Mr. Albero,
Just wanted to throw you an email asking you to post on your site to get the word out to anyone looking for a place to go on the 4th of July. As in years past the Hebron Volunteer Fire Department will be having our annual fireworks display on the evening of the 4th. The display will be put on by Mr. Bill Morrison of Bay Fireworks in the feild directly behind the carnival grounds. Ground to sky action can be seen by using the entrance directly behind the carnival grounds, I recommend bringing a chair or blanket. The fireworks can also be viewed from your car on Old Railroad Rd. or the lions club ball park area on West Church St. We will have a tent set up in the field and a mobile unit selling beverages, cotton candy, candy apples, caramel corn, lighted balloon, and other novelty items that evening.
Our carnival will also be running that evening from 5p.m. until 9p.m. earlier than our normal hours of 6:30p.m.-until due to the evening events. I encourage all to come out and have a night of fun with us at the carnival and stick around for the fireworks. Myself being involved with the fireworks since we started, believe that it is one of the best shows around. We are expecting a big crowd so I recommend getting a spot early, the show should start sometime between 9:30 and 10p.m. Any questions can be answered by calling the Hebron Fire Department @410-749-3090. On behalf of the Hebron Fire Department I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July and hope to see ya in Hebron.
Doug Parker
Hebron Vol. Fire Dept.
How much does the carnival cost? Are we allowed to bring a cooler?
I volunteer there every year at the ticket booth. The carnival costs nothing to enter but to play the games will vary. Rides are $2 per ticket(most big rides are 2 tickets) or a $10 armband which will allow you to ride all night. Friendly people, lots of fun, great food! Come and see what a hometown carnival is really like!
I concur Tina. We take our Grandson there regularly and he has a blast. Good people, great food and plenty there to keep the kids happy for hours on end. $10.00 is CHEAP!
The fireworks are also free, at least they have been since they started, I have been to every one. I have also brought my own cooler each time with no hassle(to fireworks show only). I do notice sometimes people bring their own drinks and things like strawberrys to top off your ice cream. <3 Hebron!
and for the wonder roast fanatics.. When the Foodrite was locally owned the WONDER ROAST was EXCELLENT!!! Now Indians of some decent i do not know run the place with poor wages, lot of under the table under minimum wage earnings, and they replaced the wonder roast with some IMPOSTER cornish hen CRAP! I have boycotted the foodrite since i heard of the wages for employees. Slowly they have replaced all the local help with obvious relatives or people of the same decent as the new owner. Makes me nauseous.
is green hill country club doing fire works???
To Anonymous 4:40 I agree with you about the Foodrite. When the White's owned it, it was a family oriented store I loved to shop at. Now, it's turned into another Super Soda with their stacks of beer and long row of wine selection. I suppose they are giving the party population what they want. I don't let my daughter who is ten yrs. old go in that place alone, even with ME waiting out in the car! You can't get around the store without bumping into the displays of beer. I won't buy their meats, it's gross. Don't trust them at all. Most of the workers look unclean and unhealthy. It's too bad for Hebron that the White's had to sell the store. Miss you Penny and Steve!
from what i understand the other middle eastern decent people who are ncurrently working at foodrite are family. sometimes a little money is better than no money. i think the wonder roast is just fine. get over your self
I just called the Hebron Fire Department and you have posted WRONG information as to the Fireworks display...their Fireworks will be on July 5th, NOT July 4th...you should always double check your info before you post it.
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