Multiple sources deeply connected to the births tell us Michael was not the sperm donor for any of his kids. Debbie's eggs were not used. She was merely the surrogate, and paid well for her services in the births of Michael Jr. and Paris.
In the case of Prince Michael II (the youngest), we're told the surrogate was never told of the identity of the "receiving parent" -- Michael Jackson. Three days after Prince was born at Grossmont Hospital in San Diego County, Jackson's lawyer came to the hospital to pick the baby up and deliver him to Michael.
We do not know if Jackson chose the sperm or egg donors or if he even knew who they were.
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he is the father of those children!!!!!!
I was wondering why MJ's kids looked a bit on the Caucasian side. Unless all that surgery affected his DNA.
It just gets sicker and sicker all the time. The man should not have been allowed to have the children in the first place. Jackson was a sick individule in more ways than one.
I agree that Jackson is a sicko. Now three children are left not knowing which way they will go. Jackson probably never raised them anywayleaving them with the nanny 24/7. And I would believe it if they did not know how to get along with other children.
Well, let's hope he left them with the Nanny!
Well you seen the kids, they do not look anything like the a child of Michael Jackson.
Big deal..Jackson is listed as the father, biological or not. An adopted child is just as loved..any man can be a sperm donor, it takes a real man to be a father.
Jackson basically "bought" these kids. I didn't think you could buy people anymore.
The whole whole life of Michael Jackscoon just keeps getting stranger as more information comes out.
Wow, what a surprise. Not.
As far as him being their father, which he was as he adopted them, a real man he was not, imho. Now that he has died, I suspect that all contracts with the people who complained of sexual abuse and were given a settlement (as in, paid off)are now null and void. It will be interesting if and when people begin to talk.
why do any of you care this much? i respect his talent and i mourn his loss as a human being but this kind of "journalism" is lower than low. this is not news this is sensationalism at its worst.
How's this for journalisn, BITE ME!
Now when's the last time the owner of a Newspaper was able to say something like that!
This is a FREE Website. You don't like it, LEAVE!
And Jesse Jackson Jr. made the entire House of Representatives observe a moment of silence for this psycho drug addicted child molester? What a disgusting bunch of cretins our politicians are. And Joe Jackson is basking in the limelight, the man who pummeled his kids? This country has gone mad.
Sadly the abuse he suffered as a child at the hands of his father was something he never got over.
He never adpoted any of the children. Therefore technically he is not the biological or adoptive parent. Custody of all of those children has the potential to be very nasty. Hopefully someone with half a brain will be involved and influence the courts to put them with a good person.
I dont understand how you can raise kids but never legally adopt them. It gets stranger by the hour.
Doesn't anyone find it sad that the black artists bashed MJ for trying to be white, and pretty much ousted him from their world and now that's he dead, they want to "claim" him? Poor taste.
Michael Jackson and Debbie Roe were married when two of the children were born. That makes them legally the parents of those kids. No adoption necessary.
Identity crisis for the children. Wow
half of you guys are crazy!!! Michael Jackson was an amazing performer and very talented. think about the life he had, he never ever had a childhood and his father beat him! then he was so famous and loved that he couldnt even live a normal life! I mean you guys take things for granted what if you couldnt leave your house to go to a store or for the matter go in public anywhere without people watching your every move. i am sure that we have all had mistakesin our life but we couldnt famous like him and dont have the whole world watching. its hard to live like that, you feel so alone but you never really are. and as far as him doing ANYTHING to those children or doing any type of sexual abuse I DONT BELIEVE IT come on people common sense if michael didnt have a childhood then why would he take that away from any child! you look at him as a monster but he was just doing the best he could with the life that he had. none of us would understand unless we were in Michael's place and that will NEVER happen so EVERYONE needs to just stop and let the man rest in peace!
What is it with you people? Who cares about this guy?
Four of our soldiers died in Iraq the other day. Why don't we hear about their lives in the media?
because they arent michael jackson! im sorry yes its sad soldiers keep dying but they chose to go over there and they KNEW they could die
Why couldn't he simply stay with raising CHIMPS! The primates are smart enough to drink the "Jesus Juice" and too Dumb to testify!
If he didn't molest that boy then why did he pay him millions of dollars? An INNOCENT person does not pay off an accuser if he is indeed innocent. He is guilty of this accusation. It's a shame the boys father took the money if it went to court it would have be proven. Puhlease who cares about this man. And theres NO WAY he is the biological father. All three of those children are caucasian.
he payed them off so it would just be over... why would he want to put all those people thru all of that... I know he didnt do it, you guys are sick to think he did, Michael Jackson was an amazing human being that had nothing but love for everyone. why wouldnt a father have their child say that crap if they knew he had millions of dollars! and again let the poor man just rest in peace, he is gone now no one will ever get half the answers we want and we need to just let it go
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