One is already in the decal shop, (Gardner Screen Printing) almost ready and complete. In the mean time the new fleet of Dodge Cruisers have arrived, all at the expense of the Drug Dealers. That's right, Wicomico County Taxpayers didn't pay a penny for these special units. There seems to be only ONE Department Head who is NOT a politician who is acting fiscally responsible and that's Sheriff Lewis and the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office.
We will provide photos of the finished product just as soon as it's complete. In the mean time, thank you WCSO and keep up the good work!
"all at the expense of the Drug Dealers"
Makes me remember how safe this area is!
If he was fiscally responsible he would have taken the drug money and put it toward his general budget thus lowering the cost of his operation. I do not see this as any different than the Bd. of education transferring "magic slush funds" that they have in holding somewhere to balance a budget defecit that they created, partly by having a slush fund. Both should be penalized.
where have i seen police cars like these before?? same paint job , same car, hmmmm, i know ive seen them for a while somewhere like for 3 years now was it Fruitland? nope, um, salisbury ? nope, jeezy, oh yeah Delmar! thats right, well at least sherrif Lewis has good taste in vehicles !LOL
Maybe Mike Lewis can help cover the budget for the rest of the County! Lord knows that there are plenty of drugs circulating in this area to do so! But it is good to see that somebody is able to do right and help out our community.
Joe, Just out of curiosity, how are these police cruisers, as well as other dodges in other municipalities, going to be affected by the issues with Chrysler Corp? I think the the Charger is perhaps the best police vehicle ever made-it would be nice to have them around for the future! Maybe start an open thread on that topic??
I'd like to have one of those all black Chargers. They remind me of the Batmobile. "Holy Sh!t Batman. Look there's Mike Lewis!"
Goooo Mike and staff.
Delmar Doesn't have white roofs.
anonymous 9:08, Give Sheriff Lewis some time. When he took over the Sheriff's Department was so far behind other Departments it wasn't funny. Once he catches up to everyone else I'm sure they'll find other places within the County to help out and give back. In the mean time, while they're catching up, let them do their thing while it doesn't have any impact on Wicomico County.My hat is tipped to him for this.
9:08 Yup Joe that was no insult to Mike, I just love those cars, period! ; )
I've always thought the cop cars should be very non-descript. They should blend into the scenery. That way they can catch us when we least expect them! The more paranoid the people become, the more safe we will be?
Webster is a butt hole. Lewis takes care of his people. Webster does not. Webster, time to move on
8:50 sounds like Chiefy. Let's not use drug money to get new equipment that the council won't give us. let's continue to drive junk cars and put the money in the general fund, thus giving barrie more money to waste.
Wow, just shows how little the previous sheriff did. Mike Lewis is probably only second to that Sheriff out in Arizona. But not for long. Mike Lewis is setting a new standard for sheriffs in Wicomico County.
If so where is the tax money going?
Whos pocket.
What some people don't understand is this money can usually only be used in certain areas, just like grant money. They cannot just put it in their budget for meeting expenses. It is geared to help departments be able to afford the equipment they need.
Just be happy it wasn't your tax dollars.
Speaking of police departments...Looks like Delmar has hired their first non-white officer!
It's about time! Now maybe more non-whites will start applying to be on their force.
but where is the tax money going if matt dillon is providing for all?
Your tax dollars are paying for the salaries, taxes, retirements, health benefits, etc, etc, etc.
Some equipment is purchased through budgets but without drug seizure money a lot of the depts. would not be able to have the equipment they have because the municipalities cannot afford it.
Why do they have to keep buying police cars? The older ones look like they are in such good condition. It seems like they replace their fleet every year.
Sheriff Mike Lewis is doing a fanstastic job busting as many drug people as he can. The judges and lawyers let them back on the street. I an glad he is going after confiscated items from drug bust and buying things the department needs. If he was not using the drug money, it would have to be requested in his budget. Joe, sorry for the long post but Sheriff Lewis is comitted to cleaning up the community and getting rid of drugs. No I am not related, work for or any affiliation with the sheriff's dept. Just a concerned citizen.
i thought they were gonna get some new harleys and save some fuel? i like the crown vics alo better than the fiat dodge products.
Meam while back at the ranch. The deputies continue to go out and work without a disabilty package. Wow maybe they can auction off one of those Chargers for a deputy injured in the line of duty. I guess you just have to know what is important. L.E.O.P.S. would be nice I dont understand why the Sheriff is not fighting for that. The Troopers have disabilty, S.P.D. Wor Co. O.C. I guess Wicomico just does not give a sh!T. About the people who are out there actually risking injury.
How about sending some of those cars toward Hebron we are getting robbed blind over here.Porter Mill Road,Hurley Neck ,Athol Rd area.Send Help ,we vote to.
Sounds like one of your local boys is robbing you blind. That crap does not happen on the east side
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