While we all laughed it off, for some reason John thought he had some kind of power in which he could demand it stop immediately. What an Idiot!
Then he calls the Fat Man, (an individual John Robinson swears on a stack of Bible's he has no connection with) and asked him to drive over to this business location and take pictures, like that's a big deal.
Hey John, let's discuss why your RECORDS were gone through at your place of business but nothing was stolen. Now let's see John, why would ANYONE be interested in your business records? Was someone served recently by a court order to provide such said documents? Then someone breaks into your place of business and has their hands on all sorts of valuable items and then they drop them on the ground before they leave.
Hey Johnnie Boy, you're not fooling ANYONE! Then you have the nerve to start pointing fingers at the Police. Hey Johnnie, why don't you tell EVERYONE just why you went to Baltimore yesterday. Now THIS would be VERY interesting for every one to hear. Now I happen to know why, but let's let John Robinson sweat this one out for a day or two. I want to see just what kind of lies he's going to make up at this point.
Here's another funny thing. Many don't realize this but there's been a small rash of business break ins in the same area, yet NOTHING was taken. I'm no Detective but guess who my #1 Suspect would be right about now?
Here's a recent e-mail I received from John Robinson, yet he's NEVER going to contact me ever again and then says, why can't you leave me alone Joe. ROTFLMAO!
"Crazy-I know,
Joe and Jennifer,
It's John and my wife Tracy."
Joe, It was good chatting with you the other morning and it is the reason for this email.
Congats on court. It was obvious to me you won before you started.
Saw your post on Skate shop. We are opening up a skateboard shop in July. We are giving 10% of the profits from the store to this cause. As we think it is well needed. Just Giving you a heads up. The Skate Shop will be called HOUR HAND and will feature decks by all brands but also many local artists and we have the technology with our printing business to be able to put some ones own design on a deck.
As crazy as this sounds, I would like to invite you and Jennifer to Ruths Chris for dinner, my treat. I think it is well past time we FINALLY buried the hatchet. So if you want, and I hope you will take me up on this offer, the four of us can go out to dinner. NO ONE needs to know. Just the four of us for a nice meal. he past is the past and I choose to leave it all behind us for good. I really am not that bad of guy and neither are you. It's time we both realized that.
John and Tracy"
I ran into John the other day at the Skate Park Fundraiser and he asked if I had received his e-mail dated May 1, 2009. I replied, yes I did. I immediately changed the subject and walked away because I happen to know IMHO that John Robinson is absolutely crazy. I could produce e-mail after e-mail from this guy as well as text messages swearing he knows nothing about the Fat Man, even telephone messages. I had been leaving this guy alone and no matter what happens, as soon as I turn my back he's claiming he's having me followed by Private Detectives and now the Fat Man. Their hope was to "catch" me at this place of business, again, like it would make any difference and snap off a picture of me. Pretty scary, isn't it. The two of them are stalking us at every single moment and opportunity.
John, you have some serious issues at hand with the law right now. Why in God's Name would my Wife and I want to ever break bread with someone who cannot ever tell the truth and live such a questionable life. You hang with little children because they'll listen to your BS and they may even actually believe it. You know, like telling every one you're a Semi Pro Skateboarder. Folks, if you watched this guy get on a skateboard, he's so scared of his own shadow it isn't funny.
Anyhow, Robinson and the Fat Man are tied at the hip. If you want to be associated with those two, go for it. Perhaps you can come up with the bail money to get Robinson out of Jail real soon because he's going to need all the help he can get. Go ahead John, tell them about Baltimore yesterday. Are you absolutely sure that every one that has been selling you precious metals actually owned the pieces they pawned/sold off to you?
Clearly you have forgotten who you're messing with John Robinson. To those Folks who don't appreciate this Post, every once in a while I get to vent. It's my Blog and if you don't like the post, scroll down past it. For a guy who swears he never wants anything to do with me ever again, why the alleged private detectives and why the call today demanding they stop what they're doing with Salisbury News. You're a lot like Barrie Tilghman, John Robinson. You say one thing and swear it's all true, then you do another.
lol brilliant. he was def blogged.
Every Court Plaza needs a Court Jester.
Have you also noticed he's regularly creating a new blog, puts up a couple of Posts, thanks God for allowing him to be the man that he is and then dumps it. He's a con man and I hope the police take him down. I think he tries to draw in little children and probably tells the parents of other children to go read his God fearing blog. We've seen your type before Mr. Robinson.
Joe, I don't blame you one bit. This is your blog and I can see why you'd feel the need to vent once in a while. Thanks for the heads up about John. I have a strong feeling he's not going to be a free man for very much longer. Maybe he can bunk with Ray Lewis.
Robinson has a perfect knack at diverting his problems onto someone else. Just as soon as he gets in trouble he points the finger in the other direction tired of seeing your same old bull$hit Robinson. Your day is coming thats why you are so scared you little pu$$y.
hmmmm JR not paying his taxes? Bankruptcy? I agree Joe, let him sweat this one out.
As far as him having no association with Lard Butt that's an outright lie because he recommended that a friend of mine (that was at the skate fundraiser) check out that sight because it was funny. He's a liar, I've never met him but wouldn't hesitate to call him a liar to his face.
Sounds like John got some splaynnen to do in Baltimore.Don,t forget to buy soap on a rope,before you go away for a while bubba don,t like soap on a rope.know what I mean?????
Jonnyboy kinda kut an I'se a gonna git sum fresh meet. yummy
mr. bubba
Man that picture makes you two look like brothers sorta.
I took some gold necklace,s to the a$$hole and he tried to rip me off.
Can't wait to see what his problem is that he had to go to Baltimore, when you tellin Joe, enough teasin
My sister was at giant food today. in line at the counter and she over heard two people talking about how robinsons were violated. she could not comprehend what they were saying because it sounded so far fetched.
Will John be going to jail soon. the court plaza wants to get rid of the Jester.
Joe, don't forget Robinson's team of lawyers waiting to pounce on you!
Robinson's behavior is classicly reminiscent of a child who gets caught in a lie. When confronted with the lie, the child will shift the blame to someone else, for fear of getting punished. In this case, however, his version of truth is so highly questionable that it borders on pure fantasy! Sorry John, but I think the punishment you've been ducking is about to hit you square in the a$$. Perhaps your mother should have made you more responsible for your actions when you were younger. If so, things might have turned out differently.
And here's to you, Mr. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mr. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)
We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files
We'd like to help you learn to help yourself
Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home
At least he gets it honestly...about 20 years ago when I was in high school, a guy who was younger than I (guessing 16) took a bunch of gold bangle bracelets up to their clock store that he stole from his mother and she gave him money with no questions. The whole family is like that. What 16 year old boy would have a bunch of gold bangle bracelets to pawn?
Ray Lewis isnt in jail...
I know they ripped me off on sizing a ring. I was told it was going to take a few days, that was fine. Tried to go pick up the ring, they told me some gems fell out so they had to remount them (starting to get a little mad at this point because i want my jewelry!) so I went back a few days later, paid for the ring to be sized. Got out in the car and tried the ring on-it was still loose, I was sick during this week so I brushed it off thinking it will fit better in a week or so once I was better. Come to find out, the ring was still the original size 7, not a 5 like i needed-they never sized it! They ripped me off!!
If ANYONE has any info about ANYTHING that will help get this guy off our streets and away from our kids please don't hesitate to contact the authorities. Don't think it'll just go away, he's only getting worse.
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