Above is a photo of Bob Smith's GMC dealership in Easton, Maryland. All of the vehicles have now been removed and the facility is now shutdown.

Above is a photo of Bob Smith's Chevrolet dealership located adjacent to their GMC dealership building. All of the vehicles have been removed.

Above is a photo of Schaeffer & Strominger's in Cambridge, Maryland. The vehicles are now gone and the facility is now completely shutdown.
Today I had the pleasure of traveling across the Bay to the western shore of Maryland. As I made my trip I noticed that all of the above car dealerships are now empty and completely shutdown.
You answer the 6 million dollar question, does our local economy now look like its on the rebound?
Of course not , the worse is yet to come. These people don't have a clue. This is the first time in history that we have elected a
president that supports the enemy.
This country will never recover and the ones that voted for this idiot will be the first ones to bitch about it. If your home is valued at 200,000 , next year it will be around 100,000. the following year it will be the governments property. The socialist
government is upon us , sorry about that.
It's a sad thing to see. I grew up in Cambridge and bought my first 3 cars from that dealership.
I also know there were alot of people employed there who aren't going to be able to find jobs very easily. Especially in that neck of the woods.
rebound huh! get a grip! the fat ain't sang yet! soup lines commin up!
Obama my hero , NOT.
People have hung on as long as they could, now they will dropping like flies. Hunker down folks we aint done yet.
I thought the Bob Smith dealership closed for being a bunch of crooks not necessarily the economy-but then again I am just going on what I heard.
The national economy has to be the first to recover. then we may see
the light at the end of the tunnel.
However, I believe we will see some very bad things shortly.
Beezer, as always, great Post. One of the greatest things about this Blog is the fact that you can SEE what's really going on. The interactive portion allowing everyone to share what's on their mind is yet another.
Has anyone seen these photos on the news anywhere else? NO! 10, 15 second sound bites and mainly national news and weather, that's about all you get. Granted, once in a while the Daily Times delivers an article and we say, man, that was really good! However, at the price we pay for that newspaper, shouldn't we be blown away each and every day withy reality stuff like this piece?
As far as the local economy rebounding, that won't happen for at least 10+ years from now. I'll repeat once again, what'sthe next Microsoft business in the United States? What's the next big thing to hit America that will give us jobs and build the national economy? Obama's answer, let's hire a few million people and rebuild our roads.
One day in the Daily Times the real estate maket is on the rebound and the next day we're down another 20%, has anyone noticed that??????
Christmas time they ALL come out stating retail sales are up, yet Salisbury News produces pictures showing empty parking lots and the MSM finally comes back AFTER Christmas and says things didn't turn out as expected and they start announcing Circuit City closings, Boskove's, (sp?) closing, you name it.
Our Government feeds us crap every single day and sadly the MSM delivers what they have been QUOTED and when they're completely wrong they come back saying, we didn't lie, that's what we were told. Yet they don't send a reporter to a Mall parking lot and report reality.
This Blog will continue to grow and do better because we serve the public far better than the local BS MSM. We don't need a Chopper to bring you this kind of information, we need Contributors like Beezer and the rest. People who give a sh!t and are tired of being fed one BS line after the other.
Anyhow, great work Beezer and thank you.
I'm retired and I don't think I can hold on for ten years with
this economy. I've lost 50% of my retirement and I'm pissed. I will
tell you that I've fought for this country and will do it again. A
revolution is upon us people ,
don't you see the light at the top
of the church? Are you afraid?
Are you scared? Well , having said that , as Joe would say , you should be scared. Don't you like to eat? Don't you like to keep warm? I could go on and on etc.
This will be a slow turn towards the bottom , when you hit it you will know. I can't imagine the likes of what you will experience in the near future! I will survive!!
One good sign -- they sold another (the 7th) unit in that ugly condo on Riverside Drive -- only 35 unsold now. It was the first settlement this year.
Things are really booming!
Here's the change Obama promised how do you like it so far ?
let me see if I remember , alfa,
bravo,charlie , delta , echo ,etc.
" I do". I'm ready willin an able.
I don't remember how to spell "brevity" code.
Every dollar counts now. The way we should of been thinking to begin with. Whos had enough with "Stinkin Thinkin"?? Cutting grass dont seem so bad no more, at least its my grass,(weeds).
what ticks me off is that we continue to provide so much for illegal aliens, such as food stamps, medical coverage, etc.... where is this help for natural born legal citizens of this country when they need it???
I guess buying a new car will be more difficult with all these dealerships closing. Maybe I will have to learn to fix my old one when it breaks down instead of just trading it in for the 2010 model. Man life is tough in America. Next thing I am going to do is learn to cook for myself instead of eating out all the time.
Have you felt your stimulation yet. Oh that right that is the feeling you get when someone stick it up your rear end.The worst is yet to come. Hold onto your hat...God Bless America..can we get it back?
