chief of police should have been replaced long ago. SU is a large part of our community, if they can't abide by the rules then the leaders of our community need to enforce the rules as suggested, with zero tolerance. The worse that will happen is Eschbach will be replaced, the state is not going to shut down the college and move it elsewhere.
And let us also be fair since I was at Cynthia Place. Around 300 students is correct but that was spread out over 15 duplexes or 30 units. So that is ony 10 people per unit. The cops were very nice and the only trouble we had was when thugs from Smith Street showed up and caused trouble. We called the police because these idiot thugs were throwing crap at us and threating to stab us if we did not give these 14 year olds beer. Get the right facts sir. I called SBY POLICE and even gave them my name.
I spoke to numerous Officials about this matter and quite frankly I was told it was closer to 500 people. The author of this Post was being generous to SU and the Police, I would have not been so kind.
As for your youthful attitude, time will change your opinion on how you see and handle things down the road. I want to personally thank you for using your name, unlike most pansie men on here too afraid of their own shadow.
Have a great day and thanks for sharing your opinion.
Anon 9:21 is right and so is Jack. Change needs to happen at our local city police department, and it needs to happen NOW. Come on Jim Ireton, where are you and what are you going to do about change that needs to be made?
Cindy, Thank you for taking the time to post your position on the party and large crowd at Cynthia Place. However, this post specifically states Onley Road as being the area of unrest.
I bid to disagree, maybe you aught to go back and read what you wrote.
You have named 3 locations/ streets:
Cynthia Place, Varsity Lane & Onley Rd. Furthermore you stated that 400 "young" poeple were out (rioting by your implication) in the Streets, again implying more than one street, further implying they were all over the place.
Now let me ask you if the SPD named 93 "young" poeple, what happened to the remainder 307?
You poke a sleeping bear long enough it'll eventually wake up and stir up some shit.
During all 4 years that I spent at SU, I would be busted for drinking/partying once a week by the police.
ONCE A WEEK. Luckily this only turned out to 2 court appearances, but I am only one person. The police simply do not allow parties to happen, no matter how big or small.
It's a shame this has happened, but it is basically forced on the students. Either lock your doors, cover the blinds, and party in your basement, or tell everyone you know to meet up in the zoo and start drinking. They can't stop everyone right?
That's the mentality we are forced to live by as most of us going to a D3 school don't have mommy and daddy to support our drinking tickets.
And I promise you the locals are the ones stirring up the trouble. I'd hate to turn this into a "school vs locals" thing, but that's just the way it is.
First it was 400 now it's "closer to 500" but 93 names came out.
I can guarantee you that with those spread out locations that there was NO headcount done! 93 heads in Cynthia Place could look crowded, and assumed to be 200.
Facts are facts and you simply have assumptions right now.
Let the school handle it Joe. It was posted on their crime beat, so it wasn't hidden from anyone. Stop stirring the pot.
anonymous 10:43,
Well, now there are Blogs and information like this will now become available. The SU Crime Website is on our radar screen and while we'll always leave it up to the authorities to handle it, we will expose the information to the public because the MSM will NOT.
Honestaby, I don't mind your disagreement or the opportunity to clarify. Yes, 3 streets were named as places where police were dispatched for large crowds and parties. This information was also provided by SU police calls for service. It's on the site listed below the photo.
The fight at Onley Road and S. Division is where the police listed 400+ students. It is in the calls for service provided by SU police, located at the top of the post. As for the more than 307not listed, that is a question you will have to ask the police. I hope you get better answers than I.
What would you call a large, unruly crowd, fighting, throwing beer bottles, destroying personal and city property, putting the lives of police officers in danger? Certainly not a brouhaha. This incident, by definition of the word, was a riot.
See www.merriam-webster.com
2 a: public violence, tumult, or disorder b: a violent public disorder ; specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent
What I wrote "Partying in large numbers on Cynthia Place, Varsity Lane, and Onley Road. It's the end of classes for many and along with that comes the revelry of either graduation or long awaited summer break, we've all learned to expect it and deal with it, somewhat. The difference on this date, the celebration on Onley Road got a bit out of hand, quite a bit out of hand."
Anon 10:37 I'm sure locals were involved they are often guests at these parties, invited or uninvited, they show up. The intent of this post was not to cause further division in a city already divided. We have politicians that do that. The intent of this post was to make people aware of events of this magnitude being swept under the rug, by the school and the city.
