When Urban Salisbury was having their final meeting, thinking they were no longer going to be around, "I" brought up the Disney Concept. I don't know where Brad Gillis became recognized for such, (he was in the same meeting) but I explained to everyone just how Disney created Disney Land and Disney World.
Allow me just a minute here to explain as I'm confident many of you were not aware of any of this.
You see, Walt Disney had a very creative mind. He came up with this idea of an entertainment theme park but because he didn't have the money to make it work, he went outside the box and created what some of us know as the largest Trade Show ever created, open 365 days a year and millions of visitors.
You see, when you go to Disney World, (as an example) did you ever notice the GE Carousel? Did you notice Chrysler, Ford, Westinghouse, Paramount, etc.? What Walt Disney did was, he went to all of these major manufacturers and said, I'm building this theme park where I'm going to bring you millions of visitors per year. You can buy these 8 acres and here's what I want you to build. I want a roller coaster ride here, (you pay for it) and this area here is where you'll build an exhibition center to market your products. Once each company got on board it was simple to get others.
What Walt Disney did was, he sold them on the fact that he'd only take 35% at the gate and they could all share the rest. Then he went to the state of California and then Florida and said, this is land you can't do anything with. You give me the land and in 20 years I'll bring you $20,000,000.00 worth of taxes. The states agreed and it was no longer a vision, it became an instant success.
I explained this to Urban Salisbury months ago and I stated this shouldn't have to cost the taxpayers a penny. If you have the right vision and tools, anyone could make it work. Mind you, that was the short version of what happened overall but you get the picture.
The Downtown Plaza could be built up just like Pleasure Island in Disney World. I personally feel it needs to be designed around entertainment. Bars, restaurants and then specialty shops along the way. You want an attractions destination to PULL from Ocean City. You want to be years ahead. Think of the draw during Bike Week, Pork in the Park and ALL of the other Hot Rod events and Ocean City Trade Shows.
My idea is to completely shut down the Plaza and even allow outdoor drinking. This way people can smoke a cigar or cigarette and simply open it at both ends. Provide transportation so the college students can have a way to and from and even a bus shuttle to Ocean City.
If you create a entertainment theme park there, there's no question in my mind, (even in the worst economy) it will do well. You have to think OUT OF THE BOX and make it work, just like Walt Disney. I see a fantastic future for property owners to do well on the sale of their properties in order to get out and the future value would be unthinkable!
So rather than coming up with a plan that looks real nice, why not do like I've been doing and create the MOTOR to the entire plan. Something in which you know will work. All they're providing right now is the frame and body but there's NO ENGINE! That's what I'm good at. Imagine a local Seacrets on the Downtown Plaza. Yeah, sure there's going to be some issues and problems. However, all of them can be worked out. You have a Parking Garage that could be FULL every single night and charge for parking. Well, anyway, it's a thought. Let's see where this takes us.
Love the idea... but FYI the Pleasure Island section has been shut down in DTD because the clubs weren't bringing in enough revenue. Disney is reworking the concept and making them into another shopping district. Also, the Virgin Megastore just closed up shop. This economy sucks and is impacting everyone, including Disney.
It's the idea of NOT forcing taxpayers to pay for it. Disney doesn't have Ocean City, where property is so expensive no one can afford to buy island property big enough to create such a theme idea.
Salisbury has it 30 miles away and can easily draw vacation people here with no problem. Think of the jobs. Police, managers, waiters & waitresses, bartenders, cooks, taxi & bus service, man, you name it. I had offered to buy the old Fire Station 16. Imagine the Fire House Restaurant it could be, similar to Station 7 in Pittsville.
Id this were to fly, imagine what a place like Feldman's would be worth! That's waterfront property just waiting to be torn down and new structures created.
I'm telling you, it's a win/win idea. Kids would LOVE to live in the apartments upstairs and enjoy the people down below. Kind of like New Orleans.
Excellent idea , but , I think you are way above their heads .This is
an oportunity, they will not accept
this because of the good ole boys syndrome in the area.
Love the concept...maybe even scaled down a bit...I love Easton, they have some great restaurants and shops, its beautiful and it draws visitors. The restaurants are full of local business people during lunch...wish we could create something wonderful for us all to enjoy.
