Chamber members divided on blogger
Anger rises over speaker pick
By Deborah Gates • Staff Writer • May 10, 2009
SALISBURY -- It's difficult to separate Web loggers from digital-age journalism.
So a public forum on "the impact of Internet communications on local politics" that excludes Salisbury News blog publisher Joe Albero, arguably the region's most politically charged and recognized blogger, is illogical.
At least that was the thinking behind a decision by the Local Legislative Committee of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce to invite Albero to be a guest speaker at the Thursday morning forum at Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury.
Apparently, some members of the local business community disagree. The request for participation by the Salisbury News Web log site publisher has caused an uproar among Chamber membership, and some people want the invitation rescinded, said Brad Bellacicco, Chamber executive director.
"We're getting phone calls and e-mails from people venting about Joe Albero," Bellacicco said Friday. "He's a polarizing influence, so it is to be expected."
The May monthly forum also has invited Kye Parsons, Web managing editor at CBS affiliate television station, Salisbury's WBOC-Channel 16.
"The goal is finding out the long-term impact and tenor of the community discussion," Bellacicco said. "What is the impact of Internet communications in the future, and what's going on with this new forum for political activity."
Albero said the impact is phenomenal, and accepts some credit for the outcome of last month's municipal election that seated former councilman Jim Ireton as Salisbury mayor after a closely watched contest between him and Tilghman cohort, City Councilman Gary Comegys.
Albero and his Salisbury News have been gaining in popularity -- and notoriety -- over the last few years, when he launched the blog that frequently criticizes former Salisbury mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman and city Police Chief Allen Webster.
Salisbury News in 2008 was ranked the Most Influential Political Blog in Maryland by BlogNetNews, a nation al consortium of top state, local and topic-focused blogs.
Anger rises over speaker pick
By Deborah Gates • Staff Writer • May 10, 2009
SALISBURY -- It's difficult to separate Web loggers from digital-age journalism.
So a public forum on "the impact of Internet communications on local politics" that excludes Salisbury News blog publisher Joe Albero, arguably the region's most politically charged and recognized blogger, is illogical.
At least that was the thinking behind a decision by the Local Legislative Committee of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce to invite Albero to be a guest speaker at the Thursday morning forum at Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury.
Apparently, some members of the local business community disagree. The request for participation by the Salisbury News Web log site publisher has caused an uproar among Chamber membership, and some people want the invitation rescinded, said Brad Bellacicco, Chamber executive director.
"We're getting phone calls and e-mails from people venting about Joe Albero," Bellacicco said Friday. "He's a polarizing influence, so it is to be expected."
The May monthly forum also has invited Kye Parsons, Web managing editor at CBS affiliate television station, Salisbury's WBOC-Channel 16.
"The goal is finding out the long-term impact and tenor of the community discussion," Bellacicco said. "What is the impact of Internet communications in the future, and what's going on with this new forum for political activity."
Albero said the impact is phenomenal, and accepts some credit for the outcome of last month's municipal election that seated former councilman Jim Ireton as Salisbury mayor after a closely watched contest between him and Tilghman cohort, City Councilman Gary Comegys.
Albero and his Salisbury News have been gaining in popularity -- and notoriety -- over the last few years, when he launched the blog that frequently criticizes former Salisbury mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman and city Police Chief Allen Webster.
Salisbury News in 2008 was ranked the Most Influential Political Blog in Maryland by BlogNetNews, a nation al consortium of top state, local and topic-focused blogs.
UPDATE!!! The print edition of this article was at least twice the size as what they offered on line. I had no idea they didn't provide the WHOLE STORY on line. They are going to fail, that's for sure.
You go Mr. Albero and Salisbury News. You better believe Salisbury News had a lot of infulence over the City Mayoral election and the FOB's are upset. They are infuriated that the Legislative Committe of the Chamber would even consider you. That home wrecker Dawn Tilghman's little Boy Toy shouldn't even be the director of the Chamber.
Joe glad you were invited. The ones fighting it is the ones that are very biased and part of the GOOD OLE BOYS. You have brought attention to their antics which the other so called news media refuses. delmarvanow and wboc always follow your lead once they see the pubics view. Why are they invited with out contraversy, GOOD OLE BOY sydrome. They dont report all the facts. Again congradulations
I own a business and I want him there. Your days of manipulation and corruption in Salisbury are over. Joe deserves a lot of credit for that. In the words of the Judge, "If you cant stand the HEAT, get out of the kitchen".
You the man JOE! The strong will survive! The truth will set you free!.
The local elite has the Greater Salisbury Committee, but the rest of us have SBYNEWS!
This invitation should be taken as defacto recognition by those who once opposed you that you are a force to be reckoned with. The fact is that you have been able to bring the truth to the people so that they can make educated decisions. And you can't be bought or sold.
