Just a note to let you and your readers know about the clowns working at PRMC. My 18 year old son was jumped last Tuesday night and had to drive himself to the hospital with a broken jaw. When he arrived he had them call me and I drove over to the hospital. Throughout the night we had several different nurses until he was transported by ambulance up to Shock Trauma in Baltimore. The last nurse that we had however was a male nurse. When he was asked to please give my son more pain medicine in his IV, he left and we expected a quick return! After 10 minutes passed I stepped into the hallway to see where the nurse was...only to find him playing hackey sack with another male nurse. After he saw me...he quickly got the pain medicine and administered it to my son. About a 1/2 hour after that incident I noticed he was at the nurses station running a toy monster truck up and down the counter! Thank God my son was transferred to University of Maryland! What losers!
Jennifer Lewis-Williams
OMG, i love hackey sacks!
there are 2 sides to every story. this is one side
sounds like a 5 year old little boy not a nurse... what a shame we have these kind of people taking care of us when we are in need... I would never want that nurse
Again, I wonder if the person submitting this post bothered to initiate a complaint with the hospital or limited her whining to this blog? If it's the latter, why bother?
Anonymous 9:59
I agreee there are 2 sides to every story, but is the emergency room a place for toy monster trucks running up and down at the nurses station. Either way doesnt sound good or look good.
In 2004, my mother was taken to the ER because she appeared to have suffered a stroke. It was confirmed after doing a CT scan that she indeed had suffered a stroke, but it took them around 8 hours to even see her. In the meantime, she layed on a gurney in the hallway unattended to during which time she was experiencing bleeding on the brain and critical time was lost before she was given any treatment. They really are losers.
I agree that there are 2 sides to every story.However, I have not heard a good story come out of that hospital in a long time.(I'm sure that at least one must exist though) The doctors are just horrible. I think the only good thing about that entire hospital are the nurses in the ICU and the nurses in the Labor/Delivery unit. My Dad was 43 and went in for surgery and died 3 days later. (They kept telling us he was having a rough recovery) They told my mother she had a chest cold and 1 week later it was discovered she had breast cancer. (Thank You Hopkins)I encourage everyone who has had problems to file formal complaints otherwise nothing will change.
And I love hackey sacks too.
It does no good to complain. They don't respond. I and my family have had many negative experiences at PRMC, including the time my granddaughter had a painful knee but had not injured it. The ER staff ignored the pediatrician's orders for stat bloodwok and a CT scan. They did an xray and said her knee was sprained, even though she insisted she had not injured it. When the situation got worse and her ankle swelled up, too, it was discovered by her pediatrician that she had rheumatic fever! Perhaps if the ER hadn't been so arrogant, she would have been treated sooner and wouldn't have had damage to her heart in the form of mitral valve prolapse.
I would suggest that anyone looking to get rich quick via a lawsuit to visit McCready Hospital in Crisfield. They make PRMC look like Johns Hopkins!
My wife had a heart attack in early May & was taken to PRMC. She was seen in the emergency room & taken to the Cath Lab immediately.
She had two (2) stents inserted, was moved to ICU. She recieved excellant care, we were very pleased with the nurses & Techs.
An excellant experiance under the circumstances.
Are there any positives to living around here? Horrible crime levels and shady health care. The backwards living on the eastern shore. I pray I never need real medical treatment here. That "quality of life" BS that everyone talks about is the biggest lie yet.
PMRC has been going down hill for years , of course they didn't have
to go very far down because they hit bottom in 1979 . That place
is a butcher shop and should be closed.
If you want to die real quick, just go to PRMC - it'll happen for lack of care and attention on the staff's part.
Anon 10:33,
The ER at PRMC has definitely changed the way they treat patients if they even THINK they are having a stroke. I took my husband to the ER this past April because he was having symptoms of a stroke and they were wheeling him back to a room by the time I walked in from parking the car. Right after he was put in the room, he was surrounded by 5 people, checking him over. He was then taken back for a CT scan within 10-15 minutes. This is their new protocol for possible stroke victims. Kudos to them for acting so quickly in situations like these. They even made up a bed for me in his room so I could stay there overnight with him. I cannot say anything bad about them, we were treated so nice. Thankfully, my husband did not have a stroke, but a neurological migraine, which mimics the symptoms of a stroke! I am so sorry your mother had this bad experience, hopefully that would not happen again if she had another stroke.
PRMC is a joke, has been for years now. Some of the staff don't take their jobs seriously and have very poor attitudes.I have even heard them complain about their having to work too hard and benfits being cut.Whats up with that? What good is a state of the art facility if it can't provide acceptable service?? And by the way while im on a roll, the PARKING situation is horrible!!!
