Talk about a control freak! Chief Webster goes away for a Honeymoon while the citizens of Salisbury are placed on hold because there is no crime and there are no gangs, so just wait until I get back so I can pick and choose just what I want you to see.
It has been 10 days since we've seen any kind of Press release from the Salisbury Police Department and I don't know about you but I'm feeling less safe every day that passes and this guy is still the Chief of Police.
Is there anyone else out there besides the typical Barrie Tilghman, Lynn Cathcart and a few others that actually like this man and appreciate his work? I know the new Mayor has a lot on his plate but once again the citizens are in the back seat and crime is not an issue to take lightly here in Salisbury any more.
Some stats say Salisbury is the 9th most dangerous city in America.I can hear the Chief now, well, someone has to be in 9th place somewhere. What I'd like to know is who is the jackass who keeps accrediting the SPD when crime is so high, the Chief only allows the citizens to see what he wants them to see and ten days go by before any crime information is released.
If he worked for me directly, he would have been fired years ago.
Well I think there is a Deputy Chief that is in charge now. Just because your Chief is on his honeymoon does not stop the function of the department. Of course we don t know if there is standing orders from the Chief to supress the media. Oh well only in Salisbury... man I am glad I moved from Salisbury. It use to be a clean and quiet place to live.
Well, for starters, he does not work for you directly. Your pick for Mayor, does not deem it necessary to fire the Chief, according to the Daily Times article yesterday. You and your cronies are probably the only ones who cares that report has not been published. Do you know for a fact the Chief ordered report not to be published OR is it a case "with the cat away, the mice will play". When are you going to stop blogging nagativity to stir up trouble and blog good and happy news occasionly?
When there is some dumba$$.
(didnt mean to answer for Joe, couldnt help myself).
Joe, what are your comments regarding Mayor Ireton's support for chiefy as evidenced in yesterday's Daily Times' article?
Why dont you ask your choice for Mayor?
I went to pick up a pizza last night from Dominos on Rt 13 across from WBOC. The door was locked and I had to be "buzzed" in by the guy at the counter. I went in to pay for my pie and said to the guy "Damn, you fellas have this place locked down" and he responded with "we have to, we've been held up too many times, we actually got robbed earlier this week." Now, I can't verify this employee's word yet, but it would be nice to know if it is true and gets reported when good ole Chiefy gets back!
In addition, not only does crime hurt business in the aspect of being robbed, but it also deters future customers-I will probably not go back to that dominoes for pick up due to safety reasons and my wife surely won't go back. It's a shame what this city is coming to!
Mayor cannot fire chiefy without the consent of the council which is still controlled by the majority of Tilghmans cronnies.However he can order him back in uniform,order him to be visable on the streets,reduce his vehicle privilages,account for his time in Salisbury while employed.
The mayor can fire the chief. With his vote and three city council members with just cause. Thats all well and good. The chief can in turn sue the city of Salisbury because he HAS a contract. The easy way would be to fire him, give him a good luck, thank you party, pay him "off" and let him goooo. We could always have a fundraiser to raise the money to pay him off. Any ideas what we could sell?
Sell drugs, lots of drugs!!! Because if we sold drugs to pay him off, that would give Chiefy a motive to crack down of crime in Salisbury which would help us out until we raise enough to give him the boot! Comes around, goes around right?
Where do you get your information that Salisbury is the 9th most violent city in the US?
Take a stroll after dark down any street in the city.
Be glad you don't live in Pocomoke City, Md. There never is a police report..........there's never any admission to crime for that matter.
I agree that it could cause one to feel uneasy not knowing what crimes have been comitted. But at least you know you will get them.
At least I hope so.
I am getting upset with our new mayor. But , I should have known better. School teachers are very
liberal for the most part. They
are not proactive and they pass the buck. Oh well , he was a better choice than Gary. Too bad you guys , he won't fire anyone , to afraid. What a woooosh!
If you were smarter than a third grader you would understand these heads of the departments are protected by the charter which was rewritten by the previous mayor and city solisitor to protect them from being fired without approval of the council and the mayor. The new mayor is not a wooosh he is just proceding with caution to do it right and save our city money from a lawsuit. Maybe you could get someone to read and explain the city charter to you. It will ALL come in due time. Be patient.
Thank you 1:20...
Clearly, they are not smarter than third graders. How many times does it have to be said for people to understand.
Jim can NOT fix the mess that he's been handed over night people it takes time. So you can re direct your "woooshing" lameo!
How liberal of me I know. :)
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