YET AGAIN, the Waller Landing property owner, Porter Mill Road Properties, LLC, has failed to pay delinquent taxes (presumably Hebron as well as County). The tax sale is advertised for 6/17/09.
Within the last 12 months, the LLC has had this land up for tax sale TWICE, (first time claimed it was due to an address issue) and has also failed to file Maryland personal property tax return resulting in forfeiture.
Latest action last week by Hebron Planning--voted NOT to proceed with the Developer's Rights and Responsibilities Agreement UNTIL Waller Landing developer has secured MDE approvals, (which will require extensive engineering by the developer).
This is DEAD, it will go away by itself.
9:23 -- Wrong!
It's the Salisbury Mall mess all over again in another town. The rezoning a couple months ago is probably going to be defended in court by the Town of Hebron, just like Salisbury did, at the taxpayers' expense. This won't die until a stake is put into its heart -- look what eventually happened in Salisbury on the taxpayers' dime.
Everyone sees the flaws in this developer and his boondoggle EXCEPT Hebron officials and their hired-guns. Why are the officials so married to this development? Everyone is asking this question--what's the answer, David Hooper and John Holston???
9:23 yes, you are 100% wrong. Those who lead Hebron, for some unknown reason, will not listen to anyone but those scraggly out-of-town developers. What's up with that?
Because they are idiot rednecks who don't know any better.
Hebron really could use Bubba Comegys as its necks mare.
Money talks guys , if you have
enough money , you can do what you want! I hope they build a huge shopping center and a lot of houses. This is a perfect location for me to shop and maybe move to.
It's a beautiful area and I just can't wait for it to be finished.
Even if they have to use porta-
potties , it's OK. I was raised in the country.
Build it and they will come.
Jon Natelson:
You forgot to sign your 11:04 comment!
The Salisbury Maulers
Not one on the Commissioners or on Planning has been watching out for the poor Hebron taxpayer--they have been watching out for the developer. These guys barely kept their seats in the election. They should have cut this developer loose a long time ago--but the lawyers and consultants are making lots of money from Hebron's Folly.
Speaking of the Salisbury Mall:
did they get that additional extension from the Planning Commission last week so they still don't have to do anything?
They will file for bankrupcy soon.
hey 11:27. Guess who the commissioners and planning commission are. POOR HEBRON TAXPAYERS
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