It seems this past Saturday Susan Rainey made the Daily Times as one of many who are in the process of foreclosure on her home. The woman so vocal about Joe Albero speaking at a Chamber of Commerce Meeting seems to be getting slapped in the face with Karma.
Perhaps Susan and the Fat Man should team up together and create a Circus. She could then pay her bills and he could, well, he has no clue what it is to work and pay normal bills anyway, so we'll leave that alone. What's more entertaining than an Elephant and a Clown?
The infamous John Robinson is in the news once again today as well. It seems Mr. Robinson flat out REFUSES to follow the law as he did an all nighter at his new place of business in the Court Plaza demolishing walls and doing all sorts of construction WITHOUT A PERMIT!
The County has been called in and a cease and desist order will soon follow, I'm sure. Johnnie, I don't know who you think you are but the law is the law and you're not above the law.
It sure is a Circus around here, isn't it.
LMAO, that is another Great Post by Mr. Albero and Salisbury News. Get a life Fat Man!
No, get a JOB, FAT MAN
LMAO Joe, I don't know how you keep stomping on all these POS here in Salisbury without getting any on your shoes!!
J. Robinson seems to be above the law.must be more to the stuff he claims he has on the law man Mike Lewis.
Johnny R., don't forget your contractor/remodeler's license, your electrician's license, and your insurance for each. You CANNOT do any improvements to any property that you DO NOT OWN, unless you have proper documentation. I'm sure you can use some of that gold you bought to pay your fines!!! Loser.
The Fat Man and jr were seen having lunch at the Golden Corral today. the fat man ate so much that the Fat Rat hat to give him mouth to mouth. or was that mouth to mouth?
Speaking of Rat I see Jimmy Gladwell has been over on his site making comments again. Joe if only you heard how that boy rags on you.
When the Golden Corral sees the Fat Man scooting to the building, they hurry up and flip over the Open sign.
that pinhead will never learn. Keep the heat on him!
that guy is a liar and a cheat.
have you guys seen the clowns blog??? asking for donations to save her house while dissing Joe...and the grinch is promoting it....whats funny is she talks about maryland case search, but does not speak about what is listed under her name..I would say we could call them Barnum and Bailey, but that would be leaving J Rob out
Jimmy Gladwell must be sucking up for the Fire Chiefs Job. He keeps making comments on the fat mans site about the SFD. Does anyone think he will get promoted? After all he said it broke his heart that Bubba Comagees didn't get elected Mare!
They make for the pefect couple.
I think we all know which one is the woman? ROFLMAO or maybe they role play back and forth? ewwwwwww
Not that there is anything wrong with that LoL butt those two made me loose my grits this early in the morning
John Robinson-- Just remember you are not Tim the Tool Man, just Johnny the Tool.
The county seems to have different laws for certain people. On Rewastico Rd in Hebron a trailer was replaced without a permit being posted and done on a Saturday at that, the old trailer is still sitting behind it. the county who knows what was done was illegal, went up there they just took the money for the permit and that was that. Why, because its all in who u know. I'm sure this is rented land. It used to be a business.The business is now called Disney Sand and Gravel. Its right across the street from Rewastico Village. We the legal tax payers who have to follow the rules wonder how this happened.
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