We told you last week that we'd be delivering a breaking news story and here it is.
While I have known for quite some time there was more than meets the eye when it came to Police Chief Pecoraro and Town Manager Jay Parker suddenly disappearing from Princess Anne's Employment, months of digging have finally turned up enough information for me to expose the truth.
It is true that Chief Pecoraro did resign under a medical condition, I believe this is one of those cases where he was fortunate enough to have such documents filed before other charges against him could be brought forth. Removing him under any condition was the right thing to do.
Town Manager Jay Parker has been playing a sort of cat and mouse game with Commissioners for years. The only way you were ever going to reach this guy was by cell phone. Jay, (a like able guy) was playing the Town of Princess Anne like a fine tuned fiddle. Never in the Office, always an excuse as to why he wasn't around and always about 30 minutes away from being able to meet with anyone.
The reason, he was out doing work elsewhere for other organizations, one in which he is now employed. Word has it he had been told flat out NOT to work for anyone else but it's clear he was doing it anyway.
There came a time in which the Town of Princess Anne filed for a Grant for a project called, "Hampden Avenue Sidewalk Safe Route To School Project." This was a Federal Grant in which $90,000.00 was committed by the State to construct certain sidewalks, (similar to the recent Salisbury sidewalk project).
Jay Parker, as Town Manager was to oversee the project, get sealed bids by different contractors and submit them to the Town Commissioners. Some how, Chief Pecararro caught wind of the project and confronted Jay Parker and told him he could save the Town a lot of money by doing the project himself. It has been reported that he brought in an ex prisoner, created an alleged LLC and used this former prisoner as they key person to do the project.
There were NO SEALED BIDS presented to anyone and Parker and Pecoraro simply started the project before the funds were ever released by the State. It has also been reported that at least one Officer, (Pecoraro) was being paid overtime as part of the construction crew and money was being spent well above Jay Parkers authority and he never once went to the Commissioners for permission to do so.
After numerous conversations with different sources I had been told that the Princess Anne Commissioners had noticed some checks coming in to be signed and processed well above the normal paycheck to a certain Officer, (Pecoraro) and it was challenged. This is when they allegedly came to learn what was going on.
It gets better. A former Town Commissioner named Steve Goldston was also on the payroll for this project, yet the rest of the Commission was clueless to what was going on. Steve is no longer a Commissioner.
The main complication was that the Grant itself had several requirements that by law had to be followed and while some checks had been processed before they were red flagged, the Town had to contact the State Police and create an immediate investigation or anyone and everyone involved could be up on charges.
An investigation was started and what's the one way to get out of any involvement with the Feds, don't take the grant money for that project. Since no funds had actually been drawn from this Grant, the Town would then have to front the $70,000.00 to $90,000.00 worth of construction and this put the Town of Princess Anne in the RED for somewhere around $70,000.00 and Parker was terminated immediately.
Fortunately for Pecoraro, he had already stepped down on medical leave but let me assure you of one thing Folks. IF they had dug into these funds and or didn't repay the Feds and all of this stayed under cover, these two gentlemen and perhaps several others would be in Jail right now.
Not only did Jay Parker know he was breaking the law, I'm told he had been warned numerous times in advance to manage these Department Heads better or he'd be terminated. Princess Anne still has the Grant from the State and will be using it elsewhere on another project, one in which you can firmly trust will be professionally and honestly handled but I'm telling you, these individuals are damn lucky things turned out the way they did.
IMHO, I personally believe the taxpayers have been absolutely screwed. The taxpayers of Princess Anne have now put out $70,000.00 to $90,000.00 for sidewalks that actually had to be reworked and rebuilt because of the crappy construction in the first place.
This is exactly how and where taxpayers can and do get screwed by crooked people and 95% of the time, (before Salisbury News came along) get swept under the rug. Someone knew just how to hide such a thing and keep everyone from going to jail and simply get a slap on the wrist.
