DATE: May 7, 2009
LOCATION: 1000 Beaglin Park Drive, Salisbury, MD
NARRATIVE: On May 7, 2009 the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation and the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit arrested the below listed for the murder of Humbird Lynn Johnson. The body of the victim was discovered by Wicomico Sheriff’s Office Deputies on Saturday May 2, 2009. Donahue was taken to WCDC where he is being held without bond.
Anyone with information can contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898.
ACCUSED: Donahue, John Wilbert W/M 52 YOA
1000 Beaglin Park Drive
Salisbury, MD
Murder First Degree
Murder Second Degree
Assault First and Second Degree
DISPOSITION: Held Without Bond
INVESTIGATING DETECTIVE Detective Gismondi and Cpl Smith
MSP Wicomico Bureau of Investigation
DATE: May 7, 2009 TIME: 2045
Way to go MSP!
That was fast. Those guys are great!
Good job, Detective Gismondi
Darn! Don't tell us it was a white man. This can't be right.
Way to go to BOTH agencies!!!! MSP and WCSD!!! We really are lucky to have you all!!
Way to go WBI and MSP Homicide Unit. This was a joint team effort, not just MSP or Wicomico County Sheriffs' office...lets give credit where credit is due. Nonetheless you guys all did a great job! Thank you for your countless hours you put it into solving this!
Is this the same guy who worked at the Prison? He sure looks familiar?
Wow as a resident of parkside apts it is sure unnerving to think according to the suspects address he was one of Mr Johnsons neighbors. Would explain no sign of forced entry into the apt..Just goes to show all of us we need to be aware of who our friends really are...thanks to the local authorites for making some of us sleep alittle bit better...
Great job, MSP, WBI, WCSD!
Like 11:20 p.m., very unnerving.
How a human being can do this to another is beyond me.
The more I look at this dude the scarier he looks. Where are his ears? His eyes kind of have a "glared" look to them. Wow, is he some kind of weirdo looking dude! Years ago, I remember him working as a Prison Guard at ECI. What happened to him? Obviously he went off the deep end!!!!
Why dont you people wait until he has been convicted to start congratulating the police. He is innocent until proven guilty. Correct?????
This murder took place at Parkwood Apartments not Parkside.
Anonymous said...
Why dont you people wait until he has been convicted to start congratulating the police. He is innocent until proven guilty. Correct?????
8:44 AM
Hey you liberal moron, your criminal friend is no stranger to the Maryland Judiciary System!! How would you feel if he murdered one of your family members???
Case Number Name Date of Birth Party Type Court Case Type Case Status Filing Date Case Caption
0203SP004162002 Donahue, John W Defendant Wicomico County District Court Peace Order Closed 05/30/2002
19C98006522 Donahue, John Wilbert Defendant Somerset County Circuit Court Divorce-Absolute Closed/Inactive 10/14/1998 Susan Taylor Donahue vs John Wilbert Donahue
5N00007159 Donahue, John Wilbert 09/1956 Defendant Talbot County District Court CR Closed 09/22/1999
6H00051323 Donahue, John Wilbert 09/1956 Defendant Wicomico County District Court CR ACTIVE 05/07/2009
22K07000781 Donahue, John Other Wicomico County Circuit Court Jury Trial Criminal Closed/Inactive 08/09/2007 State of Maryland vs Sharuan Belote
Anonymous said...
Is this the same guy who worked at the Prison? He sure looks familiar?
10:40 PM
Circuit Court of Maryland
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Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Somerset County - Civil System
Case Number: 19C01007831
Title: Department Of Public Safety And Correctional Services vs John Donahue
Case Type: Administrative Agency AppealFiling Date:03/15/2001
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: Administrative CloseDisposition Date:12/10/2001
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below) Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Department Of Public Safety And Correctional Services
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Oakley, Esq, Scott S
Practice Name: Inmate Grievance Office
Address: 115 Sudbrook Lane
Suite 200
City: PikesvilleState:MDZip Code:21208
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below) Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Donahue, John
Attorney(s) for the Defendant/Respondent
Have never considered being called a liberal an insult. I do however take offense to being called a moron as I most certainly am not. I am an American that believes in our judicial system. Perhaps we should lynch him without due process. You are the moron 12:33. Look forward to the day you are falsely arrested.
If you knew the facts, you would feel fine condemning this cretin.
Where there's smoke there's fire and I can't see my hand in front of my face on this one.
He'll get his day in court, but it'll probably be a short one.
Joe this case being heard now. I was in the jury selection yesterday.
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