We've all seen the emails about Obama's citizenship.
This is a new twist I hadn't known. Interesting.
More questions, and this time some good questions.
While I've little interest in getting in the middle of the Obama birth issue, Paul Hollrah over at FSM did so yesterday and believes the issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question: What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York, Jakarta, and Karachi ?
So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later? And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi, what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs
and Immigration? The American people not only deserve to have answers to these questions, they must have answers.
It makes the debate over Obama's citizenship a rather short and simple one.
Q: Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20?
A: Yes, by his own admission.
Q: What passport did he travel under?
A: There are only three possibilities. 1. He traveled with a U.S. Passport, 2) He traveled with a British passport, or 3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.
Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981? A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.
Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.
If he was traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he was traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.
Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008.. Given the destructive nature of his plans for America , as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better.
Count me in as one of those inquiring minds who'd at least like to know the answers to these easily answered (by Obama) questions.
He received financial aid as a foreign student while attending Columbia University. This is why he will not release college transcripts.
He received financial aid as a foreign student while attending Columbia University. This is why he will not release college transcripts.
dude, just give it up, he won. stop drinkin that haterade man.
Stop Hating on Obama and get a LIFE!! So what he may have been born in Kenya. Who cares!! Try and get him impeached and there will be hell I assure you!!
ask the media, they elected him and they obviously dont care. sjd
It's not about hate it's about the rule of law and do we have a liar and usurper in the White house if so he must GO !!!
Everone here forgets that John McCain was not born a US citizen. He was born in Panama, at the time, children of service men born outside the country were not considered citizens.
The lefties ridicule anyone who brings this up-- trying to paint us as some kind of lunatics to discredit us.
Because that's their only defense.
It's plain that The One is trying to hide something-- desperately trying to keep it under wraps while they RUSH their marxist agenda through congress before they get caught and he gets ejected from the White House (along with his mother-in-law--)
This issue of his citizenship certainly DOES matter-- the Constitution is the guideline, and if we allow them to ignore even a little bit of it, the show's over.
The MSM is desperately trying to bury this issue and cover for their Dear Leader whatever the cost.
Thanks for posting this, Joe.
You're a Patriot.
It's funny how the liberals don't want to hear anything negative about Obama and resort to their tried and true racism cries those days are gone.
Welcome President Biden!!
We're so screwed...
4:46 what hell are talking about?for one if the man isnt a natural born citizen he is not eligible to be president and if obama is in violation he should be impeached.there will be no hell he would be removed from office and replaced with his qualified vice president.if his supporters act like children and throw a fit well throw them in jail where they belong.americans need to stop worrying about everyone else grow some balls and stand up for what thousands of men myself included have fought and died for.
Obviously like his predecessor, it was important that he usurp power. It is obvious that usurpation of power in America is a theme.
Anonymous said...
Everone here forgets that John McCain was not born a US citizen. He was born in Panama, at the time, children of service men born outside the country were not considered citizens.
5:17 PM
this post shows how much obama supporters know about the constitution.
McCain was born to 2 American citizens on a American military base. He could have been born on the moon under the same circumstances. He IS an American citizen.
Where as we do not know where obama was born, and he was born to one Indonesian and a underage American. He's NOT a U.S. citizen
Barry Soetoro
Just a thought but in some areas of the US in regards to child support the race of the mother is what determines the race the child is considered...for statistics
Where is the Pelosi / Democrat ethics board / commision that was supposed to make this the most ethical Congress? Where is Obama's transparency he constantly speaks of? Why did he seal all his records, speeches etc. when he preaches transparency? Can one of the liberals who screams racist or critizes ones who wants our constitution to continue to be the guidelines of America answer this?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if he had a birth certificate he would produce it. No reason not to. He is not a natural born citizen and this should have been resolved before the election. Since it wasn't we still need to pursue it and get him out of office before he destroys this once great country.
If there is nothing to hide then why not produce the paperwork? Simple as that. America has the right to know the truth, supporter or not a supporter makes no difference. The law is the law and his race does not give him a pass. I don't give a hoot if he is black or stripped, right is right and wrong is wrong.
As far as the simple A** that said there will be Hell if we try to impeach His Heinousness, bring it on Boy. kn
Impeach him. He has lied since day one to everyone and all of these naive people fell for his BS.
Why do you think that is?
He should be arrested by our military immediately and placed on trial in a military court, being commander and chief. He should be charged as a terrorist, infiltrating our government as he has, and those that helped him in this conspiracy also! Hang them all!
People, he is black. He will be president the whole time. Dude could smoke dope and have affairs and still wouldnt be removed. If impeachment is an option, how many black people would flip out and justify every crime they do as BLACK RAGE. We have to deal with it for 4 or 8 years.
question 8:44 PM... How can the president be black. His mother was a white lady and his father a black man. Give me a break...He is not BLACK.... For once in for all make him produce his real birth certificate and put this BS to rest.
