Even as congressional Democrats feuded last week with the CIA in what at times seemed to be a throwback to the 1970s, President Obama was headed in the other direction in what may have been his most active week yet as commander in chief.
He pushed through the House a spending bill to finance the war in Afghanistan and reversed himself, deciding to fight the release of photos purportedly showing humiliating treatment of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Mr. Obama also announced he would have some detainees at the U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, tried by military commissions, putting him at odds with much of his liberal political base, but winning striking praise from Republicans who contrasted his sober decisions against the accusations of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the CIA has lied to her and Congress continually.
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Pelosi is now showing the world the idiot that she is. It amazes me
how idiots like her, and there are
many of them , get these positions.
Barney Frank , what a joke!
nancy can we all sing you a song AHEM.... NA NA NA NA... NA NA NA NA.. OH HELL YEAH GOOD BYE!
I do not like Nancy Pelosi.
But of course, it's preposterous that staff would ever lie to elected officials, right?
Reality check...
They're all a joke. I agree with what Joe said a long time ago. Get rid of every one of them and start from scratch. Don't vote for ANY incumbent. Let them lose their cushy jobs and watch them squirm!
I think it's more preposterous to believe that the CIA lied to bella Pelosi!!!
Yeah, 7:40, because we all know how honesty and trustworthy the CIA is.
You people think that Pelosi is in trouble? That she is somehow responsible for the whole torture mess?
No. This was all Bush and his cronies. They don't get off for a minute. Not one minute. They'll rot in hell forever.
Anon1116 - Please share the knowledge you think you have. You know nothing! All assumptions I bet.
As compared to Pelosi ??? At least the CIA is saying hey lets lay all the cards on the table while Nancy is in hiding back stepping.
Do you think the CIA has been absolutely honest with the people of the United States over the years? REALLY? Okay, whatever lets you sleep at night.
Pelosi is the one who keeps changing her story pull your head out of the sand or where ever it is.
Pelosi busted in a bold face lie Obama changing positions more often then a fat lady on a stair master all this means one thing !
12:31 "Obama changing positions..."
It's better to study an issue and change than to doggedly cling to flawed idiotology.
p.s Pelosi wasn't busted for anything. She'll win reelection in a landslide.
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