Approx 1230 hrs at the intersection of eastbound Ocean Gtwy and Wallertown Rd a
tractor trailer collided with a Toyota Camry near the rest area. At least 2
people were taken to PRMC for injuries sustained. The extent of their injuries
are unknown at this time. As you can see from the photos, the Toyota sustained
severe front end damage and both front air bags deployed. MSP (D.O.T.) were on
scene conducting an investigation into the cause of the crash.
Where is Wallertown Rd? I can't find it on any map intersecting with Ocean Gateway
Looks like the Toyota might have come through the intersection and got dragged a bit down the road. Must have been one scary ride!
somebody watched the fast and furious movie too many times
Any ride in a Toyota is a scary ride!
Rolling death traps!
Wallertown Rd. is where the rest stop is in Mardela. A total of 3 people were transported.
mother of the driver and thanks to toyota and a strong fire wall my baby girl is here with me.
I wish more people would see this type of posting.
This is a very minor accident.
Why i say this , it is because i drive a truck, i pray that no one pulls out in front of me daily.
It is not that truck drivers do not want to stop, it is that they cannot stop due to the weight of the vehicle.
The truck i drive has a legal weight of 40 tons, a small car such as this one might weight 1.5 to 2.5 tons.
It is almost like running over a soda can.
I look down into cars and see women with there children and look at each of them and think ,Mom please get off the cell phone, please pay attention to where you are and what is going on around you
it could save your life and your childrens.
Not to mention my life.
But do drive safely, i cannot speak for all drivers but i drive as safe as i can.
to the truck driver, I can appreciate your post. Those big trucks scare me. You have a tough job, but please do not dismiss this as a minor accident, because it wasn't to the people in the car and their families for the exact reason you said, The trucks weighs so much and the car weighs so little. Luckily everyone walked away from this accident, but it could have been fatal.
I am the sister of one of the passengers and a friend to the driver. This accident has effected my sister terribly. The driver was being cautious and she saved my sisters life. As of right now she is taking very good care of her. Sometimes some people are in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know we all should be careful but when you know that your vehicle is much bigger and could kill somone easily you should take it upon yourself to be extra careful. Triple check before you change lanes. Some people may call this a minor accident and say they were lucky but to my sister this is major. Im thankful that all of the passengers are here today!
it wasnt just a minor accident and it wasnt our fault, thanks to my girlfriend (the driver) im alive and she saved my life, and im happy that im the one who got hurt not her or my best friend, i just want to say thanks to you guys for leaving comments and thanks to my amazing girlfriend that im alive, and to her mom thanks, im glad we became a little closer then we were, im happy to be alive today and im thankfull people care...
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