What do you propose to do with the homeless people, the court-attending drifters, and the occasional gangsta's that patrol downtown? Fairly or unfairly, there is a major PERCEPTION problem with Salisbury and that it is a dangerous town, especially after dark. Where are the plans to address that issue - one that no one wants to talk about?
As I read this stuff, Joe, I think you are being unfair.
Salisbury is not Orlando. Your town does not have a Disney behind it.
I agree -- you do need economic development. But you are coming down on that group, Urban Salisbury, like they should be something they are not.
Salisbury is a puzzlement to me. On one hand, you people bitch if the project is too ambitious. On the other, you bitch if it's not grand enough.
You know why your town gets nowhere, why your downtown gets nowhere? Because you people can't even agree where to place a tree.
Just where the hell are all your economic development people? Where have they been for the last 10 years? 20? 30? Apparently, they haven't give two rats tails long before this plan came out, so why are you knocking the people trying to do something?
You're a smart man, Joe. Why not help them and work on your end of things while they work on theirs.
Just a suggestion from an out of towner.
A nice urban center would be lovely, someplace where people could walk from their apartments to stores, lounges, coffee shops etc. A nightlife would be nice but I don't think Salisbury is capable of supporting it. Places that start off nice (Brew River, that Galaxy night club) tend to end up attracting the wrong kind of crowd which in turn leads to all kinds of problems and eventually closings. Unfortunatly I don't think there is a clear cut answer for the down town problem.
anonymous 2:30, you're right, Salisbury is not Orlando. But guess what, Orlando wasn't Orlando before Disney came along, so remember that.
As far as me knocking these people, I don't believe I'm fully doing that. I have given them three chances so far to use my ideas and services and they have yet to call me once. They stand there and say, why not come to a meeting Joe. Well, I did that three times and this last time they cut me off and called the meeting, as if there was a time restraint.
So if I can't express my thoughts there, I'll do so here. Oh, if you don't like the Disney idea, think along the lines of New Orleans then.
Let me also remind everyone this. Two years ago I went to Rick Pollitt and Jim Fineran and said, if Bike Week won't work with you, steal it and bring it to Wicomico County. Offer Bands that no one will refuse to come and see and offer it for FREE. Well Folks, where's Bike Week being held now. Yeah, that's right, Wicomico County.
One of the key reasons why Pleasure Island wasn't a success in Disney World is because parents brought their children to Disney World and it's an expensive vacation, let alone a night or two out pertying, hiring sitters and spending a ton more more.
The Plaza would be a much different concept and like I said, I'm confident it would fly. So much so I'd personally invest into it by opening one of the bars/restaurants.
anonymous 3:32, competition makes others do things they don't have to do without competition. In other words, if there were 10 bhars on the block, the one that slacks the most and doesn't reinvest will be the first to go and another one will take its place. It's that simple.
i think its sounds fantastic. on the other hand, salisbury is notorious for its non support of events and happenings so i won't hold my breath.
Are you gonna build a giant bubble around it and pump in oxygen...I mean the river is a mess, perdue plant....I've spent many summer days sittng at the traffic light by feldmans...P.U.
anonymous 2:43, you're just being ridiculous. I've owned 300 W. Main Street for 3 years now. I don't smell the river and I don't smell the Plant. That being said, how do people thand Brew River then? Your comment is just stupid, with all due respect.
You may be a mean spirited old goat,(lol) But that was brilliant.
Good luck.
I meant to say how do people stand Brew River.
Doing too many things at one time, sorry.
FIX THE RIVER! & they will come.
anonymous 2:50, B S!
Joe I totally understand your frustration! But as I have experienced, people with great ideas are not welcome because their great idea didn't originate with "them".
THAT is the problem. I've said it here on your blog before.
Another instance of Salisbury EGO TRIPS!
Too bad that end the end NOTHING will get done OR they will go the way they're headed and it will be ANOTHER failure....all because they were too egotistical to listen to someone else's ideas!
With all due respect, we tried brew river...had drinks and left because of the smell, we keep our boat at Green Hill because of the marina conditions and vandalism. Open your windows at 300 main street, I've lived here my whole life and on a warm humid day you smell that plant before you ever see it. Summer drought, and the river has a smell all its own.
