Last night Jennifer, Gavin and I were heading off to a nice Birthday dinner traveling south on Rt. 13 from Delmar. We came up to the light at the MD State Police Barracks and stopped for the red light. It's a pretty long light, as many of you know. I looked to my left at the car next to me because my eye caught something moving. I started staring and I said, Jennifer, is that a kitten underneath that car.
She looked over and stared for a second until it moved again and she said, OMG, it is. I jumped out of the car as it was underneath the vehicle and I didn't know if it had been hit, or what.
I gently tapped on the woman's window and asked her to make sure she didn't go anywhere. I went to reach for the kitten but it ran to the other side, so I followed it. It then ran underneath a pickup truck in the left turn lane and his window was down. Everyone could tell that something was up. I told him a little kitten just went under his truck so like a gentleman he turned off his engine and the little rascal jumped up inside the bed of the truck and hid inside the frame of the truck.
It took a few minutes but we were able to coax it out of there and into the arms of the woman the kitten was under her car to start with. She then informed me that there was a group of 5 kittens near her home and it must have found its way under the car and when she stopped at the light it jumped down.
UNBELIEVABLE! This kitten was dead no matter what if I hadn't seen him. He was right next to her tire when I saw it too. She put the kitten inn her can, thanked us and off she went. While they weren't her kittens, who wants to bet this one has just found a new home.
It couldn't have been much more than 6 weeks old, tiny little thing. Anyhow, it's safe and alive and that's all that matters.
Joe Albero - Cat Whisperer
I was sitting at the bank drive thru, waiting for the tube to be returned with my receipt, and glanced over at the ATM...there, stumbling off the curb from under a bush, was the tiniest little grey kitten. He was barely big enough to be walking, and was now in the path of the next ATM customer. I threw my car into park, jumped out and ran over to grab this little guy. I made a split second decision to take him home, even though we already had a cat who didn't like to share. I told my family we were only keeping him for the weekend, because it was Friday afternoon and the Humane Society was closed.
Almost five years later he's still here with us. We call him GrayCat, because he wasn't staying...and if we named him he'd be permanent.
Too bad the truck didn't run over you while you were on the stupid cat chase.
That's amazing! People like you make the world go round and we are all better off because you are here!!!
Thanks for this amazing story!!!
You are a an Extra Special Person for rescueing that little kitten, especially where you were located!
An extra Thank You from All Animal Lovers for saving that little thing.
It's a cutie pie! I would have taken it home with me too.
Although I have issued a cat moratorium in my house, this little one would have come right home in my purse! What a cutie.
Joe what a great story! Are you going to keep the kitty?
Thats one lucky kitty!
Also,I just want to urge people to take advantage of the low cost pay/neuter clinics for cats when they are available.Feral cat populations are exploding everywhere and if kittens even survive in the wild,they have a very short and perilous lifespan.
And last but not least-Happy Birthday to Mrs.A !
Where are these lower costs spay/neuter clinics in the Salisbury area? We have a kitten that was found in a field, another one that was orphaned, the momma was run over and then to our surprise, someone put a cat in our shed without our knowledge on Friday. So now I will have to get that one taken care of too. That is a lot of spay/neuter. That will make 5 cats now and all are rescues or drop-offs.
Once a month there is a service provided by a Cambridge Vets office. and they do it at Healing Hands on East Main Street, across from Devages (Polar Bar).
To Mr. John Robinson at 9:57 AM
To bad you weren't run over by a
tire when you were only so so
young. You are an IDIOT.
JR LOves pets so I know he did not want the cat to have dier straights but you have to forgive him, he has no brain to post this stuff.every one knows he is an a$$ hole. ha johnny boy!
In Somerset County you can contact the Humane Society or Animal Control for a schedule of low cost clinics where you not only can get cats spayed or neutered but vaccinated as well,all for a nominal fee.
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