NEW YORK (AP)- Historic swindler Bernard Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison Monday for a fraud so extensive that the judge said he needed to send a symbolic message to potential imitators and to victims who demanded harsh punishment.
Scattered applause and whoops broke out in the crowded Manhattan courtroom after U.S. District Judge Denny Chin issued the maximum sentence to the 71-year-old defendant, who said he lives "in a tormented state now, knowing all the pain and suffering I've created."
GO HERE to read more from WBOC.
He got off easy!
It seems like he should have to work to pay those people back somehow...letting him sit in jail is not fair to all those whose money he squandered.
What are the democrats going to do now for campaign contributions he was one of Obamas and the Dems big time money men! Does anyone know whether Obama returned his large campaign donations?
I still cannot believe they let his wife keep 2.5 million! I hope someone wins a law suit against her.
I guess he thought it was worth trading 7 or 8 years of his life for a Multi-billion dollar party or 10 or 20 years.
What a evil person this guy is.
Almost anyone that recieved a donation from Madoff has in turn donated that money to charity. Its not as if they knowingly accepted it from a criminal as he was, at the time, a philantropist.
Not defending Madoff (what he did was reprehensible), but where may I ask is the same passion and disgust for the perpetrators of the largest PONZI scheme in U.S. history called Social Security?
It really doesn't matter and he didn't seem too bothered by it because the bottom line is none of the people he ripped off will ever get all that money back.
THAT is the shame of the verdict.
I also don't believe it's fair at all to let the wife keep ANYTHING.
When you marry, you become ONE and you are just as liable financially as your spouse. She's still set for the rest of her life.
I think he's living in "a tormented state" now that everyone else knows the pain and suffering he's caused. I don't see any sign of a conscience in this man bsfore he got caught.
He should be hung till dead.....and so should half of congress
He should be placed into general population. But then, he is qualitatively a better person than those who are in general population. He will get a posh prison life is my guess
All Crooks go to Jail. there is no reason for what he did but greed same goes to people that pay cash for hot gold you do the crime you do the time.
We need more judges like Chin, no more spare the rod. He didn't cooperate that much, he stole $65 Billion, where did the other $60 billion or so get too?
Yup, put his butt right into the general population until he cooperates and coughs up the rest of the loot!
I wonder how many crooked bastards have contributed to Republican's running for office? He should have died by firing squad.
You haven't learned yet? Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter. These folks take care of each other. Their party loyalty is all for show. They pretend to challenge each other. The American people never get what they want no matter who is in Congress. They work for the very rich.
5:00...Only half?
Steven Spielberg is making a biopic about Madoff. He's calling it "Swindler's List."
Waterboard the bastard, all those poor old people should get to watch too
I bet if they looked into the finances of his other family members they would find alot of the money. They went after his wife, why not his kids also they worked there as well.
He will make someone a nice girlfriend in jail. He deserves it.
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