Until the SPD decides to get serious about crime in the city, the area will not flourish. We we were little and we were taken to Woolworths for lunch as a treat, you were not afraid to be there.
I would love to see something done with the plaza, but many things must be in place and completed 1st...crime, demolition, and clean up before anyone seriously takes an interest in that property.
Joe, I've said it before and I've said it to your face. You might be many things but, stupid when it comes to making money is something no one can say you are. I don't know anyone that is absolutely debt free and owns the properties you do.
If Urban Salisbury opened the meetings up to everyone and says everyones ideas are welcome, they would be foolish not to listen and let you, as a stakeholder, work with them. Who cares who comes up with it as long as all benefit from it. I don't find Bruce Patterson or Alan Hope to be foolish men. Hopefully, they'll work with some of your ideas, combine them with the ideas of others and make downtown work for us all.
anonymous 2:57, with all due respect, there is no crime on the Downtown Plaza, look it up.
It's so easy to make statements like that but I can assure you that you have absolutely nothing to back it up.
Corporations are broke and over extended too. Their is no building in any near future, just isnt going to happen.
Joe, you are so out of touch with reality. Really. This kind of thing can NEVER happen in Salisbury. Not because of government, uninterested citizens, or bad planning, but because it's SALISBURY, MD! People want to hold onto downtown like its some sacred national park. The entire area from Main Street until Nanticoke Road needs to be razed. Only then, will it ever have a chance of being a success. Look at downtown Cambridge, compared to downtown Easton. Night and day. Both towns have the same potential, even more for Cambridge, but Easton soars above it. Salisbury, like thousands of other towns in this country, will lose its downtown as long as the current content stays in place.
Joe, You can't be serious. You want to turn the core of a city into a theme park!! What's in those cigars you're smoking?
Disney had tens of millions of dollars. Unlimited support from the State and Federal bucks too. Remember, he was building a resort in a swamp.
You're way off base this time, Joe.
OK Nay Sayer 4:09, and just where do you think there getting the fives of millions to replant trees? The State and Federal Funds.
Do tell us YOUR ideas then, they're more than welcome here......
Its a different idea but it would probably work. Maybe that's where everyone has been wrong in the past. Its 2009 and every one else has been thinking back a hundred years. Downtown Annapolis is like this. I like it.
Corporate sponsorship is a great idea. Now try to go out and find some corporations to pour money into a concept that does not exist and probably can not work. Here is what corporations sponsors want----exposure. Every exposure gets you and increment of money, say a dollar. So you plan this village and ask 10 corporations to invest. They are going to want x amount of hits to visit there for you to get your target money figure--- per day, per year. Thats your problem, right there.
anonymous 4:23, They would get a percentage. Seacrets charges $20.00 a person just to walk through their doors. If you offer the same kinds of Bands and entertainment you shouldn't have any problem. Doing the Disney percentage isn't important. If you can simply get investors buying buildings and putting entertainment businesses in there, that would work just as well. All I was saying was that Disney did everything without a penny coming out of their pocket. I'm not saying Salisbury needs to get corporate sponsors. I'm simply saying with the right idea for the Plaza area, investors would be lining up to participate. I have three people RIGHT NOW that would be interested in opening a bar/restaurant on the Plaza right away. I would join them as one of the investors. Everyone would have to agree that each location would have a different theme. The first one investing could have first choice, like a Sports Bar. Another could be a Dance Club. I believe it would work.
Agree with Joe about thinking out of the box! Thats how Arthur Perdue Stadium was built,ahead of its time for a minor league park. In addition, when we rebuilt the Civic Center many wanted to build
back as was. It took thinking out of the box to get what we have now. Again at the time a gem!
I am living proof you can bring people Downtown. There did not use to be a car downtown on a Saturday or any night of the week. And it did not cost me millions. It takes time and dedication and yes some money. I would love to put more rest. downtown like every other city has. We can make this work here. If you build it they will come!
Joe said:
"I have three people RIGHT NOW that would be interested in opening a bar/restaurant on the Plaza right away. I would join them as one of the investors. Everyone would have to agree that each location would have a different theme. The first one investing could have first choice, like a Sports Bar. Another could be a Dance Club. I believe it would work."
