I was heading West on Rt. 50 Saturday when I came across this vehicle with both children not wearing seat belts, as well as the Mother. I snapped off a few shots, called the State Police and they were pulled over and ticketed.
I play no games and have absolutely no sympathy for ANY adult who has children in a vehicle not wearing seat belts or in a child seat.
So know this right here and now. If I happen to catch you, YOU WILL BE BLOGGED! I encourage others to do the same.
great socialist you are.
GREAT WORK JOE.....Sit on RT. 13 around Main St.,everyday and have at them..I see it all the time and it annoys the crap out of me.
Joe, I bet you were breaking the law by speeding to take the pics!
West VA... I'm sure they don't care an ounce about your pictures.
anonymous 10:44, nope. We were actually sitting at the light near the Shorebirds when it caught my eye. No speeding involved.
By the way, both the County and State Police were very ticked off when I showed them the images.
Joe - So why didn't call the police? It was obvious they'd be on Rt50 for another 30-40 mins!
haha. I am the WVA driver. My cousin from OC showed me this just now.
For the record the child was harnessed in and my wife has injured her ankles and was required to elevate her legs.
Any other explanations you need?
anonymous 10:57, I didn't have to call the Police. I turned off Rt. 50 heading towards the airport when I came across a State Trooper. I gave him all the information needed and he sat right there and called it in. Seconds later I also came across a Sheriff's Deputy and showed him the pictures. He confirmed they were on the radio pulling them over. So technically, I didn't have to call. The Police ARE there when you need them, just open your eyes.
Nice try 11:01 but the passenger was a child, not a Wife or adult. Those anti Albero bloggers will say anything to discredit me. ROTFLMAO
honestly seatbelt laws are just a way to raise revenue...if people dont wanna wear seatbelts then that should be their prerogative. our gov't has no right to dictate personal choice when it hurts noone but the individual...
if this is all you have to do with your life is harass someone not wearing a seatbelt, then your life is far too easy.
Ney, seat belts save lives, period. A lot of parents are Gen-Poppers and Im surprised they can even wipe their own a$$. Why should a child suffer or die because their parents are idiots.
For what it's worth, I was on the phone calling my contacts with the Police when I came across a State Trooper. In fact, I had made two calls unsuccessfully when I contacted Davis Ruark to ask him for someone's number. It was at that moment I told him nevermind because a State Trooper pulled over for me. No lies being told. JT, if you'd like to confirm that, just call Davis and ask.
Any other version of the story?
1st - You called the police
2nd - You didn't need to call and found a trooper
3rd - You were on the phone calling when you found a trooper
Hmmmm... care to explain the revisions of the story?!
I think its wonderful that all of the other crimes have been solved and all criminals in jail. Now the police can concentrate on real problems....like seatbelt violations. Until we start regulating who is allowed to reproduce, and I think we should, people are always gonna do stuff thats not safe for their kids. I used to ride in the back of my great-grandfathers truck. And I am still alive. Stupid? Yes. But so is eating fast food and not exercising. LOL.
"For what it's worth, I was on the phone calling my contacts with the Police when I came across a State Trooper"
Contacts with the police??????? How about call the POLICE and not contacts.
GO REFRESH THE POST AGAIN JT! Don't you ever call me a liar, I just gave you PROOF!
Hey Joe- For what it is worth, they are from West Virginia, so it may HAVE been his wife. You know they marry real young!!!
Uh Joe. You did lie.
1 - called the cops
2 - didn't need to call the cops, and found a trooper
3 - was on the phone, but found a trooper
3 different versions. Are you smart enough to remember what you've already said??
Yeah, he'll shut his fat trap now.
i like the title of the post though. "dont mess with me." so ur saying everytime i dont wear a seatbelt im messing with Joe Albero? i had no idea. ill be sure to start strapping myself in from here on out. they should make joe an honorary police officer. thanks for trying to play God
I don't care about YOU as much as I do your children. IF YOU have a child in the car who should be in a car seat and they are not, I'm calling the Police. If you have a child in your car not wearing a seat belt, I'm calling the Police.
If YOU are possibly drinking and driving and I see you all over the road, I'm calling the Police. I have every right to do so and I will. You're NOT going to kill my Wife or Grandson and you're NOT going to kill one of your children if I see either or. Sadly, the drunks always walk away while they kill others.
