I've seen on the news the last few days that in two weeks the city will be voting on weather or not to continue letting some of the entertainers we see on the boardwalk stay and play their music, or whatever else they may be doing. Or move them to the street.
I was wondering if you knew anymore about this. And also how the stores may have to place their clothes and signs more in the store to clear up the clutter.. How the heck are they going to keep their business open up and running, if they have to hide their sale signs and merchandise?? And if the Entertainers we see out there EVERY year, have to move to the streets.. Just how many do you think will be robbed, beaten, or just not making their few dollars a day??
Concerned Salisbury Insomniac
I for one am very happy that the council has finally taken some initial steps to police the shops on the boardwalk. I am tired of taking my son for a walk there and having him ask me the meaning of some of the shirts that are on display. I know the new regs are only to have the shops move their signs closer to their place of business. It is very hard to to walk by some shops during the summer because all of all the signs are pushed out into the boardwalk. Also, there are a few shops that will keep pushing their eating tables out into the boardwalk until they are told by the police to move them back. The police have to called again aftrer just a few hours because teh "customers" have moved them back into the walkway. The shops have been warned many times. I know this for a fact. While it is a shame that it takes more government to fix this issue, I am glad it has started. A few bad apples has spoiled the box.
I have not heard anything about teh vendors yet, but I also believe they need to be monitored a little more.
Not IN the streets, dummy. Still on the Boardwalk, at the point where the boards meet the street end. Think about that a little harder next time.
Ohhh, can we get rid of the scary Dinosaur puppet man?
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