Anon 10:43 The fact is this incident happened at Onley Road, read the call for service.
FACT-The school has had 3 weeks to handle it, they have yet to act on it.
FACT-The only action taken, that I am aware, is an attempt made yesterday, to schedule a meeting with SU police chief, SPD police chief and the Dean of Students. I was given this information by the Asso. VP of Student Affairs. This should have been handled immediately.
FACT-The numbers came from the police.
FACT-Had you read the post correctly you would know this incident was one of 3 calls for large crowds on that same night.
No assumptions, just the facts.
Just because there was over 400 to 10,000 students does not mean that every student was involved in the crazy "RIOTS" that burnt houses, flipped cars, brought down light poles and sent hundreds to the local hospital. Sorry, I might have over exaggerated...... like this story.
10:37 is absolutely correct. Every outside party (small and large) that I have been to was shut down by the police. We would have a party every once in a while at our house. We had to close our shades, make sure no one was outside, lock the doors and keep the music down. We had the police called one time and it was by a girl who we kicked out for being disruptive.
As a Salisbury Alumni its sad to see so many negative comments about the university. Every story about the University is negative which has prompted negative stereotypes of the students. There are many student organizations that contribute to this community. Do you ever hear any of this? No, because its not news worthy. No one would be interested and it wouldn't receive any feedback. This town has flourished because of the college. I also love how people move in a college community and then complain about about noisy party's. What were you expecting?
I went to Salisbury for 3 years and have attended many parties. I was only at one party that resulted in destruction of property. It was the big party at the "zoo" 4 or 5 years ago. Just because some idiot thought it would be cool to burn his own couch in the street doesn't represent every other student there. I have pictures of this party with students standing around respectfully, drinking, and talking with friends. There were so many cans on the ground during the party but the next morning I drove by, expecting the place to be trashed, and the entire place was cleaned and every can was picked up and in a bag. I couldn't believe it.
You complainers out there might not want to hear this and might have a hard to believing it but there is always a few bad apples but for the most part most students are respectful. We are not as bad as you people want us to be
Ghanima -
OK. Let's look at all your facts.
You said in your story...
"On May 12, 2009, a Tuesday night, when all was quiet over most of Wicomico County, at 11:00 p.m. students were partying like it was a weekend. Partying in large numbers on Cynthia Place, Varsity Lane, and Onley Road."
That's 3 different locations.
"At nearly midnight, Salisbury Police were called out for a fight. Little did they know, there would be 400+ young people out in the streets, in a drunken brawl."
So, you list 3 locations and also say "400+ young people out in the streets"
It appears your "streets" are from all 3 previously stated locations, and not just 1. People didn't it read it wrong.
More "facts" made...
* "The intent of this post was to make people aware of events of this magnitude being swept under the rug, by the school and the city."
That's a fact? The phone call stated there was an upcoming meeting regarding this topic, and it was posted on their crime beat. So how is that "swept under the rug"? Maybe "events of this magnitude" require time (especially if students are gone for the summer). Doesn't seem like many facts there.
* "FACT-The school has had 3 weeks to handle it, they have yet to act on it."
You work for the University and know what they've done? Since you are making phone calls for info it appears you don't. So that's not a fact.
* "FACT-The only action taken, that I am aware, is an attempt made yesterday, to schedule a meeting with SU police chief, SPD police chief and the Dean of Students. I was given this information by the Asso. VP of Student Affairs. This should have been handled immediately."
Honestly, can you make a "fact" and include the line "that I am aware"?
* "FACT-The numbers came from the police."
What numbers?? 93, 400, or 500? did the police pass out a survey to ensure the exact headcount? Again, how is "93" or "400+" or "500+" a fact?
Look forward to your thoughts back.
I can tell you one difference from when I went to school at SSU and now.
Partying was still every weekend back then... but we never heard stories of "locals" coming into the houses or outside parties and robbing or picking fights.
You know, I've been doing this Blog thing locally longer than most and one thing that I can clearly see from this Post is the longer comments and IMHO, DAMAGE CONTROL.
I smell a skunk.
Maybe its a Wiessell.
"I can clearly see from this Post is the longer comments and IMHO, DAMAGE CONTROL"
The long posts are simply debunking another half known story.
