By Lydia Saad, Gallup Poll
PRINCETON, N.J. (June 21) - President Barack Obama's job approval rating fell to 58% in Gallup Poll daily tracking from June 16-18 -- a new low for Obama in Gallup tracking, although not dissimilar to the 59% he has received on four other occasions.
Thirty-three percent of Americans now disapprove of the job Obama is doing as president, just one point shy of his record-high 34% disapproval score from early June.
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Obama played golf and posed for a photo op eating ice cream while brave Iranians are fighting for their freedom. Imagine if Bush had done these things when the future of Democracy in Iran is now being fought. ANyone who voted for him should hang your head in remorse. And oh yeah, did you read abut the exemption for Politicians and Federal workers? They are EXEMPT from the nationalised healthcare plan Obama is trying to ram down out throats. Congress and the president know what a disaster it will be and have quietly included this exem
ption for themselves in the pending bill.
His polling numbers would be much lower but all the americans who have lost their jobs since he took office have also lost their phones.
man, i was at breakstimes last night man, i think i saw his face in my nachos man.
Please stop putting that picture of him up. He is no where near as good Jesus. And He doesn't look like him either.
So what's your point. Still 8points over 50%, still 35 points over "W". Get over it.
I had Gallup call on this poll I gave Obama a strong disapproval rating this polster then continue ask irrelevant questions for another five minutes I finally told I had to go and this Gallup polster told me if I did not finish his survey that all my answers would be lost.So one can easily see why Obama's poll numbers are high if you give the first answer that Obama is in fact been a terrible president they are going to find ways to void your answer.
Obama is a fraud and failure the media can only hide the facts for so long.
Obama is a great President
he is going to buy my gas, pay my mortgage, and give me free health care.
What is wrong with you naysayers?
He is going to give me everything I need!
I will gladly give up my freedom for the greater good so that the evil rich people in the world can finally pay through the nose to support me.
Hurray for Obama and those that would criticize him should be ashamed.
to 3:07...WAKE UP DUMB ASS!!!! you gotta share the same ethnic back ground!!! When are you people gonna learn??
10:10 ...you really belive that. Move I hear Canada is looking for residents. I knew this would happen!!! The United States had the worst president ever with W and this guy comes in an tries to make a difference and ignorant people like you down him and say things like you gotta share the same ethnic background. Get it straight redneck, stop watching Larry the cable guy and pick up a book. It took the US a long time to get into the economic position that we are in now and its not going to be fixed over night. No matter how bad you closet klan members want to blame everything on Obama.
He doesn't look like him, "...hair of wool..." 10:10 You wake up Dumb a$$, he shares your back ground too hater!! Ha Ha!! When YOU gon get your head out your a$$#$, Funny, most of the two-faced racist on here can barely spell. Barack looks like his military, award, decorated grandfather when he was his age except he's brown in complexion and he has thick hair. There aren't even legitimate arguements on here, just submissive we hate this ni%%$$ comments, and he was educated and raised by you. He played golf and ate icecream. Call the law, oh yeah he is the law. I guess he should have been fishing and/or illegally hunting (cheney didn't have proper licensing) shooting at his pals doing what the previous administration did, at all cost, avoid prosecution for misleading a country. "There are weapons of Mass destruction," lets send our young and all to war. I guess Barack doesn't know his priorities, jump face first into another country's business before handling ours and jepardize our safety, once again.
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