OK Folks, this is a very important Post. I have provided much evidence above in which we have absolutely proven beyond a shadow of any doubt that Louise Smith and Gary Comegys have flat out lied.
Once again they have found something to draw your attention away from the main key issues plaguing the City of Salisbury. Although they have been pampering taxpayers by gently telling everyone, (especially Gary Comegys on his Campaign Trail) that they were going to have to raise taxes. Instead of raising taxes, they decided to throw things into Barrie Tilghman's Budget like the Standpipe, a HAZMAT vehicle and trailer, NO RAISES as promised to the SPD and finally, they want to take away the City Council's health insurance. Why, because it punishes Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.
I had stated in a previous Post that I could not believe Gary Comegys once again treated these Ladies like dirt in their work session the other day, yet he sat silent when Shanie Shields flat out admitted she was double dipping on health insurance. Let me assure you, if I was sitting on the Council in Gary's seat and I found out she had been making the taxpayers pay almost $10,000.00 a year for health insurance, all the while she already had health insurance and now all of a sudden they could get back at Debbie & Terry, I don't need it any more. You heard the audio clip. If I was in Gary's shoes I would have gone off.
Mayor Martin, A PART TIME MAYOR had health insurance. Michael Day, Sam Siedel, many, many other Council Members have been afforded health insurance. The documents above, (if you follow the dates) clearly show the game against Debbie & Terry started right after the Mayor's budget session a year ago. They have been plotting this for almost a year and it was NEVER brought to the table.
One Council Member's spouse has experienced some health issues this past year, Barrie Tilghman and other Council Members knew this. To lose their health insurance today would place them in a horrible position as they would be considered a person with a pre existing condition. The Policy offered by the City is just too costly and they know this.
While Gary, Shanie and Louise preach UNITY, they have spitefully gone after Debbie & Terry, even to the point that some of them have flat out lied. It is very important you listen to the audio file link above and the read the letter. I believe once you've examined both, you're going to simply be upset. If there's one thing I hate about someone, it's a liar.
Gary Comegys numbers during every election he has been in have dropped. His popularity has lowered each and every time and like it or not, from here on out I am going to expose these lies. Gary will either come clean and start being more truthful and get over his anger for losing or we will bring him down politically just as we did Barrie Tilghman.
Barrie Tilghman is no longer the Mayor of the City of Salisbury but as long as she continues to control her puppets in the hopes of rebuilding an empire no one is interested in any more, the City will continue to fail in every aspect of the word. They will make it impossible for Mayor Ireton to get anything done and I'm sorry Folks, the City of Salisbury is not a GAME!
Because they have lost power, they're going to use the City Council as their way of slowing down progress for the next 4 years, (or at least 2 years anyway) and even though you voted for change, they're laughing all the way to the Bank because there will be no change.
Do you want liars on your City Council? By the way, I don't want to hear any more language about a recall. Not only would it take hundreds of people working the streets knocking on doors and getting signatures, then you have to get them out to vote and from the look at the history of Salisbury Voters, it's not going to fly.
Instead, we need to continue to expose how Gary, Shanie and Louise are stopping progress purposely and trying to hurt their fellow Council Members. This is not UNITY, this is SPITE. Mayor Ireton has asked the city Council to reinstate their health insurance, now let's see what they choose to do. If the insurance was good enough for Mayor Tilghman, Michael Day, other Mayors and Council members, it's flat out wrong to take this away right here and now. There are far too many other major issues to deal with.
I look forward to your comments.
I have been supportive of Louise, but this is outrageous. This document and the audio has removed any doubt from my mind about her abusing her role as council president,
Hey Louise, read the memo from Wilbur. YOU requested the info, that's who.
How much did Wilbur charge the city for providing this information to Comegys and Smith?
Flat out Liars, John P, Gary and Louise...what a disgrace to this city and a joke. Jim I will get nothing done for this city with those 3 in cohorts with each other. Liars, plain and simple. Do something Jim, do something.
Just when I thought I was past being amazed at these people and their antics, something more amazing comes to light.
You're not in Kansas anymore, Louise and Gary. Things you've said and things you've done WILL be exposed. Why don't you just quit being dicks and get along. You don't have support anymore. Your true colors are evident to even those who have been wearing the blinders to you and your ways.
You're like that old adage "you'd rather climb a tree to lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth".
How about a new attitude?
We have to continue to support the government that we want. We must show up for Jim and Debbie (Terry too) at council meetings just like we did at the polls. When the seats are empty we are faceless and there is no accountability until the next election. The solution is simple. Get out ouf your house two Monday nights a month and come tho the meetings to support Jim. Then, he can do something. That's such a small thing to do if you really want Salisbury to be all it can be.
If Wilber sez that it's OK, whyfore all the BS by Bubba and his fellow stooges?
I was afraid that I would have difficulty figuring how to make a comment here, but it is easy. So, here it is: Louise and Gary always seem to behave so nicely and act like they are the ones trying to get along when the camera is roling. Thank you for sharing the tape so that I now know more about what goes on when they think no one is looking. My eyes have been opened.