God has prepared a way for a speedy agreeable transition if the people want to turn toward God's solutions to our world problems.
God's word through King Solomon:
Proverbs 17:4 "A wicked doer gives heed to false lips; and a liar gives ear to a naughty tongue."
17:15 "He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD."
Proverbs 16:6,7 "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil."
16:7 When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."
Barack Obama has been drawn into much deceit and forgery beginning with his birth certificate. Now he can be blackmailed by his own administration or others, even other nations like Kenya, Pakistan and Indonesia that have his records. He has no control over the government. As it gets closer to revealing his identity papers it is dangerous for him because people would fear he would reveal who helped him. He is not in a safe place.
He is in a personal battle, wanting to be a good father and leave good memories for his children, yet being set up for a Nixon type legacy or worse. He is best off to step down with his administration and let the issue end there than to go through the courts. This is God's point for repentance where they can be forgiven of their sins, for the Bible says, If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive them.
The charges and evidences against Barack Obama are on my website, court style:
A copy was sent to Barack Obama and US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Both were sent about 2-11-09. Barack Obama clearly thinks he has something to hide. He is his own worse witness in hiding his identity.
Email the president that you want this controversy ended, http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
This birth certificate BS has been debunked over and over and over again. The only one still barking about it are the slow kids and the tin foil hat crowd.
Go to the Snopes site www.snopes.com if you want a history of this nonsense in all it's glorious absurdity.
Re: The contention that Pakistan was on the no-travel list in 1981.
It wasn't. And Pakistan, which was relatively peaceful in 1981, wanted tourists to visit. So they did not bar US visitors. In fact, they encouraged them. US visitors got a 30-day visa on arrival at a Pakistan airport.
So Obama could have traveled to Pakistan on a US passport, and he did. He never had an Indonesian passport. He never was an Indonesian citizen. Both the Indonesian Embassy in Washington and the US State Department have now said that Obama was never an Indonesian citizen.
Re: "If he has nothing to hide, then why not produce the paperwork?"
Because unless he has kept a copy of the original birth certificate issued at the time of his birth, and not lost it as many of us do, then all that he can post or show anyone is what Hawaii sent him, and it sends out only the Certification of Live Birth. That is a perfectly legal document, accepted as proof of birth in Hawaii by the US State Department.
Still, if you would like to see the original (and all it will show is that he was born in Hawaii), then here is how to get it. Petition the governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, to make the birth records of a president public documents so that anyone can look through them. This will be easier to do than suing someone for something he does not have.
And, by the way, so far none of the lawsuits against Obama were for the birth certificate. ALL the lawsuits were to stop the election or to stop the certification of the election.
Marie, Saw you website. You are way off. You say on your Helium.com profile this is your favorite memory:
"I remember in prayer every night that a friend was told by God to tell me about His wife who had recently died. He said God told him to anoint her with oil and release her to Him. He asked the nurse if she had oil. She said she had lotion, so he reasoned that it was oil based and he anointed her with lotion. He said he went into the hall and God slapped him hard in the face and said sternly, "I said with oil." It was my quick understanding that God is serious about every word He speaks."
What you describe is NOT my God. That God sounds like a tyrant. I challenge you to stop fearing Gud's wrath, drop the judgement and learn to accept others with love and compassion. Including our President.
Ho doesn't have to produce anything. When people asked him for something he produced it. When they moved the goal and asked him for something else he produced it.
Now the goal post is moved again and people want a changed in what was asked originally. Not going to happen.
You need to let it go. It is official he is the President of the United States of America. It is signed sealed and delivered.
"I've said it before and I'll say it again, if he had a birth certificate he would produce it. No reason not to."
HE HAS. The registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, in Hawaii have verified that the Hawaiian Health Department is in possession of Obama's original birth certificate.
Now, you can make all the claims you want that it's doctored, fake, whatever. But you cannot say that people in in the appropriate offices have not produced the birth certificate.
what a waste of blog space...
How can anyone debate so many Anonymity's? It's insanity.
"Anonymous said...
Stop Hating on Obama and get a LIFE!! So what he may have been born in Kenya. Who cares!! Try and get him impeached and there will be hell I assure you!!"
Would be so kind as to elaborate on this "there will be hell" comment.
I guess you don't know the difference between a birth certificate and a certificate of birth. Anyone can get the latter and it doesn't proof citizenship. Obama is not a natural born citizen and he is not my president.
At least you're consistant Joe, don't let more than 3 days go by without posting more of this birth certificate BS. Get over it. Move on. Been dubunked, over and over and over and over.