They have tried to defeat you and they learned that they can't. They will now try to control you by befriending you. They view you as the enemy and they have begun to implement the strategy recognized by Winston Churchill - "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". They have yet to learn that you won't fall for this. They will tip their hands relating to what goes on behind the scenes that you may not already know, hoping that they will bring you into the fold. When they realize that they won't be able to keep you from bringing light to the truth you will have already been enlightened by the experience.
Those who think you are gullible are themselves fools. Just beware of those who play on your ego.
Logic prevailing over Egos. That's a good direction Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce.
KYLE Parons should be aware of his surroundings.
Just for the record when, where, and what time?
jim ireton is why jim ireton got elected
You better believe myself and a few others will be there. You will be heckled like you have never been heckled before!
Look at all these anon punks Joe.
2:57, You think so do you. Without this blogg Bubba would have steam-rolled him, dont get cocky.
Anon 2:57
I disagree. Ireton wasn't a one man show. He received help & support from many poeple, including the Free and Positive publicity on this Blogsite. To dismiss that is very short sighted at best.
As much as I disagree with Cruggly I really do agree with the 3:47 PM comment.
Ill grow on you partner.
Cruggly said...
Ill grow on you partner.
4:13 PM
LOL... We will see about that.
"So a public forum on "the impact of Internet communications on local politics" that excludes... Joe Albero...is illogical."
This says it all.
Joe you are our local Michael Savage. Once again liberals by their action are demonstrating that they believe in free speech, as long as it is speech they agree with.
I hope to be there. It will be the first Legislative Committee meeting that I have attended in a long time, but your announced presence provided the impetus.
Don Coffin
I applaud the chamber for extending an invitation to Albero. Individuals and groups that have captialized on individuals' ignorance and fear have routinely been given a public forum so those less ignorant and fearful can learn what all the fuss about. Hate groups are often afforded a public opportunity to explain their point-of-view and motivation. Joe, just be yourself and the people in attendance will get the real picture.
Oh, yes, hecklers, DO show up and heckle! Let's see you have the nads.
This is no friendly invitation, Joe, so be careful. Bet they'd love you to say something to violate probation or whatever.
Or to have you say something that defends that cretin J. Taylor who is the sleaziest commenter this city has ever seen, complete with comments and posts from other city scum.
I lost respect for the Chamber here a long time ago. Maybe they'll redeem themselves a little.
BTW, is it true Mike Dunn got the boot from Urban Salisbury? If true, then Urban Salisbury's got my support. Time to cut loose these destructive people who seek to undermine those trying to get something done.
The Chamber has finally realized the impact you blog has on this twon and in fact they should invite you to join the Chamber as a full-fleged member. What you do Joe is report exactly the way things are in this area, and the elitists can't stand that. They want to control what happens and who gets to run things, so you keep after them Joe. This from one of the Dirty Dozen!
wow,the "local michael savage"now thats something to be proud of.
gee whiz joe,maybe if you try really hard,you can be the "local rush limbaugh"now thats something to aspire to.
This reminds me of when they once referred to The Beatles or Elvis as "devils music". It's kind of funny that Delmarva is making a big deal over a blogger. Hide your skeletons.
The story is in 2 pieces on their site. Click the 2 at the bottom -- the rest comes up. it's all threr.
I'm disappointed that a couple of calls to Bellacicco made the news paper.
Mr. Albero, watch your back, please!
Maybe they figure that anyone who supported a "Club For Growth" backed candidate is one of their own. LOL. An "I got money so I can do whatever I want" kinda guy, like most Chamber members. I, however, like Joe and his blog IN SPITE of his previous support of that grinning carpetbagger.
The Chamber gets their money no matter who's in office. They've become a political lobby group.
So Brad Bellacicco said;
"Joe Albero is a polarizing
Funny thing, the liberal left said the same thing about Bill O'Reily and entire FOX news network.
To me that would deserve a commendation.
Jim Ireton may have won without this blog, IMHO it would have been a lot closer. This blog gave many people good reason NOT to vote for Gary Comegys.
Doug Wilkerson, you don't own any business--liar! You are retired from dresser and have a steel plate in your head that makes you crazy.
Yep, those who do NOT want you there are the very ones I have posted about on your blog. That group of people in Salisbury that will shoot you down for doing good stuff if you're not one of "them".
Careful though Joe, they do have a lot of power evidently and they will do everything they can to get you out of Salisbury.
I believe it is time to expose all of them! What do you think?
Those who were behind you coming should be known to all and then people will know what people to avoid and what business to NOT support!
I have waited YEARS for these people to be brought down...I hope NOW is the time!
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