It was posted on SU's crimebeat. If it wasn't then you may have a case. Damage control of what? You will never know what the school is doing on the issue, and that's a fact. It's just another place that won't give you details, and you hate it.
Just a lot of opinions in this story.
"I think it a bit late to attempt any accountability."
Your thoughts and their actions are 2 different things.
If the students have left for the summer then I guess they have time to dig through the names. Some might have graduated and not be coming back. I've heard stories where students haven't been brought back because of crimes committed, so I trust that SU will handle this like all the other incidents. This isn't the first time a party has taken place!
Damage Control? Ha Ha, so you actually think an representative from the university is commenting on your blog to help save the schools image? Seems a litte arrogant to me. Maybe we (students and alumni) are tired of getting attacked by crazy locals. I post the 11:26 comment and graduated in 07. Every story I hear about the school is negative. I wasn't a demon student. I'm a very respectful person and would go out of my way to help anyone.
11:15 you need to go back to school and get a real education. You clearly don't have a clue. As a matter of fact, I believe you are probably just some punk who dropped out of school and is mad at the system for your own self-implosion. Do us all a favor and take your conspiracy theories to John Robinson.
11:47 if that is the case, then who is hurt more? Joe? or the citizens of Wicomico County? The local people still have no idea about what really goes on and all Joe is trying to do is what should be done all along, publicize it.
Were all just a bunch of Crazy Locals, I bet you have never even eaten a crab have you.
Where the heck is Lady Caruso? This is right up her alley, did she get ship-wrecked or something. Or is she here and shes hiding.
If there was a riot or large crowd gathered destroying property in any other neighborhood in this county those the police could catch at the scene would have been hauled in to the commissioners office and possibly jailed for the night. This happens in neighborhood where the college recently built student housing and it's kept quiet. All students are not disruptive or destructive. Those that are will always put the college in a bad light.
If the college wants information of the good things the students do they should send it to Joe so he can post it, then you won't be able to accuse him of being biased. Then you can find something else to complain about.
Who reads crime beat? Who goes to any police agency site looking at the calls for service? The everyday person certainly doesn't so don't say it was publicized when the reality is these incident reports are a matter of record and have to be maintained.
"11:47 if that is the case, then who is hurt more? Joe? or the citizens of Wicomico County? The local people still have no idea about what really goes on and all Joe is trying to do is what should be done all along, publicize it."
It was. On SU's crime beat. What more do locals want? They can't sit in at the meetings. It's SU issue to deal with.
It was at the end of the semester. Partying is suppose to happen. They get to leave SBY!
All of you are nuts.
The students will party. The locals will conplain. Summer comes, you complain about "tourrons". And then we repeat the cycle.
Locals: quit living next to college students.
Students: you are never going to get a fair shake.
Everyone: DEAL WITH IT.
Glad to see things are improving.
Anon1243 -
I know Joe knows nothing about sports, but he could have looked on the SU athletics page to find many positive and successful season stories. But he'll just talk about negative stories of the past. Because he is a negative person.
"Who reads crime beat?"
It's the obvious place to go to for SU incidents.
Clearly you Students don't read very well. I DID NOT WRITE THIS POST!
Here's to our Future Leaders!
Our future leaders dont look any different than our last three.
Joe - Has nothing to do with who wrote it. You have your views, as always, and you are actively involved in this post.
12:30 "Were all just a bunch of Crazy Locals, I bet you have never even eaten a crab have you."
- I'm from Chestertown, MD. So yeah I have had a crab or too and even caught my own. Not to get off topic but the crabs down here suck.
12:43 "If the college wants information of the good things the students do they should send it to Joe so he can post it, then you won't be able to accuse him of being biased."
- Ok, so if the college wants information of the bad things the students do they will give Joe a call and he will post it...Right?? That was a stupid comment
"Then you can find something else to complain about."
- It sounds like your the ones crying....Oh the terrible students.
Joe, I don't see where anyone said you posted this article. Although every article you will post about the university will be negative because you will get feedback....In a business sense its a smart move and I wont hold it against you. You will never get as much feedback on a positive story.
You said in a earlier post that you were looking for a contributor from the University... Maybe check with the school newspaper. Maybe they wouldn't mind contributing a weekly letter to address whats going on around campus....We actually do more then just party and terrorize the neighbor. Surprised huh...
