As I went to the podium last night, I started off by stating I didn't know if what I was about to say was in fact true or not.
You see, I haven't seen the actual documents as of yet but have been told that while Chief Webster has health insurance through his retirement package in Baltimore, the City is allegedly paying him NOT to use the City's health insurance. I know, sounds crazy, right? Well, it pretty much is crazy.
I had also mention that another employee who had worked for the City became very ill. In fact, she was dying and she had accumulated quite a bit of sick leave. Her Daughter was also working for the City and before she passed away she wanted to transfer her sick leave to her Daughter so she could take the additional time off and care for her dying Mother.
The Mayor REFUSED to allow her to transfer her time over to her Daughter because her Daughter already had sick leave on the books, so when her Mother passed away, that sick leave time went to waste, even though it had been earned.
All that would be fine and acceptable, until the following happened. You see, back when Pam Oland was pregnant and leaving to have her baby, John Jacobs, (former Public Works Director) had already left the City of Salisbury and went to a new job. Pam went into the Hospital to have her baby and the next thing everyone knew, she was on extended maternity leave. Some started to question just where she had accumulated so much leave time. Well, it turns out our former Mayor Tilghman had GIFTED Pam Oland with John Jacobs Sick Leave time, even though he was no longer employed with the City.
Funny part is, Pam Oland already had sick leave time on the books, just like the other employee in the City who's Mother was dying and they refused to transfer her leave so she could use that time to stay at home with her dying Mother and care for her until she passed. So do tell everyone Pam, just how did you get all that free additional time when the City refused it to someone else and they were still employed with the City?
I'm told it's not legal to give sick leave time from someone who had already left their job. Out of spite the former Mayor and some City Council Members want to take away Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen's health insurance. When it's convenient for them, heck, they'll even allegedly throw out a bone to pay someone not to take their insurance. And many wondered just how some individuals could afford to sue citizens.
A FOIA request is essential to get all the facts. They may try to block it under the "personnel matters" provision, but these details are not entitled to that confidential status and must be disclosed -- but you may have to go to court to get it info unless Ireton is going to honor his pledge about transparency and open government.
Also check the personnel manual or regs that apply to these Barrie Tilghman shenanigans.
Most of us know who the mother-daughter are but I'll remain silent on that out of respect for their privacy
Barrie did more stuff like this. Keep digging!
it was unbelievably sad to witness the vote last night to take health insurance away from Council members who are in need of it. This job pays $10k per year, maybe less than $7 after taxes. To buy health insurance on your their for around $10k, they would be, in essence, losing over $3k per year because they have chosen to serve on the Council. Because Shanie, Gary, and Louise have other sources that provide them with health insurance, they used this opportunity to be vindictive to Campbell and Cohen, when they should have removed themselves from the vote instead.
No other act in this world could shout louder the lack of moral character ingrained in these three pigs.
As usual, this story if full of innuendo but short on investigative fact. Aren't you the same guy that was whining The Daily Times didn't call and interview you about your settlement with Chief Webster?
This post is a prime #1 example of the difference between what you do and what a journalist does. You post salacious tid-bits but never investigate it from all four sides. This style satisfies your quest to suggest there's a criminal act and/on conspiracy taking place in everything the city and county does.
Even if you did a minimal amount of checking, you'd discover that many jurisdiction have it written in their pension plans that if a retiree retires and doesn't sign up for, or during the course of retirement terminates their health care coverage with the jurisdiction's group plan, health care coverage through the jurisdiction will never be available to the retiree again.
Many jurisdictions are realizing how costly that may be to them since many retirees go on to work other jobs where health insurance is part of their compensation package. Those jurisdictions are trying to rewrite the pension plans so the retiree can accept health care through his new employer and not be penalized if he leaves that employment and wants to come back to the jurisdictions coverage. Since health care coverage is part of a retiree's pension package, jurisdictions are paying retirees when the retiree leaves the jurisdiction's health care plan and goes under the plan of another employer. It's actually less expensive for the jurisdiction to pay the retiree a dollar amount than to pay the high cost of health insurance premiums.
In Chief Webster's case, either Baltimore County doesn't have that language in their pension plan or the coverage in Baltimore County is better than what is offered in Salisbury. Health care coverage is a part of Webster's total compensation package. It has a value. In lieu of health insurance, the city and Webster presumably agreed to a dollar amount that the city would pay Webster for the fact they don't have to pay for his health insurance.
As for this transfering of sick leave from an employee that's no longer an employee, I'd have to see proof of that. The jurisdiction I retired from, employees couldn't not transfer sick leave to other employees. When a county employee got gravely ill, the county, because of impetus started by the county's police union, wrote and passed legislation creating the county's Disability Leave Act. County employees can donate a certain number of days per year into an account. A board is created to approve all requests for leave from this account. This program has been in place for well over 20 years and has helped many employees and their families during times of need.
No Joe. We heard you loud and clear.
9:28, Are you saying that the City has agreed to give the Council members a salary increase in lieu of their health insurance? I don't think that happened.
What privaet sector company offers health insurance to part time employees?