Anon. 11:50
The parking is simply a joke. Half of the parking lot at the main entrance is for chemo/wound patients which is fine. But, the "hike" from garage B is crazy. To expect seniors to make that hike (or disabled people) & then try to find their way through that maze of hallways is even worse. You practically need oxygen by the time you get to the elevators. They need to start a shuttle from garage B to the main entrance.
Anon 11:50, don't you think that part of the parking problem is due to tha construction presently going on?
You can't expect great service when the administration is so bad that they do not value their staff. Nurses don't want to work there and the ones that are there hate it. It isn't about pay or benefits it is the administration treats their nursing dept like scum!!!!! The only thing they value is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Get rid of Peggy Naleppa, & Karen Poisker and get people in there that value Patients and those that care for the patients and the hospital won't have to boat load nurses from foreign countries tha have no idea what they are doing and can actually communicate. Oh wouldn't it be great to have the Doris Hammond, Edie Johnson administration back. They took care of their nurses and cared!!!
Do You Think for one minute PRMC cares about you the patient or the community?? They drove excellent anesthesiologist out of there and replaced them with sub standard so called Dr's. Make sure you know something about whoever is putting you to sleep these days folks. They have rent a doc's now!
citygoer.... it's all about 'da beach, baby!
My 7 year sold Son slipped getting out of the shower and struck his hard on the toilet very hard. Left a huge knot on the back of his. His doc gave a list of symptoms to look for and if he experienced any of them to take him to the ER. This was right after that star died from the head injury. Later that evening we ended up having to take him to PRMC. He started vomiting (one of symptoms) on the sidewalk as soon as he got out of the car. A nurse had walked by as we were pulling him. She saw him and asked if I need help. I told her he had struck his head earlier that day. She ran and I man literally ran to get a wheelchair. She bypassed check-in and told my Mom to stop there after she parked the van. We were in that hospital, through triage, seen a doctor, had a CT Scan and on our way home in an hours time. They moved so quickly I couldn't believe it. I never did get that nurses name that helped me that night. I certainly wish I had. She was super nice and on the ball. So if by any chance she is reading this and remembers the boy that she helped the night of March 28th. THANK YOU! I appreciate you quick action and for turning around when you were on your way out of the hospital that night.
Thank You 11:14 Am..I am not a Loser and I work at PRMC.. I am proud of what I do in the ICU. This person should have got a supervisor involved they are there 24 hrs a day and they could of handled it. Instead of getting on the blog and calling PRMC workers losers. The ER rotates their staff every 4 hours just about.
I've always had positive experiences there for myself and my children
All of your complaints about the Emergency Room--just remember that it is a separate entity from the rest of the Hospital and staff--
12:40 Are those rent a docs here on work visas?
I used to work for PRMC. Most of the people I worked with took a lot of pride in their jobs and took very good care of their patients. Yes, I left several years ago...and it was due tot he administration and their lack of support for their staff. It is a joke. They need better support for their people. Then they will slowly begin to attract better people to work there. THe other poster was correct..it is not about oney. It was all about respect and dignity. THe admin gave neither.
About the story, you should have contacted the nurse in charge. Hopefully he/she would have done something about this person.
I love how whenever there is something bad written about the ER, everyone who works for PRMC acts like it's not part of the hospital. Now before you jump down my throat, I understand the Docs and billing are separate there, but then again NO DOCTORS technically work for the Hospital, they're all independent contractors. But let's get real the ER is part of PRMC and you are only as strong as your weakest link.
PS To the person who wrote about their son falling and hitting their head: I'm glad things worked out for the best, but if Natasha Richardson doesn't fall and die so close to your son's event, then they probably would've sent you home and tell you to ice the bump.
I agree with the comment that Labor/Delivery Dept. there has excellent staff from the housekeeping staff to CNA's to RN's.
Emergency room?No!I went in for a suspected broken nose and no X-rays were done.I got an ice pack and a script for Vicodin -WTH?-later I learned that although no bones were broken,I sustained "soft issue" damage that later led to dental problems.
I used to work there but don't work there now. It seem as though there are as many good comments as there are bad. Just remeber they are one of the largest employers on the shore along with Perdue. With that many employees you will get some bad ones but you also get a lot of good ones too. People that take pride in their work and try to be as helpful as they can. I myself do not even recognize it now it has grown so large. And I used to know every inch of that hospital just three years ago. But anytime you have that many people working in a place there will always be some that don't care and are just there for a paycheck. So let's not be to hard on them because they may save your life someday.