LIARS! This totally contradicts the audio you had up here--Louise and Gary both said they had no idea what Debbie was talking about when she said they had asked Wilber for an opinion on the health insurance. THEY REQUESTED IT! Unbelievable. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing the mayor can do about this. Only the citizens can do something. I will be there on Monday--please join me! And remember this come election time and be generous with your donations of time and money so we can defeat these people. Joe, please keep this at the top today if you can--it is hugely important!
Smith/Comegys/Shields you three belong behind bars.No honest person would step that low. I hope JOE ALBERO sits on your asses until you are gone.You are dispicable people.Shannie please dont go to MacD,s and ask for gods forgiveness.
Can you say "RECALL"?
Anon 9:23,
Are you assuming that the Mayor will attend Council meetings? From past experience, I thought the mayor only stopped by to give out awards, then leaves. ????
Oh wait...that was the old mayor, who actually had no contribution to make to those meetings. The NEW Mayor will probably stay for the whole meeting. At least I hope so.
Read this post from yesterday if you missed it:
You keep the pressure on Mr Comegys. He will eventually run away like he did when Station 2 and Barry Tilghman were at odds. Gary has alaways talked out of both sides of his mouth. He will suck up to anyone to get his way.WTG Joe keep up the good work on three stooges on the city council.
The sad part here is that there is NO consequence for their lies. They continue to get caught in the lies they tell and they think its ok, so they keep on doing it and getting away with it. Its time for this to stop once and for all. We told this city enough was enough when we elected Jim Ireton, other wise Gary would have won...
Louise once sent me a letter because I called her a liar at a council meeting. I guess she thinks it's ok to flat out lie with a straight face.
Louise, start writing another letter because I fully intend to call you a liar, to your face, once again.
There are other ways to handle things, not cheap though,ha,ha.
What is this, day seven of the continuing health insurance saga? By continuously writing about this, are you suggesting Campbell and Cohen aren't intelligent enough to deal with this on the council level? According to the posted memo, the issue is decided on the council level and funded by the mayor during the submission of the budget. It looks like the mayor is willing to fund it. Do you really think you have enough influence that some how you'll embarrass the council majority from changing their votes? Your personal attention to this matter is probably having the opposite effect.
Joe, thank you. I have listened to these people plot against you for years and I'm truly sorry for not letting you know this sooner. You should add Chief Webster and Mike Dunn to your list because they are out to get you any way they can. The more evidence you continue to provide the more upset I get. You have been hard to swallow in the early years with your blog Joe but you have come around. I am going to the dark side with you Joe and they'll just have to do without me any more.
9:51 Very interesting, who might you be,hummmm
anonymous 9:51, I have been well aware of their actions. They think they have everything covered buut one more wrong move, especially by Chief Webster, and he'll be so deep in legal sh!t he'll never financially survive. ONE MORE, trust me on that one. This is AMERICA, not Russia! The biggest eyes in the State are on the Chief now. He started it, I'll finish it.
Stay on it Joe. I believe you are about to see more evidence about all of them then you will ever need to bring the truth out. I feel that people were afraid before to provide the information about the scandalous truth, particularly in today's economy for fear of losing their jobs. Those liars have been called out. Now it's up to the rest of us to hold them accountable for their actions.
Louise and Gary should resign today.
9:50, the problem is, Mayor Ireton can't do a thing about it. Once the budget was submitted by Barrie Tilghman, the mayor can't change it much without council approval.
He could veto what the council does with the budget, but then any decent changes would go down the drain and you'd have Barrie Tilghman's budget. And she cut the health insurance.
Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen are plenty smart. But they are still only two votes.
While calling out Gary and Louise for lying, let's not forget what a pig Shanie Shields is in this. She had another insurance option, at some taxpayer expense I'd bet, but "now that I got mine" she's ready to sacrifice Debbie and Terry.
You really think so? Let me explain how this will play out in the next election: Gary and Louise have flat-out lied to the public, there is no other possible interpretation of what we have here. None. So their only chance to redeem themselves is to do the right thing and vote as the mayor has requested: that they restore health insurance to city council. Anything short of that is unacceptable. And you can believe whatever you want, but we worked very hard to defeat Gary in the mayor's race, and we will do the same thing for city council on the next go around if this issue is not resolved fairly. I promise you that. And we will sort out any "sleeper" candidates who emerge, too. This is a defining issue for me and for many others who are watching this council: Gary and Louise have a chance to do the right thing, I suggest they do it if they (or their allies) want to have any political influence in the future. Remember this: Jim won by 18 points, Debbie by 30+. Those of us who worked for that have not gone away. Do the right thing here Gary and Louise and the council can start working together. Stick to your plan annd you will have 2 more years and out, no question.
This illustrates a much larger problem, the lack of respect for their oath of office. Smith, Comegys and Shields need to start putting Salisbury first. I'll never forget the time that they all voted no because Terry and Debbie voted yes. Then they had to have a "redo" because Debbie and Terry had voted for what they had all agreed needed to be passed. Smith, Comegys and Shields harbor a hatred that is clouding their ability to represent us well (not to mention fair treatment of the colleagues). Another recent lie, that Smith needed consensus of the council to place something on the agenda at Mayor Ireton's request. There is no such rule. She was making a power play. Louise, we elected Jim as our Mayor, not you. If you had the capacity to experience embarassment you would be embarassed for your small-minded behavior.
anonymous 10:35, YOU'RE WRONG!
