Ladies & Gentlemen, tomorrow is a very special day in Princess Anne. During the summer months, the Princess Anne Police Department starts out early in the morning, (around 8:00 AM) and starts preparing food for their monthly Hot Dogs In The Park for the entire community.
Chief Keller starts cooking his cooked beans and I have to tell you, they're to die for! The average cost to the Town is around $600.00 and it's held the last Friday of every month. Tomorrow will kick off the season once again and I hope ALL of the residents of Princess Anne find the time to come out and enjoy some fantastic fellowship.
I have yet to meet a single person with a "tude" in Princess Anne and I actually enjoy taking the trip out there every so often to capture the smiles on every one's face and listen in to some of the interesting conversations they have about the way of life down there.
I'm telling you, if I ever move back to Maryland, Princess Anne is the place I'll move to. It's a beautiful Town with beautiful people.
Chief, I hope this Post reaches many in your community so you're forced to make double the recipe on those baked beans. You should can that recipe and sell it here on the Eastern Shore. I'd be the first one to buy it!
..a beautiful (historical) town with beautiful people ---- and high taxes. Yes it is nice to have events such as this, but since the town is having GREAT financial difficulties it seems the town should be tightening its belt and not costing taxpayers. But like a good number of people the officials are saying "gimme me", or the money came from a grant (which is pork paid by the taxpayers). Than the Town Commissioners cry the blues, blaming all their financial problems on the Sanitary District and the County Commissioners for their money woes. IMHO the County Commissions and the Sanitary District did not take the Town Commissioners to raise. The way I was brought up you do not spend money that is NOT in the bank and expect the world to rescue you when a problem developes. Also you do not BORROW money you cannot repay. Our "wonderful" Town Commissioners need to get their ducks in a row and pay their bills without blaming everybody else for their problems. How many homes in town are in forclosure, or because of the raising of town taxes how many will not be able to pay their taxes.
Is that $600/mo/ or $600 for the summer?
Thanks for sharing that piece of information but you're WRONG. The entire event is paid for with a Grant through the Police Department. Nice try though.
I don't think $600/ per month is too much to ask the Police Department to spend for a free lunch for the community. If 200 ppl attend, that is $3.00 per person- less than a meal at McDonald's. I suggest that anyone who has an issue with the fact that the Princess Anne Police Department chooses to spend "Community Mobilization" Grant Money on a COMMUNITY picnic, need not attend.
So is the grant from a public or private agency? If it is a private donation/grant, thats fine. If it is a grant from public funds like taxes....Its not good.
Listen people. It is time to be fiscally responsible.
anonymous 11:37, Get over yourself. It's about time money went to THE PEOPLE rather than Coirporations. If YOU don't like it, don't participate. The les mouths they feed, the less it costs. The absolute FACT that you refuse to put up your name clearly shows you're not even from the area and like to stir the pot.
Wait a minute Joe. It is the same. I pay my taxes to be protected by the police. Not to be fed by them. I have nothing against PAPD. I just think the money could be better spent.
Would you feel the same if your tax money was being spent that way? Would you feel the same if Webster spent the same money to do the same thing?
I have to call this one because I want to know if my hard earned tax money is being spent. I am from P.A. and want to know.
thats pretty good they are doing furlough days in princess anne because of budget problems but they can still aford to spend $600 a month on hot dogs in the park
There you go....they are going to furlough police officers and they are still going to spend money feeding.... And I have to say it, some nobody that thinks they have to have a hand-out from the Government to feel better. Meanwhile there is an officer of the law that will risk his life protecting us has one less days pay, not because of his own fault, to live on.
Now Joe, is that fiscal resposiblity?
I live in Princess Anne and our taxes are high. Maybe those that attend should eat enough hot dogs to make up for the high taxes and get your money's worth.
joealbero said...
anonymous 11:37, Get over yourself. It's about time money went to THE PEOPLE rather than Coirporations. If YOU don't like it, don't participate. The les mouths they feed, the less it costs. The absolute FACT that you refuse to put up your name clearly shows you're not even from the area and like to stir the pot.
11:40 AM
that was completely uncalled for.
are you trying to run off readers?
It's a good event yes, but every month on the tax payers dime? I don't think so.
We tax payers already pay for the food, rent, and health for 90% of the people that attend these things. All they have to do is advertise "FREE" and 'they' swarm in.
How about having these events and charging a few bucks to weed out the weeds? Say 5 bucks for adults a 3 bucks under 12 for all you can eat? That would give a very cheap meal and put money back into the system for the next round. THAT makes more sense to me but then again I'm not obsessed with hot-dogs.
anonymous 3:07, OK, how about we back charge YOU for all YOUR visits to the Salisbury Zoo?
Come on, give it a rest. Use your name next time and act like a man for once.
Are Frank and Garland going to be there? I'd like to ask them if they are enjoying their new laptops!
Joe, since you are not from P A I don't think you should make the long journey to attend our community picnic. You might not care that it is at taxpayers expense BUT as you said it is for Princess Anne residents. Outsiders are not invited. Why in the world are you getting your drawers in a dither because Princess Anne taxpayers deem it inappropriate to spend money the town does not have. Don't give me that "grant" crap. Grant money comes from somewhere and somebody is paying it. Get over the "you owe me mentality". Hot Dogs in the Park is a nice gesture BUT I don't think that should be on a list to do until the town's financial status is better. What government (local, state, federal) needs to realize is that taxpayers are going to reach "the straw that broke the camel's back" and rise up in a great protest. What will happen to beautiful Princess Anne, and Maryland and the USA when that day comes? Also your wanting back payment for Salisbury Zoo makes no sense. If you get food at the Zoo you HAVE to pay for it.
anonymous 4:26, I said I really liked the people of Princess Anne. Clearly I didn't say they were all smart. Thanks for helping me understand that better. ;-)
To those of you bashing Hot Dogs in the Park, how many of you have actually attended this event?
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