Yes, this was investigated by the State Police and the Feds but guess what, just pay the money back or always use a Town Account first to pay for things before anyone gets caught and file for the payment when the work is complete or almost complete. If someone gets caught, just switch it to another project and make the taxpayers pay for it instead, just as Princess Anne Taxpayers are being forced to do.
The main complication was that the Grant itself had several requirements that by law had to be followed and while some checks had been processed before they were red flagged, the Town had to contact the State Police and create an immediate investigation or anyone and everyone involved could be up on charges.
An investigation was started and what's the one way to get out of any involvement with the Feds, don't take the grant money for that project. Since no funds had actually been drawn from this Grant, the Town would then have to front the $70,000.00 to $90,000.00 worth of construction and this put the Town of Princess Anne in the RED for somewhere around $70,000.00 and Parker was terminated immediately.
Fortunately for Pecoraro, he had already stepped down on medical leave but let me assure you of one thing Folks. IF they had dug into these funds and or didn't repay the Feds and all of this stayed under cover, these two gentlemen and perhaps several others would be in Jail right now.
Not only did Jay Parker know he was breaking the law, I'm told he had been warned numerous times in advance to manage these Department Heads better or he'd be terminated. Princess Anne still has the Grant from the State and will be using it elsewhere on another project, one in which you can firmly trust will be professionally and honestly handled but I'm telling you, these individuals are damn lucky things turned out the way they did.
IMHO, I personally believe the taxpayers have been absolutely screwed. The taxpayers of Princess Anne have now put out $70,000.00 to $90,000.00 for sidewalks that actually had to be reworked and rebuilt because of the crappy construction in the first place.
This is exactly how and where taxpayers can and do get screwed by crooked people and 95% of the time, (before Salisbury News came along) get swept under the rug. Someone knew just how to hide such a thing and keep everyone from going to jail and simply get a slap on the wrist.
Yes, this was investigated by the State Police and the Feds but guess what, just pay the money back or always use a Town Account first to pay for things before anyone gets caught and file for the payment when the work is complete or almost complete. If someone gets caught, just switch it to another project and make the taxpayers pay for it instead, just as Princess Anne Taxpayers are being forced to do.
Town Manager Jay Parker had been working with the Shore Heritage Foundation while employed with the Town of Princess Anne as well as the Mcready Hospital. Jay is now employed full time with the Shore Heritage Foundation who immediately hired him after he was dismissed from employment with Princess Anne.
Keep in mind Folks, Pecoraro was under Town Manager Jay Parker but I'm told the Police Chief had a way of controlling individuals and convincing them he had everything under control. This is one reason, (sadly) why every Municipality should have their own internal auditor and it frankly makes me even more curious today why Wicomico County recently terminated their Internal Auditor.
Man, what I wouldn't do to investigate the Books for the City of Salisbury over the past, oh, lets say, 12 years or so! Mind you, this story is about Princess Anne and I have brought it forward so as each and every one of you can see that your local government can be very crooked and get away with it. They can sit on the fence until the very last moment and when the coast is clear, file those documents for the Grant money and move onto the next. It's no wonder why certain developers win most of the bids and so forth.
More to come because this ain't over................
Now you need to find out the real story on the Wicomico County firing of the internal auditor.
Wow, Joe, this is a whopper of a story. Good job.
I'm now curious about the internal auditor for the county, too.
Also, as much heat as Debbie Campbell has taken for "micromanaging," thank God she does! There is no other check and balance for the city of Salisbury.
That needs to be fixed!
this isn't a surprise to anyone Joe. Princess Anne and somerset county have always been crooked and unless you're "in the club" and in the know, you are just another taxpayer who gets screwed in the end
Someone just woke up a sleeping giant. Great work Joe.
I thought he retired because of his health.
Nothing in Somerset County surprises me anymore.
This whole scam is simply "business as usual".
Hampden Avenue has a nice new rec center for the kids and sidewalks but there are still alot of run-down properties on that street that either need to be brought up to code or demolished.
Thanks for exposing these crooks!
anonymous 1:13, Things that make you go, hmmmmmmmm?