I'll bet your right on the JT thing Joe. I refuse to go to his site but I'd bet good money he's posted something about this and now that you have up the new phone image he's going to look like the jerk that he really is. I'd also bet he's going to pull his post after he sees you proved him wrong.
anonymous 11:42, you're right! I just rejected 11 comments from him, I'm sure. Now that's funny!
Joe, I agree with what you did. If more citizens contacted the Police whenever they saw a child in danger we'd live in a better country.
This is really great for tourism, let's set up some road blocks on rt 50 and search all cars. I'm sure the folks can find a more friendly vacation spot than this area!
11:00 AM the "supposed" driver - click on the pictures and they will enlarge for you. There is no way the child in the back seat is harnessed. If so, he wouldn't be able to reach the window. He doesn't even have a seatbelt on. Shame on you!
Feet out the window is also breaking the law. People from West Virginia sure are stupid.
Joe, I applaud what ever action you took to get the issue resolved. The safety of the children is Top Priority! Strap them in, and Keep them Safe!
ok i said nothing about not calling police if someone is drunk and all over the road. thats a whole different story. id do the same thing. But you worry about your children and i will worry about mine. you going to do same thing when they enforce the no texting on cell phone law?
anonymous 12:28, My concern, AGAIN, is about the children.Put them in seat belts or proper car seats or if I see you I will call the Police and now many others will too. If you don't like it, pay the fine or have your children taken from you. The choice is yours.
If people are concerned about Mr.Albero driving and taking pictures , he can just park at any bank parking lot and get them coming and going from the drive thru. I used to work for a bank and people just dont care what you see them doing, unrestrained children and babies, drinking and driving, seatbelt violations. you would be surprised how many people drink alcohol while driving work vehicles.
god bless you and little joe albero.
where are your halo's ?
Why is everyone nitpicking about this? Give it a rest. Joe, please calm down. It isn't good for your health.
I dont need a halo. if you think drinking and driving a company owned vehicle is ok, then i feel sorry for your employer. I was just stating that people do these things all the time and they apparently dont care who sees them. I for one do not ever drive without my seatbelt and you will never see my child or anyone else in my car without their seatbelt. that is just common sense, not saint worthy behavior. if you read the news, many unrestrained children have been ejected from vehicles and crushed lately so it seems like if you have any sense at all you wouldnt want this possiblity for anyone in your family. you cant say you will never be in an accident. even if you are a great driver someone can hit you and then what do you do? so, no thanks to the halo idea but maybe you should go and get a dunce cap.
From dunce cap
I wear my seat belt, i have been a truck driver for 30 years . It has nothing to do with wearing a seat belt or drinking a beer in a car.
It has something to do with minding your own business.
If you dont have to call the police when you need them, how come a couple of weeks ago there was a post on this blog about all the guns we need to protect ourselves, because you could never find a cop.
If you are out in public in plain view it is everyones business. they arent hiding out in a dark garage and being stalked, they are driving around town proudly diplaying their idiocy for which they should be justly rewarded. have a good day.
Well first off they're West Virgina - his wife could be a child ...
Secondly seat belts save prevent injuries & save lives ....cutting insurance rates .....
Here are 5 cardinal driving rules:
1. Put ON your seat belt.
2. Put DOWN the cellphone.
3. Keep RIGHT except to pass.
4. Get your head out of your ASS!
Why not look at the posotive aspect of this situation. These childrens lives could have been saved --- thanks to someone who cared enough to report the parents irresponisble actions when they KNOW IT IS FOR THEIR CHILDS PROTECTION!!! I wish more & more people would call the police when they see a wrong. They need all the help they can get!!EW
Uh sorry the police can't and won't make those kids wear seat belts. And it's not your place to get people in trouble.
As for the person who said "seat belts save lives, period." You are wrong. There is a lot more to the seat belt laws than just saving lives. A hell of a lot more to it. I'd love to lecture you but that kind of "period!" attitude reveals a closed mindedness and a brainwashing that I won't waste my time with.
Anyway Joe everyone knows you are a snitch but really you're just going a bit senile with this post. You aren't scaring anyway, you aren't making the world a better place, and your antics certain;y aren't NEWS.
i really could care less about these people, however, it is possible they do have seatbelts on. this is a propably mid 90's vehicle, the kid is probably in a booster seat and there is no shoulder strap because some older cars only have lap belt, the adult passenger up front has her seatbelt engaged because you can see the should part wrapped around the back of the passenger seat which tells me that she is only wearing a lap belt. so unless you could see down in the vehicle, which you don't have any pics of, so although it looks as if they don't have seat belts on, they actually may.
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