After reading the comments yesterday about the underside of the bridges, I went back and took these photos. They clearly show that the bridge has been falling apart for a very long time, as the planks used to catch the crumbling roadway above have mold and rot themselves; plus you can see they have been added to over the years!
Just a note about the B13 x 50 bridge… I am from Illinois, and something I learned very young which makes all the sense in the world is that in Illinois, it is forbidden to use asphalt paving on any bridge.
Why? Because it covers up any defects that show up in the bridge surface over time. Asphalt looks great, and is nice and smooth, but has no structural value. Concrete is a very different animal, and will not only develop cracks, but expands when heated, as in putting a black surface on it instead of leaving it white. Concrete is graded at a 30 year or so life expectancy in a lot of applications, although lasts way longer on buried footings and such, and needs to be visually monitored. This bridge takes a beating every day with all the traffic moving over it. After all, to get anywhere in this town, one must travel through 13 & Main to get there.
If one just covers up problems with something pretty, it doesn't make the problem go away now, does it?
Why weren't the beams very painted in green like some of the other bridges? There are alot of overpasses in our area that are grey and have rust streaks running done them. This grey looks to be just a primer. Or is it that we are not on the other side of the bay, where thier bridges nicely painted.
Those boards are not for crumbling roadway you idiot. They were put there by homeless peoples. Busy roadways above and below equals warmer temps under the roadway and above the boards.
OMG! And the "patch" is only going to be 4' x 10' ????
Does Barrie know you were at her house? Get it? It's a troll joke.
4:09, Funny! I didnt know the homeless had power saws, extension cords, a wood shop and a lumber supplier! MY bad!
Check a few years' worth of State inspection records and see how many are signed off by Mr. Senior Project Engineer Comegys.
Anonymous said...
Those boards are not for crumbling roadway you idiot. They were put there by homeless peoples. Busy roadways above and below equals warmer temps under the roadway and above the boards.
4:09 PM
it must be some awful skinny people to fit between those boards and the road, and they must be able to fly huh?
The hobos living there can also catch a good buzz from the exhaust fumes.
wow that looks pretty bad, makes me scared to drive on it.
Unfortunately this is par for the course when it comes to most bridges these days.
While I was working in the Virginia Beach area, that is the same -quick fix- way they used to prevent falling concrete debris from breaking passing motorists windshields.
Apparently, the technique caught-on and Maryland has started deploy the same method.
As I said in yesterday's commentary, these bridges are all over the place. I remember the Structural engineer telling me 'can you imagine our highway system in say 10 years'. Well, 10 years have now passed and you're seeing them first hand. They are literally falling apart.
There are bridges like this all over the county.
This is what happens when those in charge think that tax cuts for the wealthy are more important than our basic infrastructure needs.
Can you just imagine if we had a severe earth quake here that took down both bay bridges and the tunnels? Think times are hard now?
I would also say this is what happens when tax dollars go to illegals for medical, schools, college etc. or is this not as Politically correct as your comment. be fair when using examples in your opinions. get rid of one get rid of all. dont forget the Politians ridiculous salaries and benefits for so little productivity that need to go. they might not want the job of Public servant then.
2:02 "I would also say this is what happens when tax dollars go to illegals for medical, schools, college etc. or is this not as Politically correct as your comment..."
And it isn't as accurate either. The fact is that illegals add far more to the economy then they subtract (They do pay taxes too). That's why big business wants them here so badly. It's really good for business...
...or are you one of those who just wants to exploit illegals?
off subject but thats where i found my dog dixie at five years ago
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