Rite Aid Corp. plans to close as many as 117 stores over the next year. Reporting that its loss doubled in its fourth quarter, the drugstore operator said the closings will be scattered around the country, targeting those with weak sales or close to another Rite Aid.
Welcome to the Obama stimulus it is really working all one needs to do is ride up and down the roads of Delmarva! Obama in his wisdom now has Congress on the verge of passing the final nail in our economic coffin his lala-land cap and trade bill which by the way will make us more dependent on foreign oil becauce foriegn refiners will not have to pay any carbon tax. Obama and alot of his democrat allies are systematically destroying this once great country.
Rite Aid is going under because they and other drug stores saturated every market available. Greed is undoing the country, not Obama.
Why is there a Rite Aid every three blocks, and a Walgreens across the street from every Rite Aid??? Rite Aid has built 5 new free standing stores in the last 18 months. What were they thinking? Obama isn't to blame for everything, for God sake. There is no way he can take the blame after only 6 months in office, any more than Ireton can take the blame for the state of the city after only a short time in office.
They can't take credit, either.
Excuse me 2:12- but 1:28 is absolutely right. Now, while Rite aid is a victim of its own mismanagement long before Obamanomics- his or hers underlying premise is right on. Socialism never never has created one job- but capitalism has and will. This cap and trade fiasco is only the tip of the iceberg if this country doesn't get its act together and stop this madness. Massive spending and deficits are only making the problem worse.
Trillions have been spent/ or committed, yet, things have gotton worse. That should be your first clue. What more has to happen before you see the destruction these policies will bring???
Blaming this on Obama. You people will never get it. Do you really think this company was going great until January this year and then hit the skids. Please
Rite Aid went on a buying spree, buying up all the other pharmacies. They just bit off too much.
Rite Aid and Eckerd merged awhile back and they have too many stores too close to each other because of such.
who cares? there are way too many drug stores around, anyway.
I hate Rite Aid anyway. Let's support our local pharmacies such as Apple, Delmarva, Peninsula, Riverside etc. Why do we care about big corporate businesses that are so greedy they build everywhere. Echards was a great pleace until Rite Aid took over. Do you know what I like about Rite Aid? NOTHING!
The funny thing is that they are still building Rite-Aids. they are trying to take a play out of Wal-marts book.
Build it, they will come - NOT!
Anyone remember when they were on the Downtown Plaza -- those were the "good old days."
wait till the Dems pass their Health Care "reform" bill....Rite Aid will be closing alot more stores.
No surprise here really.
Awful customer service, outrageous prices and bad management.
They've stunk for a long time. Wish they hadn't bought out Eckards, the people there were always friendly and knowledgeable! Our family's prescriptions ALL got moved once Rite Aid took over because it was just too much to even try and deal with them.
I will drive an extra 5 or 10 miles to somewhere else if that means I don't have to shop at Rite Aid!
Don't worry, there's about a million of those left in Salisbury.
Salisbury's economy consists of car washes, dollar generals, and rite aids.
You guys act like when a Rite Aid opens, they ship in a bunch of foreign labor to work there. The local stores employ local people who are just as professional and courteous as any other pharmacy.
Apple Drugs is the best.
No loss. I prefer Pemberton Pharmacy myself.
Local,independent pharmacies are nice,but when it comes to generic branded drugstore "staples" like OTC pain relievers,toiletries,diapers,the small stores cannot compete on price.
Its no wonder why Rite Aid is closing so many stores, because when you have people stealing from the store and the representative doesn't show up for court, it makes it bad for the consumer. This is because the hard working consumer has to pay just a little extra to purchase things because of RITE AIDs own people not doing whats it right... By showing up in court, as a victim of theft...
8:08 I beg to differ.
I have NEVER found Rite Aid people to be courteous.
I used to merchandise in ALL of the Rite Aid stores on the shore along with some other chains as well. I absolutely HATED dealing with the Rite Aid people.
Always wanting me to do more than what it was my job to do. They wanted me to do stuff that was THEIR job to do and my company was aware of it and put everyone on notice that we were not to do the stuff they wanted and could be fired for doing so.
So don't tell me how "courteous" Rite Aid people are!
I have to say that the Rite Aid I go to in Delmar is just great. Always spotless, well stocked with very couRteous personnel, and the pharmacy staff is great. I always get a friendly smile and fast service. Their generic brands are not badly priced, and there's always a bargain to be found. Unfortunately, I fear that this one will probably be one that closes.
That being said, why not have pharmacies pop up all over the place? Pharmaceutical companies are busy advertising their wares, convincing us that we have some sort of "condition" and encouraging us to tell our doctors what is wrong with us and what drug we need to treat it. I think that's a huge part of why prescription drug prices are so high. Advertising ain't cheap. As for myself, I do it the old-fashioned way. I go to my doctor, let her decide what the problem is, and let her decide what medications I need.
I always said you couldn't throw a cat in this town without hitting a drug store. Some are mini Walmarts, just too many.
Disclaimer: (PETA)Tim does not actually throw cats in this analysis, just a figure of speach ; )
Oh no! salisbury main business is closing, they where up there with our #1 industry , education.
This town is a joke!
We have one thing to look foward to, the town wont be here much longer.
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