I automatically do that always.
Joe, can you please, PLEASE tell me why Princess Anne City residents PAY for yellow water? I'm new to the area and can't understand why I am paying for water that I'm afraid to drink. I've talked to my neighbors and one of the local landlords and no one seems to have any answers.
You have proven once again that the daily rag is a waste of money. Give it a couple of days though and they'll have a story just like this one.
amazing job. i dont know what we did without you. your investigative journalism sets the standard for the msm. did you find the helicopter yet? i would be willing to bet that the chief and town manager took it apart and buried the parts in the sidewalk late at night when no one was looking....
NewInTown 1:31 PM...
I agree 100%
Wow! If this is all true great investigative journalism. About the yellow water, should you find something out let me know as I am also paying for this crappy water. Your a brave man if you dare drink it.
This one hears for the "Warden"...
Makes one wonder what has gone on in Salisbury these past few years or so, with a lying control freak as the mayor! I would also like to know exactly what was behind the hiring of Oland , after creating a department for her to oversee, not to mention why we needed another mayors assistant when Ms. Chambers was hired. Also, what is behind her big raise this year? You did such a good job of investigation in Somerset County, Joe, why not look into these things with your fine tuned investigative powers?!
Joes only one man, and theres only 24 hours in each day. Come-on...
4:34, the former mayor tried to get raises for her pets, but the council nixed it. No $8000 for Chambers.
You raise good points about the others. The good ole boy network has become the good ole girl network. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
"Shore Heritage Foundation"
WTF is that all about???
Joe: Now find out the real reason the wicomico county auditor was fired. What did she uncover? who is involved and what were they doing.
As I recall most of the Peccarro misbehavior was revealed during the Somerset County Detention Center investigation when it was learned that James Henderson was providing inmates for work in Princess Anne. Some inmates worked 18 hours a day for very little pay and promises of being released early which never happend. The WBI and state police investigated this and gave the information to the attorney general. This case involved not only misuse of funds by Princess Anne but also abuse of prisoners by warden James L. Henderson. No charges were ever brought by the state due to the fact the prosecutor in the case made a deal with Henderson that no charges would be brought against him if he resigned. He in fact did resign along with Pecarraro. Many laws were broken, the state knew it yet no charges were ever brought. Yes this is Somerset county and it's who you know that counts down here.
No one ever resigns so abruptly unless something is going on behind the scenes. I don't blame the perpetrators as much as I blame the so called prosecutors that fail to do their jobs and prosecute this type of crime.
What you mean 3:54??
IMHO the town commissioners are all crooked. Town meetings are a crock and letting the people talk is merely a formality, no one listens. One commissioner ran a stop sign and just waved at me. I think they feel like they are above the law. If I could afford it, I would move out of Princess Anne in a heartbeat!
Peceraro thought that he was in a hick town and could do what he wanted to. Ahhhh thats right it is a hick town and he did do what he wanted. Then he went out on medical after a little trip to buffalo with the boys. Hmmmmm Bad heart, wotk related. Wonder what happend up there ?? Then the chopper of cash. I think he was smarter and just tad more crooked than they were. He is getting paid the rest of his life.
NewInTown said...
Joe, can you please, PLEASE tell me why Princess Anne City residents PAY for yellow water? I'm new to the area and can't understand why I am paying for water that I'm afraid to drink. I've talked to my neighbors and one of the local landlords and no one seems to have any answers.
1:31 PM
What's funny about that is the Princess Anne Town Commissioners think they can take over the Sanitary Commission in Somerset County.
Wow, only in today times can you be slammed and slandered with out prosecution. I mean really people, if Joe is right and I am not saying he is or not on this. Lets say he is, did they or would they ever get a fair trial. How can anyone receive a fair trial anymore.
It comes down to greed!
It has been here for years, centuries. I challenge anyone one of you to become involved in politics and not get it. I am sure even Mayor Tilghman started off with good intentions.
Everyone of our politicians go in for one reason - MONEY! If they cant make it legally, they make it for themselves in other ways.