Answer: None.
Get over it.
What private sector company hires you at one wage, then cuts your pay by more than 60% three weeks later?
Answer: None.
Get it.
What privaet sector company offers health insurance to part time employees?
SuperFresh and other union grocery stores offer great benefits to part time employees. This is wrong. I feel this issue should be decided by the voters in a special referendum not by the 3 stooges.You now are forcing 2 of the best council people in quite some time to make some drastic decisions that may upset the will of the voters for change. Speak up people. Contact the 3 stooges repeatedly to voice your opinions LOUDLY AND OFTEN!!!
Here's what you are missing: while it may certainly be legal for them to pay Webster not to take health care from the city, he would have health care regardless--they were not REQUIRED to pay him, they chose to do so. Hey, more power to him for negotiating that package in his contract. Here's why it looks bad: in the same year where they are trying to take away health care from 2 city council members (and their families) who were political opponents of the former mayor, Webster gets paid not to have health care. It is contractually allowed, but it highlights the vindictiveness of former mayor Tighlman and the council majority. We all know what this is about: Barrie Tighlman giving the finger to Debbie and Terry. But there is a line that should not be crossed in politics, and it involves families. Gary,Louise, and Shanie are considering punishing Debbie and Terry's kids because mayor Tighlman didn't like their mothers. It is unacceptable.
9:53 You really should take a reading comprehension course. My post had everything to do with the reference to Chief Webster and absolutely nothing about the council.
10:29 I don't know the percentage, but I'd guess it will be a nice pay reduction for the GM workers when GM shuts down the plants for over two months this summer.
You are wrong.
I will promise you this: if you and your buddies do not restore the health care plan for the council, you will lose the next election big time. Gary will not be re-elected, Louise's replacement will not be elected, and Terry will be re-elected. How do I know this? I know who intends to run if you do this and it is a slam dunk victory. Mayor Ireton will have the majority on the council, and the last influence of Barrie Tighlman and SAPOA will be gone. I guarantee it. So go ahead and let Gary and Louise tarnish their political legacy, let them be remembered as the council members who took health care away from kids, and glory in your last months of power. Or, you can do the right thing and restore these benefits. Your confidence is seriously misplaced. You think Gary losing by 18 points after running the dirtiest campaign ever to hit Salisbury was a smackdown, wait until you see what happens next time around, no matter who you put up. Do the right thing.
Is the City of Salisbury a private sector company? Moron. Get over yourself, your group is losing power in a big way.
I think 9:53 was trying to draw your attention to the fact that the same council who voted to give Webster that contract is also trying to take away health care for 2 employees without giving them compensation. That is the connection,a nd they are right. It is amean, vindictive, reprehensible act, and we voters will hold them accountable if they go ahead with this.
10:49 Sorry, no referendum. The council is elected to do the city's business. Don't like how they're doing it, vote for new council members next go-around.
10:59 I didn't miss anything. I've been involved in negotiating multi-million dollar labor contracts and pension plans. I know how it works.
11:07 That's the unfortunate side of politics. Voting blocks win, voting block lose. Ehrlich was governor and the Democratically controlled legislature blocked slots at every turn. Ehrlich is ousted by a Democrat and suddenly the legislative leaders can't get slots into place quick enough. It's the nature of the political beast.
11:10 Again my comment was on the portion of the post dealing with Webster getting monetary consideration from the city in lieu of health insurance. I tried to provide a explanation where apparent understanding was lacking. Personally, I could care less about the situation on the council with this health insurance issue. In the real world everyone has to learn that paybacks are a bitch. If I were a boss and I found out a member on my board of directors or management team was deep throating information out to public outlets in an attempt to undermine the company and embarrass me, you can bet your sweet ass there would be a price to pay.
And let's not get all self-righteous. You people rally and support this Albero fellow, yet if he has someone that says something he doesn't agree with, he attacks them to get his pound of flesh. I'm still scratching my head wondering how he can be so sanctimonious when he lives by the same payback philosophy.
I still dont understand why Gary Comegys didnt get terminated when the state caught him redhanded in padding his overtime to the state while he attended city meetings.SOB shoud be in jail.
anonymous 11:29, Keep humoring me, I'm enjoying this to no end.
Yeah, you are missing one thing: politics. What works in the business world does not always work in the politcal world. This will backfire in a huge way, I promise you.
So as an outgoing CEO, you "bet your sweet ass" you would engage in retribution? I wonder how that would play out with your new employer? Let's see: we just hired this guy who, on his way out the door, vindictively went after 2 former employees, and we want to hire him? Why risk it? So you can bet your sweet ass that if Gary, Louise, and Shanie go forward with Tilghman's petty act of punishing families, they will suffer the consequences. Their legacy will be mud, they will lose their election (i.e, not get hired again), and they will forever be known as lapdogs for Barrie Tighlman, incapable of thinking for themselves and willing to go to any depths to attack their political opponents. Stop and think about how this will play out politically.
Now THAT'S REPORTING! Excellent job on this topic.
