Guerrero's Opponent Speaks Out
(SALISBURY, MD -- WMDT) 5/31/2009
Photographer: Joe Albero
Pro boxer Fernando Guerrero is the main event in his next bout on June 19th.
On Sunday, his opponent, Brian "The Assassin" Norman was in town and had some "big talk" about being a part of a main event. He said, "I'm always the main event, i've been the main event a lot... yeah, a lot."
Norman was in town from Georgia for a press conference.
Norman is 17-8. Meanwhile, Guerrero still holding on to his perfect 13-0.
There is a lot of hype building for this next showdown and Guerrero says he's ready.
Guerrero said, "I'm confident, he's confident, and that's good for me because I don't want to fight a loser, I want to fight a winner, you know? That's what makes it a good fight, entertaining. It's going to be entertaining for the crowd."
As for being in Guerrero's hometown, Norman said, "They love Fernando, and I can appreciate that. This is his community, this is his town, his city. And I respect that."
The event is at the Civic Center on June 19th.
For tickets, click on 47 Weblinks.
All emergency and first responders will receive a 20% discount.
This guy looks tough and in good shape. Bet it's a good fight. Now I'm going to have to make both events, Roy Book Binder at the Globe in Berlin and rush back here to catch the main event. You be available by cell phone Joe to keep me heads up on fights?
I'll get a $15 ticket and bring binoculars! Hopefully all of the fights will go the distance and I can sit with Roy long enough to buy him an Irish whiskey and shoot the Sh!t and still make it back here in time.
Why no picture of Katherine? Come on Joe, think about the readers. A little Amenta every day keeps the sun shining...
guerreo anit box nobody an his manager hal chernoff is a joke.barry hunter is the real trainer out of wash,dc not fake hal chernoff as he misleads salisbury citizens an fans
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