What a bunch of doomsday pessimists. And all the GM dealerships closing is Obama's fault now, give me a break. The company was in it's death throws back under W's rule. The stock market is up 20% on the year, and housing is showing signs of waking up. But let's not look at those things as positive signs, it's all about painting a picture with the bleakest out come just so you can beat up the Prez. I think he has done pretty damn good so far, he is showing that he is not afraid to change his position if he hears other quality opinions, but he is not getting pushed around by the pirates or Talban. Surprise, surprise, to all of you who claimed he was a sleeper Muslim. Sure this spending program (which was started by the Republicans), has us all worried, but it will take years for us to know for sure if it had to be done, and if it was too much. Fed. Chairman could not even answer that question this week. But, I am sure all the blogger economists can. Time will tell if and when things will turn around, but just try living with in you means, and maybe you will survive without having to overthrow the government. I am sure Joe can tell you, that there are some deals out there. If you wait thinking things are going to get worst, you just might miss the chance of a lifetime.
It all started with CLinton and the internet invented by Al Gore. Also global warming is too blame that's why it's been down in the 30's in May.
It started with Bush and continues with Joe constantly beating a dead horse.
Give it time Joe! That's what you say about Ireton!!! Funny how "give it time" only applies to Ireton in your mind.
That's my opinion. Now post it.
anonymous 10:06, clearly you must be very young to be so nieve to think in a short period of time things will turn around.
You AND I don't have that kind of time left in our lifetime. That's OK though, young and stupid seems to be the in thing these days. Not knowing what trillions means, no new Microsoft type in business in the immediate future, car manufacturers/dealers closing everywhere you turn, retail chains shutting down, unemployment through the roof, foreclosures NOT being openly exposed by the MSM, yeah, I'll give it time, NOT!
Wake the hell up and open your eyes. I'm not pointing a finger to ANY President, I'm pointing a finger at Congress.
Once again you are beating a dead horse. And trying to place blame. Have you got any real solutions? No, of course not.
As your President has stated, it is going to get much harder before it gets better. He has siad it time and time again. So when it gets hard you act as if he didn't tell you that before.
There are plenty of new "Microsoft" type companies around and are coming out. All you have to do is your homework. So do your homework.
It is a heck of a lot easier to blame when that's all you can do.
We haven't hit rock bottom yet. More job loses will also contribute to further hurt or destroy retail and restaurant businesses here on Delmarva and the trickle down will even hurt huge businesses like Walmart and Target.
State and local taxes are forcing businesses to pack up and move to a state with more of a business friendly environment.
The next new Microsoft will be affordable alternative energy resources. Obama ssid "If we can put a man on the moon in ten years, we can create renewable alternative energy resources." What a crock-O-crap.
Bob Smith Automotive got caught short by GM floorplan, in a big way. If the economy is to blame, it's Lee Denny's personal economy we're talking about.
S and S has been considering consolidating their operation for a long time, and finally did.
Now, if these properties stay vacant and continue to deteriorate then we can directly blame the economy....word is that there is an RV dealership going where S and S was, and Hertrich is working on getting Bob Smith property.
Bill Clinton , Barney Frank , Chris Dodd and Obama caused this whole mess and lets not forget the democratically controlled congress.
The problem is that jobs that pay well, like those that were lost, are incredibly hard to come by on the eastern shore. Good paying jobs have always been scarce here. Retail stores and fast food restaurants are dead-ends. If it wasnt for the ocean and tourism, the area would already be a dead end. Thats pretty much all that we have going for us anyway.
We used to have so many locally owned businesses here that took care of their employees. Many have closed shop, others just can't afford health care for their employees anymore.
anon 9:46 must not have studied the Great Depression during which there was a brief resurgence of the stock market like the one we have just seen.
The salient point is the one that Joe made...our economy will not "recover" until we once again produce products and services that the WORLD wants to by.( other than weaponry)
Look at our economy over the past 2decades. What was it based upon? SPECULATION AND DEBT. First the dot coms...then housing...then oil...now expansion of GOVERNMENT.
The Obama prescription is not sustainable and will not produce long term economic growth just as FDR's New Deal did not.
You can look for the local economy to worsen next year and for government revenue to decline even further.
the automotive industry saturated the market with cars, and then overpriced them.
yes, alot of our economic woes are still with us and many yet to come. but the automotive industry did this to themselves, and i don't feel sorry for them. other automotive companies are still in business because they planned ahead.
the fact that businesses being badly run, regardless of size, are failing, is proof that our economy is STILL A CAPITALIST ECONOMY. survival of the fittest.
you guys want to scream socialism (without knowing what that even means) and then you ALSO want every business to survive.
capitalism doesn't work that way, sorry.
American automakers and their unions have screwed Americans for 100 years and now it has all come full circle. The big three, GM, Ford and Chrysler have paid their employees very well over the years and the product they produce is average at best. So, I for one am glad to see all these dealerships closing because now they can see how it feels to live on twelve dollars or less an hour. This is not Obamas fault, it's the greed of the Unions and workers in Detroit.
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