Now, lets look at what good Pecoraro did, like him or not he did a lot of good for the police department for years before the "Big Scandal" He wasn't crooked the whole time as everyone sees this. Bad judgement, wrong influence, whatever you call it. We are not even 100% sure this is correct, and unless he has been charged legally with something never will.
Joe, interesting literature, and I can say I know you are close on some of it, but when you slam someone how about adding things they did right too.
This certainly just doesn't apply to the sidewalk project, it more than likely applies to whatever project these individuals were involved with. It was certainly implied with the Somerset Detention Center investigation, as to the jail restoration, so if it happened at least twice, then this was probably the norm. The old warden at the Detention Center, James Henderson was also involved. Most of the work on these so called projects was done by the inmates, which he supplied. You could also check with employees of the town of Princess Anne who left, they didn't want to be a part of this illegal activity.
As A Resident to the princess anne area I see hear and Witness A Whole Lot Of BS.The waste is amazing.Joe i have 3 informants ready to work with you in EXPOSING princess Anne.With Pictures And Video!!!!!!!!!!
Also as a Contractor I have Tried numerous times to get in on the sealed bidding and have basically been turned around. Always the same company getting the contract.
Still SAme BS going on with the staff now as before.If your not part of there little click then you are Shit OUT OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. How the Hell Does James Henderson Still Work For The County As Animal Control Employee???
Also Why Are We Paying To Have The Roads Painted Then 2 Days Later Dug up And Repaved???
Also Why Is Louis White Using County Personel And Equipment For Personal Gain.Guess Thats How You GEt A Brand New High Performance Mustang!!!!
Joe when your ready for all the information from past few years let me know
James L. Henderson is viewed as a vote getter for the democrats in the county. To not have rehired him would have cost the commissioners votes, at least that is how they viewed it. Was it the right thing to do, absolutly not. Would they do it again, probably. Henderson was forced to resign from ECI, forced to resign from the county to prevent being charged criminally in abuse allegations and then rehired 6 months later by the same county. Does this make any sense at all? The answer is obviously NO. So why does it continue to happen? I would suggest very storngly not reelecting any of the present office holders in Somerset County, they all appear to be corrupt or at least incompetant.
In response to BC - Pecoraro was crooked from Day one of his employment. When he arrived on the job he tried running the whole town - not just the police department. He was a bully!@ It was his way or the highway!
Ive Looked In Classifieds For 2yrs Daily! Looking At Employment Oppertunties And Never Once Seen The Job Henderson Took Posted.How Can Somerset County Be EOE If They Don't Take Applications For Job Openings.They Just Give It To Once Again THE CLICK!!
This Works The Same Way With There Sealed Bidding!
10:10, you probably didn't see the administrators job listed either. You know, the one they gave to a sitting commissioner, Sam Boston. Too not advertise for a position is one thing, but to rehire someone like James Henderson that they knew could be charged with criminal behavior, and is still possible under investigation by the FBI, was inexcuseable. Too make matters worse, not one commissioner has ever explained or tried to justify why they rehired Henderson. I agree with 9:47 in that they are all democrats and they didn't want to lose votes.
I see in todays paper that PA is going ahead with the 10 cent tax increase. Just more money for them to waste. When does the revolution begin?
Did the people who are complaining about the water ever think to contact the agency who provides them with water? Get a clue people. The area has tannins in the water and it is naturally occuring. Don't you think that if the water wasn't safe to drink, the state would be on top of it? The Sanitary District issues Consumer Confidence Reports annually as required by the EPA. Bottom line is the water is probably safer to drink than the bottled water that doesn't have the same testing requirements.
I once saw Pecoraro in the mall letting his free work inmates run around the mall before Christmas unsupervised while he went shopping on his own. Wonder how many got a five finger discount or copped some drugs there.
This is not the whole story. How do I know bc ask the money was cut under a fake company the "chief" made under my name do I'd you are interested in the truth get ahold of Me. Ty
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