Location of Incident: SR 30 Gravel Hill Road approximately 1 mile south Johnson Road 5 miles north of Millsboro, Sussex County
Date and Time of Occurrence: Thursday June 18, 2009 at approximately 16:15 hours
Victim: Shauna R. Kaufman, 17, Dagsboro, DE
State Police are investigating a traffic crash that killed a 17 year-old girl from Dagsboro.
The crash occurred around 4:15 pm today when Kaufman was driving a1998 Volvo S70 south on Gravel Hill Road at a reported high rate of speed. Her vehicle enter a right curve in the roadway and began to rotate clockwise on a wet roadway. As the Volvo traveled off the south bound edge of the roadway it continued to spin exposing the driver’s side door as the car struck a utility pole.
Kaufman was trapped in the vehicle and was later pronounced dead at the scene. It is unknown if seatbelts were used or if alcohol is suspected in the crash.
Prior to the crash Kaufman was reportedly driving very aggressively.
The roadway is still closed at this time.
God bless her family. I grew up with her, she was a great girl. All my prayers are with the Kaufmans.
All of our love goes out to the Kaufmans. They are a beautiful family. This is a tradgedy I can barely comprehend.
I was very near this accident last night( a house 200 yrds away from curve) When I left around 10pm the road was still closed and they were still working on the pole. Sad. Seeing the car, we knew it was next to inpossible that anyone lived.. My heart goes out to the family.
To the Kaufmans and all of their family. You are in our prayers during this difficult time.
Tim & Cindy O'Neill
Kennesaw, GA
she had sooo much going for her! i really havent seen her since middle school but knowing shes gone makes it that much harder rest easy young girl...you in Gods hands now!..
I haven't seen Shauna in a year, and I had been trying to get up with her this summer. I send nothing but love and prayers to her family; it really is a tragedy she was such a wonderful human being.
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