News from the Wicomico County Board of Education
Brian Kilgore, a member of the Wicomico County Board of Education since 2003, has resigned from the Board effective today.
In a resignation letter to the governor, who appoints Wicomico Board members, Kilgore said, "I have enjoyed being a part of this vital community board and hope that my service has been of benefit to students, staff, parents, and the community at large... It is now time for me to pursue other avenues of service within my community."
In 2008, Kilgore was reappointed to a second term. His term would have expired June 30, 2013. A new member will now be needed to serve the remaining four years of the term.
Board member Sue Hitch's term expires June 30, and she is not seeking re-appointment.
Board members serve five-year terms and are paid $3,700 annually.
Can't take the public heat after that ridiculous vote to give more retiree health benefits!
$3,700.00 a year. Who would want the head-ache.
Kids are going to private school...
It's unfortunate that anyone who supports appropriate funding for the school system is treated as a public enemy. That attitude dates from long before, but was taken to a new level by VOICE.
I have to agree, this sort of stuff has got to stop
1:12 I agree...
2:01 Smart Idea...
2:19 - Supporting appropriate funding for the school system does not mean giving more retiree benefits for people who retired years ago or won't be retiring for 10 or more years. It's one thing to need money to help kids or the classrooms, but that doesn't mean money is needed to pad the teachers' pockets or put more people in the central office. Look in the mirror instead of blaming VOICE.
Does Voice even exist anymore?
Too many WCBOE employees were going to Worcester County because their health benefits are better. Criticize all you want but the classrooms have to be staffed.
Let's change to an elected school board.
Its not as much fun when I cant sign my name.(EIGHTER ONE).
Absolutely. We need an elected school board.
Yes, VOICE still exists, because John Palmer (as a rep for VOICE) just asked for (and received) a list of every employee of the WCBOE and his/her salary.
I can just imagine what they will do with that list. But the WCBOE to its credit quickly and professionally complied with the FOIA request filed by VOICE's representative.
Palmer is a typical whiner who thinks he's a savior -- that's SOP (publishing names and salary). But VOICE won't compare teachers' salary here with that in Worcester or other places where they receive better pay.
yeah if the big no it all voice guy had dynamite for brains he couldn't blow his nose.
killroy must be going into the school bus business- pays better
Well if VOICE still exists what happen to the "Brain Trust"? I thought they were going to trim all the fat out of the budgets for everyone. It is easy to be a gadfly, and pick apart someone else's job performance, but harder to walk the talk. It seems VOICE got a case of laryngitis after the cap was voted in.
doesn't kilgore already have a business?
An elected school board would only bring retired teachers as being elected. The stupid Union would make sure of that and we would have more benefits for the people that only work 180 days a year. Blame it all on the interim and current Supers for this. Have to take care of those retiring now. I heard Kilroy is trying to buy up bus contracts from the current contractors even while he was on the Board.
Kilgore owns Eastern Shore Coffee. He is a great business person, and very professional. He was a real value to the Board. He will be missed.
Umm looks like a nice fella.
He was trying to buy up bus contracts while on the board?? Tell me this ain't so! I can't believe this sh..!
Anonymous said...
Kids are going to private school...
2:01 PM
The kids are much better off at a private school than at the Kiddy Warehouses of Wicomico County.
Anonymous said...
Too many WCBOE employees were going to Worcester County because their health benefits are better. Criticize all you want but the classrooms have to be staffed.
3:42 PM
Staffed with what corrections officers?
What a shame!
The kids may only attend school 180 days, but not the employees you are putting down. My wife left for work at 7:00 this morning and is still there as I write this. She will be there late tomorrow as well. As far as those great benefits go, she could have retired 10 years ago if she was in Delaware (with full health care). Instead, she is still working to education and hopefully reach just a few of the kids everyone has given up on. Over the years, I have had members of my family (all teachers) be kicked, shoulder separated, cussed out by students and parents, and threaten to be killed in the parking lot after school by gang members. Her blood pressure is now so high she is finally retiring. She has been loved by many students over the years, and has received the highest yearly evaluations for decades, but you sir don't qualify to sit in judgement of her life's work.
I say provide more financial incentive for private charter schools.
Then, let the parents be issued vouchers and chose for themselves where they want their kids to go.
The present system has been broke for quite some time now.
Last I knew, kids were NOT in private school. Son is at North Salisbury Magnet.
Good time to downsize the top heavy BOE administration. Stream line the pork at the top and we wouldn't have to let anyone go, just don't fill vacancies.
The county should sieze on this opportunity.
OK, I usually just read, but had to jump in. Annon 9:06 - you really need to get a clue. The guy resigned from the BOE - they only get $3,700/year. Getting rid of all of them would not be enough to save on teacher's salary.
As for the elected board it is a mistake. Genuinely concerned people get appointed as it stands. If you have an election you just open up the whole thing to good honest people and NUTS. When the good people split the vote, the NUTS get in. Most that favor elected BOE are one issue wonders who dont care about the rest of the system. Yes, it needs trimming, but half ass comments on a blog won't fix it. Get off your lazy ass and volunteer to do things in your schools.
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