You know, Bush terrorized this Country on his OWN agenda for 8 years! At his exit of office his approval rating was 22%-the lowest approval rating of any President in American history and created a monster national debt-also the worst in American History!! Over 3/4 of America essentially hated, disliked, disapproved, Bush and his actions! Now what I find interesting about this Obama propaganda is that more people hated Bush, yet you never heard anything as harsh about Bush as you hear about Obama. I think that Republicans really need to STFU since it is because of their previous political leader that the Republicans had ABSOLUTELY no chance to win the election! In addition, Democrats controlled the senate approximately 2 out of the 8 years of Bush's administration and the Democrats controlled the House for less than 2 out of the 8 years of Bush's Reign of Terror. So to blame the economy on Democrats/Obama-WRONG! Obviously the things that Bush was doing DID NOT WORK AT ALL! Changes had to be made (no "change" reference intended) and we have to give it time. 6 months is not enough time to turn a world economy around.
As for this birth certificate conspiracy-get over it! Do you really think that the Federal government would allow it to happen? Come on, get real! Atleast the president isn't a drunkard that can't even properly string together as sentence without sounding stupid and has KNOWN connections with KNOWN terrorist!
Republican hippocrits...Seriously? You supported the shadiest idiot in all of American history and now you want to complain? Shut up and take a back seat to this one-Bush ramrodded us with no lube or an occasional reach around and left Obama with all the reconstructive surgery on our rectums!
The Constitution, Article II, Section 1:
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President..."
One is a "natural born citizen" if one is born within the US or to a parent who is a citizen.
His mother was a citizen, which according to the State Department, makes Obama automatically a citizen, even if he were born abroad: "A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth."
According to State, you can only lose citizenship by renouncing it, pledging allegiance to a foreign country, serving in another country's military or being convicted of treason.
These are the exact reasons why McCain was eligible, having been born in Panama to US citizen parents.
Re: "I guess you don't know the difference between a certification and a birth certificate. Anyone can get a..."
The Certification of Live Birth is the official birth certificate of Hawaii. http://www.starbulletin.com/features/20090606_kokua_line.html
If the Certification says: Place of Birth: Honolulu, that means that the original birth certificate in the files also says that the place of birth was Honolulu.
It is the OFFICIAL birth certificate, accepted by all the departments in Hawaii (Yes, including DHHL, I asked), and it is accepted by the US State Department and the branches of the military as proof of birth in the USA.
Re: "Anyone can get a..."
That is simply not true. Today Hawaii allows the registration of foreign births, but that does not allow a Hawaii document to lie about the place of birth. It issues a Certification that says: "Place of birth: Mexico (or whatever)."
In 1961, when Obama was born, not even this was possible. In order for there to be a birth certificate in Obama's file, it had to be an Hawaiian birth certificate. Could it have been a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth or a Delayed Birth Certificate? No because both of those required a one year delay, but Obama's birth was registered four days after he was born.
And the officials have looked into the file and said that there was an original birth certificate in it. Then, when the Chicago Tribune called to ask whether this meant that Obama was born in Hawaii, the spokeswoman for the department called back and said YES.
Just another common. . . .Democrat. What did you think I was going to saw ;)
I am so sick of this. I know that the Obama haters don't care because they are so entombed in their own hatred, that they can't see logic if it sat next to them in the bathtub. BUT, in August, 1961 BOTH of Hawaii's newspapers had Obama's birth announcement printed in their editions. You can find a reprint on Snoopes.com. Of course, you don't care, much better to believe RUSH LIMBAUGH who constantly thinks and talks with his A$$......
Hey, I could print my own Obituary in a Hawaiian Newspaper...and still be ALIVE!
Re: "Hey, I could print my own Obituary..."
The Notices were sent out by the Department of Vital Statistics or Vital Records (whatever) of Hawaii. They were NOT advertisements. That is why they were identical notices in terms of wording in the two newspapers.
The government did not send out notices for births outside of Hawaii.
Many of the above comments may be indirectly paid by the campaign. Don't take anonymous words at face value -- ask for the source evidence.
Joe, thanks for the article. It's a very clear presentation of why a normal candidate would have disclosed his passport history long, long ago... and why a normal investigative journalism system would have vociferously pressed him to do so.
Re Pakistan being on the "no travel list" or for that matter Pakistan banning US citizens from visiting Pakistan.
Not true. Pakistan was relatively peaceful in 1981 so it encouraged tourists and granted US visitors 30-day visas at the airports.
So Obama could have traveled on a US passport, and he did. He never had a British passport (just call up the Biritsh embassy and ask). He never had an Indonesian passport (just call up the Indonesia embassy and ask).
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