The crab thing was a sorry excuse for a joke. The crabs are muddy so far this year. Your also right about communication being a vital part between the town and the university. Maybe as far as the partying the cops could chill a bit on the weekends and the students could chill a bit during the week. Two way street I think.
The SU Students have gotten out of control. I live by Cynthia Place and these students do terrorize the neighborhood. They roam up and down Powell St all hours of the night yelling throwing beer cans and bottles in yards. In the past 6 months they have thrown bottles and T.V. in the street, started fights, stolen street signs and have made the older residents (home owners) nervous about leaving their homes.
The college needs to take some blame for this. They offer the students a service called Safe Ride, where they drop them off in these areas by the van loads.
Even last night when the power went out, Cynthia Place was a live and hopping, the kids left were out the shooting off fire crackers, breaking bottles and raising cain.
I just wonder what parents would think if they knew how their child was acting?
Students need to know that preventing crime is a very difficult if not impossible task here. They should have googled up the crime rate here and figured it out for themselves.
The city has been turned into a poverty magnet, and with it, a lot of people who have become criminals because of a legacy of poverty: of pocket, of spirit, of character, of education and future. No police department is going to cure that, not unless they become a lot meaner than they are and have the courts support some sentencing that takes the criminals out of the loop.
One thing I'd like to see is when a convict is let out of ECI, he gets shipped back to the jurisdiction he was sentenced in, not given $50 and pointed toward Salisbury.
No offense but it appears to me the only difference between these SU hellraisers and the "local thugs" is that the students are more educated and have more priveledged backgrounds.Thats it.Maybe the local thugs would not hang around if the SU students werent buying dope from them-think about it.What other reason would "unite" these two different groups?
I remember hearing of the border line riot in the Zoo area. I was on my back porch that evening watching the festivities in Cynthias Place. It was nothing new really, and its the same people throwing them everytime.
I have started to notice though that it seems to be easier for the Police to just get everyoe out of the area as quickly as possible, and then deal with the idiots who stay behind to cause trouble.
I hear all the time from students that they hate it that cops bust up their parties when there is more worse crime to deal with.
The police are not just busting up your parties to avoid fighting real crime. They are busting them up because they are borderline riots (and in some cases actual riots), which cause property damage and general safty issues.
Maybe if the students stopped acting like idiots when they decided to have a party, and keep the noise level down, they wouldn't get busted.
Seems like a simple concept to me.
blutojthetotmom -
ummmm the same reason why "local thugs" are going into house parties, or robbing students on the friggin campus! Easy targets that will have some sort of valuables on them.
we lived on Hall dr. for 10 years. as time went by, crime got worse. the person that brought up the "wanna be gangsters" is correct. the students like to party and the gangsters want to sell drugs and try to hook up with drunken college girls. hence, the fighting. these two groups couldnt have less in common, and alcohol makes everyone think they are superman. we had kids urinating in our yards, driving across our front lawns, fighting in the streets and later in the night, the local thugs would start to wander around trying to get in on the action. the parents of these students should find more approriate housing for their kids and the local police need to be on hand before the party even starts to deter as much as possible. as i stated,after we called police and talked to the offending students to no avail, we decided to cut our losses and get out of there. i feel sorry for any homeowners left.looks like we got out just in time.
There seems to be alot of talk about "local thugs" making trouble, anyone have any ideal how much drugs are sold at University Park?? These are students, not locals and they have been at Cynthia Place. Our "local thugs" are no different than if these students were home going to parties and behaving like this. Its hard to think that they aren't with the way they out here.
Crime is crime and it doesn't matter who is responsible, or where you are at, the SU students are doing their fair share of crimes.
As far as what happens on campus, where is campus security? Have you ever walked around there at night, there is poor lighting and campus police are seldom seen.
The students want a break, how about showing the locals that there is a reason to give you one. No one really owes you anything because you have decided to go to school here, it is actually a priveledge to be in school here.
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says "Salisbury University Student"?
Is it?: They are hard working kids trying to better themselves in life by going to college or are they rich drunken idiots who destroy property. Most of you would have chosen the second answer.
2:47 You said you moved in 10 years ago. This college has been here a lot longer then that. What were you really expecting moving into a college neighborhood...
Don't worry SU is expanding and they are building more housing for the students.
"The students want a break, how about showing the locals that there is a reason to give you one."
Probably not looking for anything actually. Just not get mugged on or off campus.
