Industry signage leader rejects campaign asking simply 'Where's the birth certificate?'
WASHINGTON – The company touting itself as the "world's largest out-of-home media" enterprise has banned WND's national billboard campaign that asks one simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"
CBS Outdoor, a division of CBS Corp. that sells more outdoor advertising than any other billboard company in North America, refuses to accept purchases of space on any of its 550,000 displays nationwide, media buyers for WND report.
The billboard campaign was begun last month by Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, due to his frustration with media colleagues not giving attention to what he sees as critical questions about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president.
"Here we have one of the largest media companies in the U.S. now not only refusing to allow news coverage of a vitally important national question being asked by millions of Americans, but one that won't even permit the purchase of space to raise the question," said Farah. "What is the value of a First Amendment in a country when this kind of self-censorship is at work – self-censorship specifically geared to stifle inquiry and debate about the most powerful person in the country."
Are you motivated yet to join the billboard campaign and clear up the air of mystery surrounding Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve?
Farah maintains Obama has not proved he is constitutionally eligible to serve as president as a "natural born citizen, and suggests only the release of his long-form birth certificate showing the hospital of his birth, attending physician and other details can conclusively meet that test. Obama's presidential campaign released to select news organizations only what is known as a "certification of live birth," a document obtainable in Hawaii in 1961 by Americans actually born outside the country.
GO HERE to read more.
CBS in totally within their rights to do this. You're beating a dead horse with this post Joe.
That is their right is it not?
What's the take by the other big sign companies, like Clear Channel?
This is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Perhaps they forged his birth certificate in the same studio they filmed the moon landing... Save your money folks.
CBS is a joke anyway.I stopped watching their TV network when I got satellite Tv and they wouldnt give me a waiver.Their TV ratings are continously low so it looks like they could use all the money they can get their hands on-better sell those billboards!
If one would take the time to reserach. Thier are copies of his birth cetifacate on record. His mother was a U.S. citizen which makes him a citizen even if he were born on Mars.
Get over it!
It's over! Move on.
We are told his mother was a US citizen when he was born, but was he born in Kenya as a family member stated? If so was his mother a citizen of Kenya? When he went to school in Indonesia, during his Mothers second marriage, he had to be a citizen of Indonesia only. He could not be a duel citizen of another Country. That is the law in Indonesia with no exceptions. Is there documents that proves he gave up Indonesia citizenship and reinstated his questionable US citizen status? This question has never been pressed or answered either. These are two questions that need to be truthfully answered by this So called transparent Administration.
3:25, where do you get this SH*T? Are you Sherlock Holmes? Gallactic stupidity.
Some people have way too much time on their hands ....
Did George Doublya have an I.Q.???
Must. Not. Criticise. Dear Leader.
The 'thing' that was posted as a qualifying birth certificate was a 'certificate of live birth' that can be granted to someone in Hawaii that was born elsewhere.
The Constitution says the president must be a NATURAL-born US citizen.
This issue was raised (with a big stink) by you lefties over John McCain being born in Panama. It was okay to fuss then, but now everybody should just get over it, huh?
SHOW US THE LONG-FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE! End the speculation. Do what should have been done before his name ever appeared on a ballot.
I had to show mine to just get a drivers license, but you think he should get a pass?
No matter how much you fuss and cuss, this is a VALID requirement to hold the office that was not met, and we will not go away.
First off in Kenya women have no rights. His first school the Muslim one you have to be a citizen of that country to attend further more this country does not allow dual citizenship therefore he had to be a citizen period. as for his birth certificate what was presented was deemed a copy of an altered copy fact.
"...only the release of his long-form birth certificate showing the hospital of his birth, attending physician and other details can conclusively meet that test. Obama's presidential campaign released to select news organizations only what is known as a "certification of live birth," a document obtainable in Hawaii in 1961 by Americans actually born outside the country."
The fact that the 'certificate of live birth' was the one given to the press strongly suggests that the other, long-form (real) birth certificate doesn't exist-- why would the state issue both kinds for one birth?
When one of these original documents surface there has to be a forensic test on the paper to prove they are from the time frame of his birth. The Countries / States involved would produce reproductions to attempt to close the questions. At the minimum Soros and Acorn would put up unspecified amount of money to keep their Croonie in power. Charlie Rangle and other crooked Politians are backing a Bill to prohibit further investigations. Problem is they have to make it retro or it will take effect after the fact which does not close investigations on this matter as long as Obama is in Office.
YOu Liberals please explain the Executive Order by Obama the day after inauguration to have his vital records sealed an why he has spent hundreds of thousands to keep his medical and college records, and passport sealed.
Readers, I have emailed Senator Mikulski concerning this important matter. NO REPLY
Imagine that!
But I am an Angry White,Pro-Life, Gun Owner so my questions don't matter
If there are legal documents out there why not just post them? What's the big deal? Unless you have something to hide.
So you ar going to post anything now? You no longer refuse the right to turn away a post or, um 2000? Good, I can't wait till the next time I refute what you say with the truth.
All this time, energy and money expended hiding and locking up documents, getting court orders, calling people names, threatening people who pursue the documents.. and you ask "What's the big deal?"
Good question. Why haven't they just showed the documents in question and been done with it?
If things are as they say, the issue would disappear overnight.
But they haven't. They won't.
Why not?
I think I know.
Because if they do, they know The Anointed One is toast.. and they would have to make Joe Biden president.
A very scary thought.
This country DOES "allow" dual citizen ship -
The rest of you adz hoes listen to too much of Faux News & Rush Limpballs.
This isn't just about CBS-- the White House is trying desperately to kill this issue.
Though they have ranted about their "transparency in government", they are anything but transparent.
They've established an open forum to discuss ways to make the gov't more transparent, but they refuse to discuss this most basic issue. Posts that even mention the birth certificate issue are deleted as quickly as they are put up.
Some transparency, huh?
And..to 2:18AM-- this country may allow dual-citizenship, but certainly not to the President.
I am horrified that a muslim usurper is in the whitehouse. I guess the sheeple don't care.
anon 2:18 you are a liar they do not allow dual citizenship their laws are online stupid.
Taiwo Otieno has been issued a Kenyan passport without renouncing his British citizenship therefore breaching the Kenyan immigration act that does not allow Kenyans to hold any other citizenship against their Kenyan one.
This whole situation is a good way to sort the educated from the crazy, and the educated get a good laugh in the process. I hope they never provide any documentation, you can't buy this kind of entertainment.
It's about sorting the truth from the cover up while everyone laughs away the Constitution like sheep being led to the slaughter house clueless.
I don't think he can be President either. He was not born here, hes not even human, he was hatched in outer space as part of an alien project. This is all a part of their plan to establish aliens in positions of power to take us all over. Ever since we got nukes we've been far too dangerous to attack so now they're going to take us over slowly. Aliens live like 800 years so they have the time. When Obama celebrates his 200th birthday everyone will know I was right, that is, if they haven't taken over the world already.
This... AGAIN?
The State of Hawai'i officially verified the existence of his original birth certificate, and the fact that he was born in Hawai'i in 1961.
The US Supreme Court threw out the case against Obama without even looking it over
You guys are starting to look pathetic with this stuff.
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