(Salisbury, MD) Over 150 children and family members enjoyed a free day of fishing at Salisbury City Park on Saturday, June 6 for the Annual Fishing Derby. The fishing competition got underway at 9:00am, and several exciting catches were made including an 13-inch Bass. While enjoying free hot dogs, sodas and snacks, prizes and trophies were awarded for the biggest fish, most fish caught by a boy and girl and the most unusual catch.
In preparation for the Derby, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) stocked the pond at Salisbury City Park. Approximately 500 Blue Gills joined the pond’s current inhabitants including Catfish, Large-Mouth Bass, Perch and Carp.
The Eastside Salvation Army and Wicomico Recreation, Parks & Tourism work together to bring the Annual Fishing Derby to the community. It is sponsored by the Fraternal Order of Eagles 4503, the Ladies Auxiliary and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Fishing Derby Awards were given to:
Tyler White Biggest Fish
Biggest Bass Josh Fykes
Summer Martin Biggest Sun
Jacob Carroll Most Fish Caught by a Boy
Kara McKenzie Most Fish Caught by a Girl
Joshua Schwinn Smallest Fish
Ariana Stallings Most Unusual Fish
Morris Culbertson Most Enthusiastic Angler
Dont touch the soars on the fish.
Most Enthusiastic Angler, I belive Morris came to FISH. Thats cute, I bet that was a Moment of Grace all by itself.
I woner how long the fish that didn't get caught will survive in that water? I sure wouldn't eat a fish caught on the Wicomico River!
I'd love to send my kids to the park and the zoo but I fear for their safety.
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