Yesterday was the 58th annual observance of "National Day Of Prayer." I visited the Trinity Methodist Church and was very pleased to see and recognize many of the fine people I know locally.
Did you attend any special Mass yesterday?
Are you a regular visitor to any Church?
I'm not asking what you believe in. I think we'd all like to know how many Americans still attend Church. Many things have changed over time and I think a lot of people would like to see and know if we as parents are raising our Children the same way we were brought up. No names, just a kind of internal poll through comments.
Yes we attend...
No we do not attend, spirituality is all around us though.
Interesting to note while invitied to the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday, President Obama elected not to attend. President Bush attended all eight years he was president.
The foundation of that church is some of the biggest blocks of granite I have ever seen. It was like a castle under there, of course that was twenty five or six years ago.
I go, and my son is a member at 2 of the other local youth groups!
Trinity has two works of art flanking the altar, mosaics, which are the most beautiful things I've ever seen anywhere.
As for church, two thumbs up for Oak Ridge Baptist Church! They rock!
Regular attender though not raised that way. Interesting fact about Obama but does that really surprise any of us?
Freedom of religion is a wonderful thing, regaurdless of which side you find yourself on.
No we didn't attend. I think the risk of someone harming my child is a very real possibility these days. Too often we witness the congregation standing behind the accused while shunning the victim child.
(Don't bother jumping on the band wagon to attack my decision, I am not going to change my views and attacks would further upholds what I am writing!)
Brian Beaver offered a wonderful prayer for local, state and Federal officials.
anonymous 10:01, With all due respect, I didn't ask if you drop off your children and leave them there unattended. Me personally, I would never do that, anywhere. You seem to be angry at the Church in general but if it's fear, you can get around that in so many ways. Just a thought.
My family has active membership at First baptist Church of Mardela Springs. Every second of everyday is prayer time for me. I love the Lord with all my heart and am very thankful for all the blessings I have received. If you would like to learn more about Jesus our Lord, please call or send me an e-mail. Just click on my profile for contact info.
One does not have to "go" any where to find spirituality. They only have to look inside themselves.
I'm Catholic, and I don't particularly care that my President didn't go to that prayer service. (A Catholic Mass, by the way...)
Thanks for sharing that Champs. This is exactly where I was hoping things would go. I say that because back when I was a child, man, if the President didn't show up for Mass, well, that just didn't happen.
So IF America has grown population wise and the Church's aren't packing them in like they used to, what do you think future generations are going to see?
Years ago the President always set the example. It's still the same today, so will our children argue that since the President doesn't go to Church, they shouldn't have to either?
Too many people "go for show". It is not about when or where you go, it is how you live the spirit within you. A parent who walks that path, will teach a child more than anyone else who happens to do it in a building with stained glass windows. I really feel that a National Day of Prayer attended by a President is more of a photo op and pandering for the church vote. Sorry, just the way I feel.
I did not attend church yesterday, but I do go. I attend Mt. Zion United Methodist Church in Quantico, MD. Let me just say that I am a black man who voted for Barack Obama. When he won I was happy to see a black man get into office, BUT that's where it stopped. I only give credit where it is due. I never gave in to the whole "change we can believe in" marketing idea. In a sense that phrase seems like he is saying trust in him. Oh no. For you see not an eye blinks a lip moves, or wind blow across the grass without GOD. Yes prayer is all we have in America, Not Barack, not the U.N. not the stock market, Jay-Z, The Pope whoever. It fustrates me to see people buying all this Barack merchandise and his books, making rap songs about him and praising him. Step back and look at that picture. You have a wardrobe of Barack shirt, shoes, and pants, meanwhile the economy is tumbling. He's got money {so he thinks} he's got people{so he thinks}. Then what really gripes me is the fact that people will buy all this stuff, but you rarely see anyone with a shirt with Christ face on it, putting the Bible on a pedastool on mainstream T.V. and radio, and people are hardly going to church. But he can pull people from coast to coast to see him inaugurated. Shame. My faith is in God and God alone, for he is the Alpha AND Omega, the Beginning AND the End. Recognize and realize people. His return is comming soon and very soon. Amen and may God Bless You all.
anonymous 10:51, fair enough. Thanks for sharing.
Nicely said!!
We attend church regularly and have a personal relationship with God thru His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent to live amongst men and provide the way for everlasting life.
We are out of town, but would have participated in prayer at Trinity also. A nation setting aside a day for prayer, is surley in conformance with our founding documents and the belief that all rights come from God.
As a Nation at this time, in my opinion, we have a tremendous leadership vacuum at the Presidential level, and it is not getting any better.
May God continue to Bless our great country, and hopefully the
majority of our citizens will continue seek Him.
Ole "presbo" declined all special invites to services in D.C.
It seems he would rather keep this "private".
"They" have yet to choose a place of worship. Guess it, too is "private."
Thank You. Sometimes you have to stand up for God even though he doesn't need it.
Did you attend any special Mass yesterday?
No.... did your president?
The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches are the only legitimate Christian Denominations are the only churches in existence which can be traced directly to Jesus. As such, all other churches are false. The large number of protestants on this blog is troubling to say the least. Pray for these sinners.
My family and I attend a small country church. I am trying to raise my children better than I was raised.
If you really think about it (actually you don't really have to think) president to. Oops sorry to spoil the suprise.
No I don't go, and don't plan to take my children when I have them. I was forced to go every Sunday as a child. I hated every single minute of it.
Maybe that's why I'm not big into religion. Can't force a load of BS on someone if they don't want to hear it.
10:54 -
Further proves that scare tactics = religion
"If you don't go to church you're going to burn in hell!"
"He is coming back, everyone be afraid"
And what is all this nonsense about the President not going to the mass?
"Years ago the President always set the example. It's still the same today, so will our children argue that since the President doesn't go to Church, they shouldn't have to either?"
I gurauntee you children do not care if their President goes to church or not. The only question you'd hear is "Daddy doesn't have to go to church, why do I".
Just put in the news title that Obama didn't goto mass since that's all you were looking to get across.
How is it that we "protestants" are sinners? That is where the problem arises. People put more focus on religion than on actually being a believer. I for one, go to a Baptist church but do not consider myself Baptist. I am a believer and a follower of Christ. I go to a church that I know is preaching the TRUTH. I believe that what the Holy Bible says is the truth of God and I don't have to be "Catholic" to not be considered a sinner. If you read the bible you would see that all humans are sinners and just because we have a denomination that we attend it doesn't mean that we are any more or less forgiven than the next person. Jesus died on the cross for ALL of us sinners so that we may have a direct link to God through prayer and we don't have to be catholic to receive that forgiveness. Those of us "non catholic sinners" will pray for you as well! God Bless!!
My life has been a lot better since I allowed the Lord into it.Wish I had done so alot sooner.
First of all--the only president to attend "Mass" was JFK as he has been our only Roman Catholic president. Protestant worship services are not properly called "Mass." Obama is not Catholic.
As for the poster who was alarmed at all Protestant postings; what does he expect on the Eastern Shore?? This region was settled by English Protestants about 400 years ago. It has remained largely so.
It's ironic that so many can post that they find spiritual enrichment outside of church, but they do not allow our president the same option. Probably the same misinformed populace who was certain Obama was a Muslim, but also had a "problem" Christian pastor in Jeremiah Wright. You can't have it both ways!
Believe in yourself first...
"O" will be facing East when he prays.....
As I understand it, any Church or religion is not a physical structure. It is the congregation of people and the spiritualiy that is shared.
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