GM employees are being paid during the shut down. The savings is in the reduction of current inventory already made and the idle plants.It is not a furlough.
I hate to be so dense - Wasn't paying attention last night. Is the Health care thing resolved for Debbie & Terry or is it part of the upcoming budget vote?
Clarify please!
You guys are not paying attention to a pretty big issue here - just WHERE did Mrs. Oland get all that sick leave? And where did all the leave she took when she supposedly hurt her shoulder in that car accident come from? She has had more time off than she's worked, between all that and all her vacations. Something stinks here!!
Taking time off that you did not earn is no different than stealing.
This really should be investigated. The taxpayers are paying for her time off.
They still are debating--there are public hearings ahead and then the vote comes up. It is important to attend city council meetings and let them know you want this restored! The DT says only 3 people were there last night, but there were at least 40 people in attendance. The more people who show up, the better.
I am still not clear. In a former post Joe said that the insurance was just for the council member. Now everyone says they are going after the family.
It is family health coverage (like most businesses, if you have family, you can get a plan that covers everyone).
The insurance policies are issued for the council members, but they are allowed to buy in for family (child) coverage for additional, self-paid monthly fees. And they aren't cheap by most standards.
chief webster start looking out for your guys not yourself
11:29, the difference is, the Mayor is NOT the boss of the City Council.
Are you Barrie or something? Because I can't think of anyone else who would have made so stupid an analogy as that one.
And deep-throating info...ROTLMAO! They release public information on their own website. Now you really DO sound like Barrie.
2:10 p.m., seems there were plenty of people there, but only 3 spoke up for the two councilwomen.
Amazing. All the noise about it here, but only 3 people had the guts to get up there and support the 2 councilwomen you like.
Don't look at me...not a local, but someone I work with watched it and talked about it today.
If you support vindictive politics with your silence, that's all you're going to get.
11:37 I thought you might get frustrated having to stop and look up the meaning of those big words.
Wicomico County has one of the best health insurance plans for the retiree AND their spouse in the Country. They are eligible after 10 years of service. What do they keep crying tax cap when they continue to do things like this that very few others do. Who else can get paid insurance on their spouse.
wow!! good job UNCOVERING WHERE ARE TAX DOLLARS ARE GOING. Hope Mrs. Oland enjoyed her time off on us. Some of us have to work long and hard hours to pay our taxes. John Pick dosen't look to happy in this picture either. Did he swallow something that tasted bad or what !!!!!
Pam Oland should have been fired and investigated when she "lost" millions of the cities dollars because we all know if it wasn't "found" it would have ended up in her's and barrie's bank accounts!
If this is true, Oland ought to be fired. In my opinion, that's just theft. Is there any paper to prove it?
Could all Oland's time off for this, that and the other be the reason why the city has to hire an accounting firm just to do the basic bookkeeping work (not the audit)?
UPS also offers healthcare coverage for their part-time employees. Get over that! Any of these council members who votes down their coverage is scum.
I am thinking there is a breach of contract here. These people signed up to run for a position that pays $XX.xx. As soon as they were hired, the game changed, and they are informed there's nothing they can do?
I think not. I say EX POST FACTO.
Good job uncovering where our tax dollars have been spent. I don't understand why Mrs. Oland was aloud to use sick time that belonged to another employee who no longer worked for the City of Salisbury. I'd like to no who approved this. As I understand it the only way you receive sick pay when you leave the City is if you retire other wise sick leave is forfited. I think she should be made to pay this money back to the City. This is stealing tax dollars. Or better yet she should resign from her position as Finance Director she can not be trusted with our money if she would take sick pay she's not entitled too.
10:30 pm -- HERE! HERE!
How can this be proven and the public know about it without them burying it in some kind of closed session?
The corruption of the county employees wasn't covered up in a private session. If this is true, why can't the same happen with the city?
They make 10,000 ayear. That is part time. No I do not think they deserve free health insurance.
I Love these two but I am sure they have to make money from another job or their spouse does that has health insurance available. Before I lost my job I paid 4500.00 for my health insurance and worked full time.
All I can say is be lucky for the free ride while you had it.
Hell, even if you think it is a full time job.. nobobody gets it free that I know of.
11:54 I agree it should be proven to the public in an open session, that way she can't lie her way out of this. she's good at that, then everyone will see her for what she's worth. If you thought Barrie was good for tell lies you should listen to this one she has Barrie beat!!!!
Most corporations concider over 30 hours full time.
I love this hypocrisy, the same numb nuts supporting the taxpayers paying health care benefits to "part time" council posts go ape sh*t over the benefit packages of the UAW workers. Priceless
It is strange that John Jacobs left a bit before Pam was hired. The scuttlebutt was that he didn't transfer it to her, the mayor did. She was a recent hire (less than a year on the job) who took 5 mo. paid maternity leave, then came back to work for less than a week and took 10 days vacation time to the Bahamas or someplace like that. I don't know anyone else, at any other job, that can do that.
Also, why is it that her job, and other high paying jobs, can be reclassified every year or so to get a raise and the "little people" doing all the real work get nothing?!
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