In a May 3rd editorial, the Washington Times opined:
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is working to buffer lawmakers from federal investigators. This is a bad idea. Special legal protections for politicians encourage unethical conduct.
Irvin B. Nathan, general counsel of the House of Representatives, sent a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday about establishing a protocol on how to handle "hopefully rare searches and electronic surveillance involving members of Congress." Mr. Nathan previously failed to negotiate such an agreement with the George W. Bush administration when Republicans controlled the House. His return to this effort isn't surprising given the number of congressional Democrats facing accusations of ethical misconduct.
Irvin B. Nathan, general counsel of the House of Representatives, sent a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday about establishing a protocol on how to handle "hopefully rare searches and electronic surveillance involving members of Congress." Mr. Nathan previously failed to negotiate such an agreement with the George W. Bush administration when Republicans controlled the House. His return to this effort isn't surprising given the number of congressional Democrats facing accusations of ethical misconduct.
Democrats facing scrutiny include the chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania, for his close ties to the defense lobby firm PMA Group, which is under federal investigation; House Ways and Means Chairman Charles B. Rangel of New York about a number of tax issues; Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. of Illinois over his reported effort to persuade ousted Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich to appoint him to fill President Obama's former Senate seat; and Rep. Jane Harman of California, who reportedly was taped in 2005 by the National Security Agency purportedly agreeing to help seek leniency for two accused Israeli spies in exchange for help in lobbying her appointment to chair the House Intelligence Committee. "
More here.
She needs to get out of the way of the ethics board. Harman and Murtha both need to be booted out of Congress, and Pelosi needs to stop stonewalling.
I'm a Democrat. Ethics violations are ethics violations, I don't care what party you're in. The Dems need to cut the corrupt fat, NOW. There are no excuses.
But there does need to be a protocol. You cannot have the political wing of the White House, absconding with working papers from members of congress.
There needs to be a buffer in place, while investigations can go forward.
When will the military stage a take over already ?
Another non issue. Of course there needs to be protocol. This is a mindless post with only one intent, to discredit the Speaker of the House. I suppose she conspired to kidnap the Lindburg baby too. Get a life.
When we become a banana republic, and throw away our Constitution and rule of law.
For the first time I can remember I agree with something Chuck said, and I think we can all agree on. Our form of government is way to important for we the people to allow corrupt politicians to stay in office. Be they repubs or dems we need to clean house of anyone found to be in violation of ethics laws.
Absolutely. And the first two on the list to go are Murtha and Harman.
This is just another socialist tactic of the Obama administration. What socialists voted for him anyway. Look at our local problem officials and just increase the magnitude to the Senate level. I say term limits and checks and balances or we are a lost society of a once great country.
That's fine but throw out the corrupt Republicans and Independents at the same time.
Do it non-partisan and I'm all for it!
I also think they need to make a media frenzy of it publishing the names of those found to be acting unethically!
Hang them out to dry...ALL of them!
I think it is funny that the author of the original post points out that Bush blocked this SAME legislation when he and the Republicans were in power, but now this is seen as a power grab by Pelosi. Please. I think we should investigate these guys, but be careful what you wish for, Republicans! There's that whole "torture" issue out there waiting to kick Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush in the butt.
I agree with Chuck and 1:55. Corruption has no legitimate place in the representation of the American people. The only problem is that if we go rid of all of the corrupt politicians, there would only be maybe 4 members of Congress left.
All we need to have left is an odd number, say 3 or 5?
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