Or are you saying that because they drink and party that you (locals) will continue to rob them?
What will happen to your community when SU has provide their student's with enough student housing? Landlords will then start renting out to real trash. Then you will really have problem's with drugs and violence. Be careful for what you wish for
SU keeps this city relevant. Without it you would all be chasing chickens around your shitbox shacks you call home.
"What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone says "Salisbury University Student"?
Is it?: They are hard working kids trying to better themselves in life by going to college or are they rich drunken idiots who destroy property. Most of you would have chosen the second answer."
Com'on! This is not the poster child campus for "rich kids". Far from it. It's actually a bargain school for families not with a lot of money.
Take that rant to a school that is ridiculously over priced!
On the flip side... show me a school where "They are hard working kids trying to better themselves in life by going to college"
It's college! Did you go to college? There are plenty of kids that work hard in the classroom and party on the weekends.
3:42 What I was thinking is that if students stopped acting like such idiots and destorying private property that they might not have people calling the police to break up their parties all the time....as far as robbing them goes, I am thinking some it may be other students who are looking for a way to get money so that they can buy drugs from the students at UP....
But maybe i should have been clearer, crime is crime and it is WRONG, but students are guilty as hell for their part
Students dont buy drugs from the local thugs. The local try to cut it down even more. Very few students do drugs and the ones that do buy their stuff from NJ or B-More. They have friends that drive it in. Drugs ARE NOT bought local.
4:14 That can get your ass kicked.
I have been following this blog most of the day, I think that the bottom line is that there is a lack of respect all the way around. Most homeowners know and (most)understand that ALL young people party, be locals or students, what most of us would be happy with is being able to sleep through the night and not have to clean up after them.
And the comment posted at 4:29..please, drugs not bought local???
However sad it may be by students drinking and partying the way they do, they are setting themselves up to be a victim of crime.
Is it right, not hardly, but can you say it is only the locals, no students do rob and steal from other students.
Be it local or students the who rob students or locals its sad and its wrong
Anon424 said - "I am thinking some it may be other students who are looking for a way to get money so that they can buy drugs from the students at UP"
If that is your thought process, then please stop thinking!
This recipe for disaster has been fermenting for more than twenty years. The arrogance of the University's administration toward the neighborhood is legendary. They have refused to hold students who behave basly (which certainly is not all students) accountable. They have refused to be responsible in the way that they house their students, turning a blind eye to the housing conditions of many of the rentals where their students live. They have contributed mightily to neighborhood blight through their benign neglect on both of these fronts. They have created an atmosphere that has fostered crime for both year-round permanent residents and their students. It is time to put a stop to it. The SGA has taken a greater interest in working on addressing these problems thatn the administration has.
All those individuals who complain and resent SU and it's students before they even set foot in the city, aught to just go petition the legislature to move the institution out of town. Salisbury will no longer be a University town, only a crime infested one.
"They have refused to hold students who behave basly (which certainly is not all students) accountable"
I can tell you that there are plenty of students that are not allowed back to SU (or even any other Maryland University) for their actions. You won't know about them, because the school does a good job keeping them private (as they should). You can assume you know how the University handles these issues, but you honestly don't.
put cams up. when stuff like this happens again, go in with the Mag spray, bean bag guns and dogs. screw them kids. also take a tanker full of the spray. roll in and open both side of the truck and spray! that would make great youtube!
anonymous 8:48, Nah, Chiefy can't spare them. You see, he has to place them on buildings like the one across the street from mine to make sure he and the former Mayor know who's coming and going from my building on a daily basis. It wasn't until a Lawyer rented one of the Officer there that they took the camera down.
Anonymous said...
SU keeps this city relevant. Without it you would all be chasing chickens around your shitbox shacks you call home.
4:14 PM
Hey pig, you don't like it, this isn't the only town with a University, sorry you can't afford better. Carry your sorry arse somewhere else before nobody will even care if you get robbed, raped or killed.
Drop the attitude and go to school somewhere else. You can get an online diploma with just as much credibility as SSU!
If your freinds from the city are bringing in the drugs, they are bringing the problems into our community, do the crime, do the time whimpy.
I was there that night, the party was fun, no real drama people freaked when police arrived. I think Salisbury police need to find something better to do than bust college parties...like maybe SOLVE AN ACTUAL CRIME???
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