Re-housing program grant funds under the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA). These funds that are administered by the Department of Housing and
Community Development (DHCD) will be applied for on behalf of various organizations
in the City of Salisbury.
Funds can be used for homeless prevention and re-housing activities to include financial
assistance for security deposits, first/last months rent, utility payments, hotel and motel
vouchers and moving costs assistance. Funds can also be used for services that assist
program participants with housing stability and placement; i.e., case management,
outreach and engagement, housing search and placement, legal services, landlord
mediation and credit repair. Other uses include data collection and evaluation and
administration costs. Administration funds are limited to 5% of the grant request.
Grant funds will be applied for to cover a two year period. DHCD is requesting one
application from each jurisdiction. All interested organizations should contact Loré L.
Chambers at (410) 548-3100 as soon as possible. Minority and faith-based 501c 3
organizations are encouraged to apply. Applications can be downloaded from the City’s
website at www.ci.salisbury.md.us. Applications are due to Ms. Chambers by June 30, 2009.
This type of legislation assumes that the homeless out there don't want to be homeless and want to re- enter working society.
While this may hold true for some, there are probably a matching number who would rather not.
And we wonder why as a country we are broke and we wonder why a large segment of our population refuses to work and why the few us still working in the private sectors taxes are too high.It is because our money is paying for more goverment designed social engineering that in the end only hurts the ones it was designed to help!
Completely disagree. Show statistics about those wh jsut do not want to work. Your reverse social engineering is hogwash
Didn't we learn anything? We allowed people to buy houses without a down payment. Now we are letting them rent something without one. If they can't save enough for a downpayment/deposit all its going to take is an extra doctors visit or a broken down car and they wont be able to pay their rent! We are not helping these people we are only making them dependant on the system. Now we will have renters that will not care if they tear up a place. Why care its not their money that was put down for a deposit.
Let's make sure this is not "The Bricks" boondoogle deja vu!
How about "just say no."
How bout "just get a house" They work the same.
You people see the "Two Societies" yet? One will always be paying for the other and its only going to get worse.
Im sick and tired of giving people a hand out. I am all for giving someone and hand up but they are not doing that. These people will go from charity to charity taking anything they can get for free ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
3:27 I think you hit the nail on the head!
Sweet. Now SAPOA can get their piece of bailout money, too. Where is mine?
Why are minority and faith based organizations encouraged to apply? What if there is a white atheist who needs help to get a place to live? Oops had a brain f**t, the white people are a minority.
I hope that they screen any potential beneficiaries of these grants thoroughly before paying off.There are too many people who make a living out of abusing these charitable programs, and the working-poor parents and families get shafted even though they are trying to do the right thing by getting up every day and working to survive.Ditto for our senior citizens,who have worked hard all their lives and still struggle due to health problems or the economy,with little help.
Some of the working poor are homeless.
Don't forget, a lot of working families went into foreclosure.
Some became homeless when they couldn't pay the taxes on inflated home values.
What do people who have no homes put on their work applications? No address, no get hired.
I hope they screen carefully too. But you guys seem to want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Anonymous said...
Some of the working poor are homeless.
Don't forget, a lot of working families went into foreclosure.
Some became homeless when they couldn't pay the taxes on inflated home values.
What do people who have no homes put on their work applications? No address, no get hired.
I hope they screen carefully too. But you guys seem to want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
9:54 PM
Oh really, who are these people? Name names. Show proof of your statements? You can't do it because you are a typical liberal democrat that uses scare tactics and and poor pitiful me stories. Well guess what I am part of that working class poor that is going to work harder so that I don't loose my home. Get the hint moron!
Theres a storm coming people.
I have personally talked one on one with two of our local homeless, and one conversation occured while I was "evicting" him from "his" woods that my company needed to clear for a new building in a cold winter.
Both of these people were very happy with their situations and actually bragged that they didn't have to work more than one or two days a week for food money. They had no rent, tv, electric, or water bills to worry over.
Now, of course that's only 100% of the ones I talked to; has anyone else actually taken the time to have a conversation with any of these folks?
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