Looks like the Old Mall Owners are going to ask for more extensions from Planning and Zoning. From what I gathered the last go around, they were growing pretty tired of the delays and lack of professionalism.
Nevertheless, inside sources tell me what's what they're after again. Will the Board finally grow a pair and tell these guys enough is enough, or will they bow down to the old Mayor Tilghman and give in to the the people who hold the puppet strings on the Board?
We'll see tomorrow at 1:30 PM.
With the pace of the economy and development, I don't think an extention is too much to ask. If not, the city will force them to rush something small through and you will end up with a gas station on the corner, mark my words. We don't need that, we need a proper development.
The City DPW also needs to step up and help this process along by approving one of the many previous submissions instead of putting up obstacle after obstacle. Though I'm sure the City would be happy to see that property grow over completely and simply go undeveloped. This is probably the real motivation behind any action (or non-action) they take.
Speaking as someone who has extensive experience with the city on these matters, it's a nightmare. They need to get on the same page. In our experience, they don't even work from the same book of rules.
In no way am I suggesting that these developers DESERVE an extension, but in light of the fact that there is a new administration getting settled in, it makes sense to make sure that the best interests of the taxpayers is served.
Good luck, Mayor Ireton. You've got your work cut out for you.
There's something more going on there, Two Sentz. These guys started this going into a sliding economy. Their track record on the other side of the bay suxx. If the City felt as you say they do, why did they give them $14 million in tax breaks?
The only thing it is ever going to be is parking for the worthless Civic Center.
The planning commission better make sure they get proper legal counsel with regards to denying an extension. There are lots of legal traps here that need to be handled appropriately.
Also, their bankers are probably getting impatient. This might be a grassy field for some time to come.
You know the deal and who's on the board. They'll get what they want. They got our money they should at least start in the stormwater retention Lake?
I remember her saying that should be the first phase, the Lake. So will she stick to her word? Houses won't sell right now but what's the holdup with the Lake? The longer you wait the more it will cost!
We're HOW close??
Go bury that BS. The Planning Board has the authority to say thanks but no thanks to those boyz from Baltimore. They are the ones who really need "legal counsel".
Let's hope Jim Ireton has the stones to ask the Board to tell them "enough is enough".
9:41, that money is only a promise. If it's not built, no tax break. So really it's no skin off anyone's nose. Just talk.
All I know is in the meantime that lot could be stripped and merely replaced with grass and a bare-bones, walking trail//fenced dog park. I know some people laugh about the idea of a safely fenced dog park {with one section for big dogs//one for small dogs under 25 pounds and such}; but keep this tip in mind-these are not just places for dogs to socialize, but also their owners. Just for the record, I have met more "hot girls" at my local dog park than I have met in ANY Salisbury bar. Sometimes I take my dog, and he doesn't even want to go...
anon 9:54...your ignorance is the only thing that comes through in your post.
These two guys have failed to perform from the start and have consistently failed to honir thier committments.They are lightweights with no substance.
The city and county cleared the way for them to develop the proerty long before the market tanked....there should be no further concessions.
BTW..great place to squeeze in that skate park, too...throw them a bone-at least these kids exercise.
Like downtown Salisbury, the "old mall project" is dead or, at least, terminal.
If we didnt have to put up with years of delays from the city then something would have been built by now; before the economy went south.
Two Sentz - You might want to learn a little more about the TIF and the current structure of the other bond.
I have a young neighbor with a beautiful daughter who would give a secondary toe/finger to do very inexpensive/low-maintenance hedge-rows, mulching, landscaping, etc. {if it makes you feel any better I have even worked as a laborer for this guy as a side-gig to pay off student loans because he does good quality work. No more yanky our wanky here....}
a look at the abandoned project on the river. do we need another one by the civic center. no need to hurry
10:56, why do you call 9:54 ignorant? He/she seems to be right on the money about the use of the old mall property.
Darn. I don't always agree with Two Sentz, but in both comments, 100% right today.
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