Shanie Shields didn't just have an option, SHE HAD TWO INSURANCE POLICIES GOING AT ONE TIME!
Everyone needs to get off the idea that she had another option. She was FORCING the taxpayers of Salisbury to PAY for a second insurance policy that she never needed! She was already covered by the State! It's not like the first policy she had wasn't as good as the City's and needed a second policy to piggyback the first one. She had FULL COVERAGE on BOTH policies.
Shanie Shields should have to pay back the taxpayers for 4 years worth of health insurance she never needed!!!!!!
Louweasel is miffed because her watering hole (Watermans) has gone dry!
10:36 Your comments make me wonder if this is a BPT set up. Cut the funding knowing that there will be public outcry, all the while Louise, Gary and Shanie plan on reinstating it to give a false sense of responsibility. That's my bet. What they didn't count on was getting caught in this big lie which has made them look even worse than usual.
[from another post on this blog]
And, behind the curtain, it’s Barrie P. Tilghman – gone but not forgotten. Let’s "balance" her proposed budget by striking the funding she included for (1) the standpipe (2) the "All-American City" contest and (3) a big raise for Lore Chambers. Those items would cover the health insurance coverage that Barrie failed to include – her "going away present" for Ms. Campbell and Ms. Cohen.
Joe, that's what I meant by "another option." She already had insurance.
Didn't Debbie Campbell have insurance through her employer, then didn't so that's why she went on the city's. She didn't HAVE the option of staying with her company's.
Did that make better sense?
You are absolutely right. Shanie wasted out money. Just like taking a big plate of food, then leaving half of it. That's just wrong.
Insurance companies cooperate in what is called a "coordination of benefits" or COB, so as to not "double dip". This is designed to prevent people from profiting or getting paid twice for the same claim. If Shanie did indeed admit this, than I would think that would amount to insurance fraud, which, I think is a criminal offense. If inded she collected twice. Don't you think this should be looked into?
If they were to eliminate the health insurance of council members, they would all be better served to phase it out as members left council.
To pull it out the way they're planning is just wrong for so many reasons.
anonymous 11:40, If you go back to my Post the other day where we provided a link to the entire audio of that meeting, you'll clearly hear Shanie admitting it several times. It is being investigated, so you know.
Shanie is history, another one down. Get her Davis.
Do not believe for a minute that Shanie will reimburse the City for her fraudulent activity. She is not going to pay anyone but Jesus.
This is a profound breach of the public trust, and a gross violation of their oath of office. Don't these people have a conscience? No moral values, no scruples, no nothing. They are very dangerous.
Barrie Parsons Tilghman is a cancer that continues to grow on the City. She needs some political chemotherapy.
I am curious to see which of Shanie's partners are going to defend her in this insurance scam, if there is a defense.
I have a suggestion for everyone commenting on this subject.
Go to the City Council meeting Monday night at 6pm and TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK.
Commenting on a blog will draw attention but it won't bring the results you are expecting.
I will be there.
Greed is on of the seven deadly sins.
Well, well, well, Mrs. Shields. You will have your day of reckoning.
"ugh I don't remember", "who requested this cause I don't remember anything about this", what idots do we have working for us? OH I REMEMBER JOHN PICK, LOUISE SMITH AND GARY COMEGYS !!!!!
Shanie may not have collected twice on using the insurance to get health care. She may just have had both insurances, costing the taxpayers twice.
Did she have pay for the other insurance?
Whatever. What a mess.
Anon 3;53, no Shanie does not have to pay for her other insurance.It is a benefit from her deceased husband who was an employee of the state. He died shortly after his retirement.
The Terrible Three have tried to say this is not about Debbie and Terry, they are partly right.
This is about THEM LYING to the public, working in a deceitful manner, just to stick it to Debbie and Terry.
Joe, I agree with you that turning people out to vote in a recall would be tough. But I don't think getting the signatures to recall THESE LIARS would be hard at this point.
Great show Joe! Nothing like winging some of their own dung right back at'um!
I agree, people are so sick of the politics I don't think a recall would work with an apathetic bunch. I'll pay for the eggs if everyone helps me throw them!
I've never been in trouble before, I'll take one for the people of Salisbury. Go ahead and throw me in jail for throwing eggs at some scumbags. I'll be out in less than 24 hours and get PBJ max!
good grief gary's teef even at a distance looks like you can park a car between the front two? you sure he has insurance? or just poor personal hygene?
Stinkin' rotten LIARS!
We need to get people UN-apathetic. I still say Joe should go to a limited print edition. People will NEVER get the truth from the Daily Rag.
Especially with what's his name, that greasy editor that is so chummy with the slimy Mike Dunn? Can't remember his name. Not Bassett. Under him.
OMG if Ms.Shields had the same insurance as ECI employees she DID NOT need secondary coverage-she already had a very good policy.Talk about greedy.
Too bad candidates for election to the Council can't be screened for 'good character", or lack of it.
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