Arby's on route 50 was struck by lightning and half the roof is gone.
I have a concern about our local fire departments. I am listening to the scanner as this storm passes through and the Salisbury Fire Department is being dispatched for 10 calls at this time. These are BS calls that are not emergencies and do not require the assistance of the Salisbury Fire Department. These calls are are for debris in the roadway, cable and telephone wires down, and tree branches in the roadway. The fire department is not in the highway business, not in the cable business, not in the telephone company building, they are not tree surgeons, they are not electricians. Why are they being dispatched to these calls? Why are they responding to these calls. The firefighters are responding in an emergency mode with lights and sirens on. They are driving way to fast for nothing. I hope no one gets killed when they wreck going to the BS call. When they get there they say yep wires are down call the power company. Call Comcast. Call Verizon. Call public works. I hope the fire fighters don't get injured using a chain saw or coming in contact with a high voltage power line. This is rediculous. I thought fire departments were obligated to respond to emergencies such as medical emergencies and fires?? So what happens if there is a fire with subjects trapped? Are they going to be committed to the tree down or abandon that call and respond to the fire? I think the reason they are responding those calls is so they can go to the city and ask for more new fire trucks and more firemen.
Mayor Ireton are you listening?"
They respond because they are dispatched on the call, not because of a secret political agenda.
Their mode of response is up for questioning. Write a letter if you feel the response doesn't warrant lights and sirens, I'm sure someone from the Salisbury Fire Department can shed some light on the subject.
No one was dispatched to the Arby's call?
I don't know what happened in Salisbur with this storm but there are calls all over the place. LOTS of trees down on roadways and houses.
That is not Arby's Restaurant, it is the building next to Arby's. It may be used for Arby's office space??
the fire department has the fastest response time and has the tools to get the job done. either cut up a tree or direct traffic around a hazard. if you want to pay SHA to be on hand 24/7 then go ahead but i don't think our tax money needs to do that.
No that picture is the back of the resturant. The small door about window hight is I believe to part of the cooler and the other door is the door for employees next to the drive tru.
yes, that is definately the Arby's building.
Mayor Ireton does not and will not have control over how the fire department responds or what they respond on. That's not in his Job description.
They respond in an emergency mode because there don't know what type of lines have been downed. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to read that the fire department took their time responding to down lines and the those lines were live, arcing high voltage electrical lines that electrocuted some curious, but ignorant, rubber neckers like yourself?
I'm not in the fire service, but why would people that aren't trained in a specific area think they're qualified to critique? What's on your agenda tomorrow, go to the hospital and tell a surgeon how he should operate?
I got my suspicions on who wrote this to begin with.
It IS the fire dept's responsibility when trees are down in the roadway, particularly when wires are involved. They act in the interests of public safety and because every moron and their brother are out when the weather gets like this to "take a look" the emergency vehicles are on scene diverting traffic away from the mess and coordinating resources. By the way, moron, what do you think happens when a tree comes into contact with live electrical wires...a fire maybe? As for Arbys...I'm glad to hear it, Karma baby, That is the same one that put something in an officers food several years ago and then hindered the investigation.
Anonymous said...
Mayor Ireton does not and will not have control over how the fire department responds or what they respond on. That's not in his Job description.
9:06 PM
Don't be to sure of yourself MORON!
The fire department responds to whatever the 911 center sends them to. They investigate the situation and determine what, if any actions to take. Your right. We are not miracle workers and cannot correct evry problem. However we can correct some of the problems that resulted from the emergency. We do what we can to the customer in need. If we cant, we move on to the next call. When you have that many calls at one time you have to. You prioritize the worst and handle them accordingly.
The apparatus run light and some sirens just to get through the traffic to the reported emergencies. The officer and drivers make the determination of how fast to respond. AC Gladwell advised several units to respond nonemergency due to the nature of the call. Thats smart thinking in my book. The troops did a great job of handling the volume of calls and everybody is safe and back at the station.
of course the fire department should be able to respond to these calls if they are available. they're help may very well save lives. a downed tree or line could cause a deadly accident in severe weather conditions. they are well connected to dispatch, if another more dire situation occurs, they can be alerted and sent to the scene where they are needed most. i for one am glad they dont just sit around watching tv while the police and road crews are overwhelmed with emergency situations to cover.
Last year we had a tree come down in a fast and furious storn. It fell onto Spring Hill Lane and before I could get my chain saw going the Delmar Fire Department was here, cut the top off the tree, removed it from the road and were back on their way to several other locations in need of help. The tree had fallen just after a bend in the road and could have cause serious damage to vehicles passing by. I'm personally greatful for their help and will not forget it.
Was anyone hurt at Arbys??
I know the owners and hope everyone is ok
Honestly, the author of this post is way out of line. Bad karma, Joe, for posting this.
Have you ever seen arching wires in the roadway?
Have you ever seen 'good Samaritans' trying to move live wires out of a roadway?
Have you ever seen an ambulance stuck behind a downed tree?
Have you ever seen a vehicle run into a large downed tree?
All of these situations are things the FD IS trained to recognize, and handle. FF's can tell the difference between power, cable, and phone. They know which ones not to mess with. They can clear a roadway before a car plows into a tree.
Poster, I strongly recommend requesting to ride along the next time a good storm comes. You need to be educated.
Remember too, most of these calls were handled by volunteers. While you sat at home and complained, an ordinary citizen was out helping people in their community-- when they could have been home with their family.
The ambulance doors in back of unit were left open & a back board fell out at Main Street & Snow Hill Road in Salisbury, MD cars were running over it.
let them respond , they don't do anything else.
Thanks to Salisbury's FD. They did a GREAT job. We had to "go out" to get back home. We saw a lot of damage on the way. Out by Nutter's, it hadn't even rained. Trees & lines down all over the Camden, Riverside & Waverly areas.
The fire department responds in emergency mode to these calls because they were dispatched to respond. You may not think they are emergency calls but they are just as serious as the next call that comes in. If the wires down across a road way are energized then its a good thing you have a trained professional there to either move them or make the call to someone who can. Thing is the very people you say in your letter are not electricians or catv or public works professionals is wrong because most of the volunteers have a career not just in the fire service. Now if you said someone calling with their pussy cat stuck in a tree was not an emergency you would be exactly right and it would be stupid to even respond to that however the calls they respond to are emergency calls at that time. The problem is with wires down some moron would come along and get into them and get hurt so yes that is an emergency as are the trees and so on.
ANON 9:51...While I understand that you may have a grudge with someone at Arbys, please note that there are other innocent people there. I have a family member that was working there at the time. This is the second really scary scenario there in a matter of two weeks, and the outcome could have been much worse in either case. That was a selfish and immature comment. Have a blessed day.
u bunch of dummies ever think that maybe dispatch didnt get a call for this and thats why the fd didnt go out?....idiots.
anon 7:39 are you referring to the ONE person, anon 8:17, that questioned a dispatch to arbys? I didn't see any other post regarding the fire dept not showing up somewhere. I was just trying to figure out who the "bunch of dummies" and "idiots" are?
Sounds like the person that wrote this is just another scanner jockey that has no idea how the fire service operates.
There is a lot more to what the fire service does than what you hear on the scanner.
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