ERIE, Pa.| Former President George W. Bush fired a salvo at President Obama on Wednesday, asserting his administration's interrogation policies were within the law, declaring the private sector -- not government -- will fix the economy and rejecting the nationalization of health care.
"I know it's going to be the private sector that leads this country out of the current economic times we're in," the former president said to applause from members of a local business group. "You can spend your money better than the government can spend your money."
Repeatedly in his hourlong speech and question-and-answer session, Mr. Bush said he would not directly criticize the new president, who has moved to take over financial institutions and several large corporations. Several times, however, he took direct aim at Obama policies as he defended his own during eight years in office.
"Government does not create wealth. The major role for the government is to create an environment where people take risks to expand the job rate in the United States," he said to huge cheers.
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Yeah, I'd listen to the genius that attacked the wrong country and then got us into a masssive financial mess. Go away, and take Dick Cheney with you!
How's that Obama thing working for you?
Bush hasn't got a clue. The dumbest President ever elected. Who cares what he says.
2012 Clocks ticking...
Gov't taking over the bankins system, gov't taking over the auto industry, gov't taking over health insurance... and Bush is the idiot?!!
"W" is definitely not the sharpest crayon in the box,but no one could accuse him of being a Socialist!.....
You ever heard that saying about being careful what you wish for?Those who voted for "change" better remember thats what they wished for.
Hey 1:53 ,unemployment one year ago was at 5.00% The genius in White House today thinks if you double a figure that his Obama stimulus package is working. Bush might have held that title before Obama was elected but Obama in six short months has made Bush look like Einstein!
I agree that obama's package is not working.
But George Bush got us where we are today, not obama.
So what do ya do.
Who do you think started the economic downslide? Pull your head out of the sand and figure it out.
Bush is actually a very smart guy he just didnt sell himself but if you look at his policies he was a great President.It wasn't until Pelosi and the libs took over congress that we started having problems. You can't blame Bush for this mess Obama and the socialist's made.
We are giving Obama a lot of line
and he will hang himself. Maybe already!
Funny he should say that about the private sector since he bought most of it for the government. What got us in this mess was his ill-advised war against Iraq and his cronies that own the oil companies destroying and collapsing our economy. There is no argument against these facts.
Obama is leading us to being
a Socialist country and thrn we
Bush did not put us in the bad economic slump. We The People did. Obama is making it worst.
Bush was a good president. You can think the people in Senate and Congress for not allowing him to do his job.
Like I said , we have given him enough line and he will hang himself. This is a given! This country has fought hard for hundreds of years to get where we are. We will not be a socialist society!
Bush was a figurehead. He is too stupid to figure out what was going on....that's why Cheney and Rove ran the country, and deserve to be tried for treason. Socialism? What do you think social security, Medicare and Medicaid are. Are you sending yours back? No? Then just shut up!
"Government doesn't create wealth.."
goes the quote.
They didn't have any trouble shipping our jobs overseas and replacing them with junk and poisoned goods.
Which do you want:
Government destroying wealth through taxes
Government destroying our means to earn wealth?
This economy has been going bad since after World War II and anyone that can't see that is blind. It started with the death of our steel industry and has gone downhill ever since.
So you Libs blame G.W., but remember one thing...G.W. didn't make 90 million dollars from Fannie Mae on the down low like ObamaAnitiChrist did, Of course the media would NEVER mention that!
I hope you Libs like Communism cause that's the road we're heading down.
Personally, if it was my choice I'd make George W. Bush our King!
Now attack me so we can all see how the "simple" Lib mind works!
It will take 5 years not just 5 months for Obama to straighten out the mess that Bush left us. How's that 3 trillion dollar war working for you?
Bush was far from perfect, but I have to admit I miss him a little. I think he's a lot smarter than he's given credit for and most in the MSM know it but won't say it. So what he looked like he smelled a turd every time he spoke publicly and stumbled through words. I just don't like Obama's policies or arrogance.
If you folks on the left remember your nominee in 2008, Mr. Kerry, he and Bush went to the same school. Lo and behold Bush had a higher GPA than Kerry. So now who is the dunce
Kerry in 2008?????????? I do not remember him running.
Same old stupid anti-Obama remarks. Dubya spouts a few cliches and somehow he's now a genius?
As for 7:56's stupid Yale comment. Here's a clue for ya: Dubya was a legacy Yalie. Know what that means?
Means he got in because Daddy Dubya went there.
Ummmmm 4:35.... I distinctly remember seeing Obama's birth cert. back in the PRIMARY'S!!!!
You just don't WANT him to be an American.
My W magnet still hangs proud.
"Like A Rock...Only dumber!"
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