I agree Labor & Delivery has some great staff. ER sucks! My husband went in there for stomach pains ..it was late at night..hardly anyone there..he got in a bed quickly but only because he passed out on the floor. Once back in the room..took 30 mins for a doc to come in..He said he was going to order a mri 4 hours had passed by..no mri..no doc..only the nurse to give him pain meds every hour. Doc forgot to order the Mri..Once I went out and asked what was going on did the doc come in and said something happened. The computer didnt take the order. another hour passes and finally he gets the mri..everything comes back fine on that..they discharged him even though he was still in pain..throwing up ..running a fever..heart rate all over the place. They told him they didnt know what was going on to follow up with his primary care. We were there 7.5 hours! come to find out they released him right before they changed shifts. apperently they wanted him outta there before they changed shifts ..The nurse was great though. Doc was just crappy.
Atlantic General is a great hospital. I will go there anytime before prmc
The Hospital its self is not bad at all..but the ER is a joke. I had to take my husband there not to long ago and we were there for 6hrs. which was insane for back pain. While we were there the staff was well they looked to be a bunch of teens. We got bumped into hallway but that was ok. the man they brought in was in the middle of a heart attack. while they were in there working on him they were laughing and loud..like a party. I was very pissed off about this. Then a child was brought in out cold..and they are in hallway just standing there looking at him,as if to say umm what do we do??..WOW!
But what i dont understand is that they are sopposed to be the best tramua center..but yet everytime u turn around and they get someone thats in bad condition they ship them off to another hospital...lol.. this hospital is deff a joke. well the ER is
The new ER is definitely better than the old one, but my family and I have had so many bad experiences that I can't help letting those experiences make me skeptical.
I'll never forget what happened with my granddaughter, and I'll never forget the time my grandson had a bad reaction to a medication, causing involuntary muscle twitches. He begged to be taken to the ER because it was bothering him so much. The doctor did a 10 second examination on him (literally, 10 seconds) and announced IN FRONT OF THE CHILD that he was faking it. We threw him out of the room, went home and waited until the tics finally stopped on their own. The arrogance of some of these ER docs is astonishing.
1:42 I don't know where you get your info but the ER does not rotate every 4 hours. We work 12 hour shifts, are very busy (we don't have just 2 patients to deal with). We are an EMERGENCY room and if we didn't have to deal with backaches for 4 months, colds, ambulances coming in with sprainned ankles(what an abuse of the ambulance)etc we could devote more time to those who really need the emergency room. When you get them in ICU they are all nice and fixed from er or operating room so you can proceed on with your care for your 1 0r 2 patients and sit on your little stoold in front of the computer. Just don't talk if you don't know what your talking about please!
Seeing as I was there the night this nurse supposedly played hacky sack in the station...I can only laugh.
If by "playing hacky sack" you actually mean "dealing with a priority-1 patient," then yes, you're right. Your son with the broken jaw probably was in a lot of pain. However, a broken jaw isn't going to kill you, but a priority-1 patient will most certainly die if nothing is done. Because of this, we in the EMERGENCY room will always take care of the dying patient over the one who just has pain. Sorry, but that's how it is.
And for the record, this lie about our RN playing hacky sack and tonka truck in the nursing station has gone all the way up to administration, and this RN has had to prove - via medical records - that he was not doing so. You've caused a lot of trouble with our staff over a made up story. I hope you're happy.
And really? A hacky sack? Are we five years old?
We're so busy with patients that I don't even have time to pee most shifts, let alone sit around and play hacky sack. Maybe if all the chronic paineurs, BS complaints, whiners, and "I lost my percocet prescription and I can't get in to see my doctor for THREE WEEKS" patients would stay away, we'd have a little more time to devote to the patients who actually need help.
And here we thought PRMC wasn't allowed to view Salisbury News. Thanks for letting us know they do.
We aren't. I just heard about this blog post today when the staff was discussing how much trouble it had caused, and wanted to clear up what actually happened.
I am an RN who happened to also be there on that day. Just to clear things up a bit, there was nothing like that going on. Someone on death's doorstep came into that nurse's trauma room and he was obligated to take care of that patient first. The young man in pain did get his pain medicine from another nurse who was helping out, although it was delayed a few minutes as there was an emergent situation unfolding. This young man came in very early in the morning and everyone was likely tired and a bit cranky by the time everything was all said and done. It goes to show how getting upset and posting nonsense on a blog like this can truly affect people's lives who are out there to help everyone. Try to stick to facts please before nearly ruining someone's career.
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