Now you're talking. Joe, you should talk to Terry Cohen sometime. I have talked to her about types of businesses, marketing, etc. She's very tuned in to stuff like this.
i lived on the plaza and had my apartment broken into. the cops came, did nothing, and it didn't make the press releases.
i was constantly hassled for change by the homeless on the plaza, and you could look out the windows at night and see drug deals going on.
there IS crime on the plaza, joe, don't kid yourself.
Brad Gillis presented that exact idea to the library commission 4 years ago, complete with architectural designs and mock ups.
Hate to say it......Not enough industry. No economy, Not enough people interested. Salisbury is just a town. Like Annapolis. Hell DC doesnt have anything like this.
Joe...I am an eternal optimist-or thought I was;and I admire your stand on this issue. Look at how hard people are trying to crap in your hat because you have the 'nerve' to suggest we have a few more quality bars/restaurants/related souvenier stores, etc. where maybe we can have even a whiff of fun. Maybe I have just had a tough month...but I do not believe Salisbury is yet capable of "handling the truth." Keep up the good fight though even though it seems like 'making a pee-pee' up a firehose...
Downtown Salisbury has alot of potential to be anything-the sky is the limit!
Its right on top of two major highways and on the river.Now if we can just get the river cleaned up.
Joe, Just so you know, Disney DID pay for the land they use in Central Florida. They purchased it under dummy corporations and false groups in order to keep from paying more than retail price. They did recieve tax incentives and complete autonomy from the state of Florida and Orange and Osceola counties. Research Reedy Creek Improvement District. that was the main dummy corp, and the municipal government entity that Disney still owns that provides ALL services (water, fire protection, EMS) for WDW. this Autonomy allows them to operate unemcombered my red tape for the most part.
Are you familiar with Old Town just outside of Orlando? Home of the World's Tallest Slingshot! Downtown Salisbury could follow easily in their footsteps. Classic Car Crusin' every Friday Night, Hot Rods on Saturdays, and Bikes another night. A bar or restaurant or two to hang-out in, Food carts, street vendors and rides for the kiddies down behind Parker Place.
I agree with the scope of the idea, if not the theme. What I don’t like is to hear that there is already bickering about whose idea it is. That’s the kind of stubbornness that keeps the Shore stagnant – and really, I doubt Brad Gillis gives a flip about getting credit for an idea or not.
It is also true that for this plan to even be discussed in any serious way, someone has to convince the property owners to sell or bulldoze. Anyone want to volunteer to talk to the owners of that old Hess building? Anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so.
I still think drawing from a local, large facility - Smithsonian, BMA, etc - is the best bet for something to realistically agree to come to the shore (with money/sponsorship.)
But be careful comparing any of it to Seacrets:
1. You don't want the problems Seacrets has with gangs/crime/drugs in the downtown.
2. Seacrets has Layton. He is a visionary, and frankly, a rich visionary. They are very few and far between on the Shore. If there was such a person REALLY intersted in the Plaza, it would already be bulldozed and rebuilt.
3. Seacrets succeeds because people are already vacationing in OC. Something needs to be installed downtown that will draw people in the first place.
If all you REALLY want is to draw wild college drinking and debauchery, save your money and just expand Brew River. If you want the plans you've outlined, you need to clean the place up FIRST, and then go recruit realistic sponsorship.
I'd love to hear Ann of Parker Place's opinions about this idea, since she's one of the few long standing retail outlets remaining.
Please not a bunch of bars. We don't need a Brew River on steroids.
I think the "plan" is a workable one. Whether it can be done purely with commercial money is something I don't frankly see, as I pointed out in an earlier post. The individual that posted about Seacrets here makes good points. What you need to do is create and infrastructure that does not currently exist and then allow the businesses to move in very cheaply and then gradually make money back when they bcome successful. Saying Seacrets charges 20 dollars just to get in is not a viable argument, because Seacrets can not be recreated on the downtown. As pointed out, the people who are paying that money as a cover are already there. It is a long journey upward for those that take the step, especiall considering you can not even fiend someone to sponsor fireworks for the 4th. IT could be a very fruitful endeavor if done right by the right people.
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