Born William Mays in McKees Rocks, Pa., on July 20, 1958, Mays developed his style demonstrating "As Seen On TV" gadgets on Atlantic City.
No foul play has been suspected. The OxyClean pitchman was found dead this morning in his Tampa home.
GO HERE to read more.
What's with the 50 year olds dropping like flies?
I'm glad I'm past that scary point...
Yet somehow Walter Cronkite and Keith Richards cling to life!!!!!
What a month!!
This has been a sad week. Makes me think of Natasha Richards and her fall while skiing. We all need to be very careful.
He was a bit annoying, but seemed like a nice man. 50 is way too young to go.
man!! they are dropping like flies
RIP Billy
patrick swayse is next
Click here for a video of Mays ordering breakfast at a McD's drive-through.
He was on that plane that lost a nose wheel and had a bad landing yesterday here in Tampa.
Billy's off to that big Warehouse in the Sky....And if he hurries NOW..The will be no additional Shipping Charges...rest In Peace Billy...
And just why has this been a sad week? No one in this area knew any of these people well. Our sick pop culture uses no logic in determining who to worship. These people may not even existed. BTW, MJ was a criminal.
I always wished he would shave that thick old beard because he had a handsome face and it was a shame to cover it up!He will live on thru his many ads.He was always likeable which is why he was a good pitchman.
Unlike that infomercial spokesman for "slap-chop",Vince. He is so manic its like hes tweaking.
Anon 7:44 Can you prove that MJ was a criminal?
wonders if he'll get as much media hype as that freak MJ???
I guess he got sent to the Pearly Gates for just a small shipping and handling charge...BUT WAIT!!!!!---reserve your trip now, and we'll throw in sone angel wings and a halo at no additional charge!!! Just pay shipping and handling...BUT WAIT! We'll even throw in an eternal supply of halo polish. When you run out, just pay shipping and handling.
Dark humor, I know. Sorry. It is disturbing to see 50 year olds dropping dead, celebrities or not. I wonder if the bump he got on head during the landing was like Natasha Richardson's. Anyway, my condolences to his family. What a terrible shock this has to be for them.
I always scrambled for the remote when he came on T.V. What a loud, obnoxious, terrible voice.
God bless his soul, but I'm glad he is gone.
Really, I wish he would have retired. But since he didn't I have to feel guilty that he's gone for good? I am truly glad that he will not be on television any longer.
BTW...while this guy was pointing at us/yelling at us regarding how we should waste money on cleaning supplies we don't really need..well, it seems like maybe he should have spent more time on a treadmill instead of pointing that judgmental sausage finger in my face....Send us less of these ego-driven wack-jobs; and more late night St. Elsewhere//Hill Street Blues re-runs..I will even accept Three's Company reruns..
Dusty, the man provided for his Family, period. I'm confident he left them very comfortble too.
Now all we're left with is the Shamwow/Slap-chop guy to sell us useless crap.
Like I said,that Shamwow guy (Vince) is on meth or something-very annoying.
Billy Mays success is mostly because he reminded us of the likeable "guy next door" who you would borrow tools from,go fishing with and ask for advice.
I am pretty much like the rest of you guys. I would always run for the remote & change the channel ASAP for about 90 sec. I couldn't stand his loud , obnoxious , irritating voice. I don't know why Jay Leno chose to have him as his show guest. I hope that the Hallmark Channel / any other channel discontinues his commercials.
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