Date and Time of Occurrence: Friday, May 8th, 2009, at approximately 11:13 a.m.
Suspect(s): Raymond E. Silva, 36, of Sunnyside Road in Westgrove, Pennsylvania
Resume: On Friday morning, Troopers were called to Barley Mill Road, just north of Old Barley Mill Road, for the report of a vehicle crash.
As officers arrived on the scene, they found a New Castle County Police Officer had deployed his Taser on a male suspect, later identified as Raymond Silva. Silva was eventually taken into custody.
This investigation revealed the NCCPD officer had rolled up on the crash scene and got out of his car to check on the occupants. Both subjects, Silva and a 35-year-old female passenger, advised they were not injured. Moments later, the officer saw Silva grab the female and start to lick her face. This contact appeared unwanted on the part of the female so the officer approached the couple to intervene.
Silva then got out of his SUV and charged the NCCPD Officer who in turn deployed his Taser.
With Silva in cuffs, Troopers contacted the female. She advised that she and Silva were traveling northbound on Barley Mill Road at which time they engaged in a verbal argument. Silva became enraged at which time he made an abrupt left turn, crossed the median and into the southbound lanes of Route 141.
The female tried to grab the steering wheel in an attempt to avoid oncoming traffic and broke her finger. The vehicle then struck the guardrail and become disabled. Investigators also learned that when Silva steered his vehicle left, he was trying to crash his SUV to purposely injure his passenger.
Silva was transported back to Troop 1 for processing. He was found to have been driving while impaired, without a license or insurance on his vehicle. He fought with Troopers and refused to comply with the processing.
Eventually, Silva was formally charged with Reckless Endangering 1st (felony), Assault 3rd (misdemeanor), Resisting Arrest (misdemeanor), DUI, Driving without a License and Failure to Have Insurance.
Bail information is not available.

Citizen, you tell me???
Nope, bet not.
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