Yesterday we reported an attempted burglary at Robinson's Jewelers in the Court Plaza. As information continues to come in, Mr. Robinson claims nothing was taken from his business, yet a Police Report stated different. No big deal, but the story continues to baffle the mind.
You see, AFTER the Police left, Robinson went into his other place of business and told other tenants someone cut through the roof to enter the business Personalize It. I came to learn that no one had cut through the roof and that there was a single ceiling tile out of place.
Now it's been reported that Robinson stated someone picked the lock on the business next door to him, (Salisbury Eye Evaluation) removed a ceiling tile and climbed over into his place of business. I said, no, that can't be true because there's a Fire Wall between these businesses and my source said, NO, there's not.
Building codes require in the state of Maryland that each business must be divided by a fire wall separating one business from the other in case a fire breaks out. I have been assured that there is NO Fire Wall in between these businesses.
Nevertheless, it has been reported that nothing was taken from either business but something really stinks about this whole thing. It was also reported that Mr. Robinson claims the camera system line was cut before they entered the building, yet no wires have been shown to have been cut? The other thing that makes me especially curious is the fact that at least two of Robinson's businesses were allegedly broken into, yet no others had any kind of forced entry nor did any other business owner report a break in or problem.
Mr. Robinson also claimed to me yesterday that he has TWO Alarm Companies that secure his Jewelery Store. I have never heard of any business owner having two different Alarm Companies securing a place of business and I truly don't understand why someone would do such a thing?
Oh well, they say never try to figure someone out because you'll just go crazy trying to do so in the process. All I can say is, as many comments in the previous post about Robinson said, they have heard three different stories about this break in, someone must be lying. In the mean time, John loves the attention anyway as no press is bad press.
I forgot to add, Robinson's other business has been closed since the alleged other break in through the roof that never happened. Hence the photo with the blinds closed, lights off and door locked. Not a good way to start a new business, that's for sure.
It doesn't look like they're doing any business there anyway Joe.
Robinson is a habitual liar with many other disorders too.
Call the county and report those firewall violations.
Es No My Yob Man. ;-)
Joe, do you think he's tring to pull an insurance scam? But if thats the case wouldn't he be telling people things were taken? and why would the police have a different story about items missing? They either were or weren't. Can I get a WTF?
The building is so old it is most likely grand-fathered in.
There are no firewalls between each unit down at the old Skateland complex either.
Robinson wouldn't know truth if it smacked him right in the face.
I've bouoght several watch batteries there and within a month they don't work again. No more!
I'm batman would you like to be my assistant
a fire wall is required when the building have different occupancy classifications. Since these are all businesses, no fire wall was required when the building was built. If there was a apartment or a workshop or some other classification located in that building, then a fire wall would be required
Joe, go ahead and set the place on fire. You'll get your answer then.
The Commons blding at SU has firewalls on the second and 3rd flrs, and they are profusely prefferated with duck work,pipes and access holes. I personally reported it to the fire Marshall, they told the maintenance dept to get it fixed....its not been touched..that was 5yrs ago.
Inspectors around here are a joke.
if the camera wires were cut, then why is there survelance footage of the break in?
anonymous 4:46, I'd suggest you speak to the Police about that question. You see, Robinson claimed the wires were cut and now you say there's actual video. Someone is lying. Who would you trust?
anonymous 4:28, you're wrong. ANY build out for a new tenant requires via fire code a fire wall between each and every business. Nice try though.
Must be a snake-head.
didn't you also say that he has two alarm companies? Not one of them responed to the cut wires? Not very reliable are they? Your right...very fishy
The offices at skateland complex are all offices except the cake business with ovens etc. you would think there would be a firewall???
heck , Obama says the economy is
on the road to recovery. Like my
mom used to day , "in a pigs eye"
He don't need no insurance scam!!
I went to robinsons today and there was anew piece of glass in the front door.there were alot of glass missing in a bunch of Showcases. Looked like the place got beat up pretty good. Are you sure he said nothing was missing? I find it hard to believe.
anonymous 7:30, he called me directly and told me no showcases had been broken and nothing was taken. He insisted there was no burglary. Like I said, there have been numerous different stories. One story to the Police, one story to tenants at Court Plaza and one story to me directly. None of which match.
Not sure if there is a firewall between personalize it and Salisbury Eye evaluation but there is NOT one between personalize it and Dr Kleins office because that used to be just one unit and unless they changed it personalize it doesn't have a back door the back part of that used to be used by SEE.
If a building permit was issued, then the new electrical and building codes should have been brought up to date. Anytime you remodel legally, you have to bring it up to current codes, there is no grandfathered in.
Its supposed to be about the fact that this dude is Whacked. Its hard to believe you are a skater.
If you have seen him skate, you would know he is no skater.
I thought an office/etc needed to have a back door in case of a fire???
Robinson's second hand (hot) jewelry store...wink wink...if you know what I mean..
Alot of these units were originally larger. They divided them into two smaller units in some cases. The fire walls and other construction elements were not done.
Why don't you just blow him. Your like a little bitch that just can stay away.
It has now been stated that the cameras were turned off by the burglar and reset, no wires cut. Hmmmmmmm......
Let me get this straight, somebody breaks into two places, no alarm goes off in one of them, they break some glass showcases, and they take nothing?????? All that time and effort , and nothing taken ???? WTF
Today, some detectives were seen looking through the locked front door of personalize it...
I think there is a lot more here than meets the eye. A good shot of publicity and sympathy for JR, not from his chair I may add. It's that Karma thing.
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