Finally legal after almost a year, John Robinson finally got tags on the vehicle that had been sitting in their parking lot for almost a year illegally.
HOWEVER, Do YOU know what FUJA stands for, just above the tag. That's right, on his business truck he's clearly advertising F-You Joe Albero. NOW THAT CRACKS ME UP!
You want to make stupid moves like this John Robinson and get all over the news, you got it. Just Google the John Robinson name in a day or two or wait a minute, let's not forget to mention Robinson's Jewelry & Clock Store so Google picks that up too, you'll get exactly what you deserve.
I'll bet more people see this than your stupid little advertisement just over your tag. That being said, (Bronx accent included) FUJR! Know that I'm sitting here cracking up over this. The power of the Blogs.
A Historic tag on a commercal truck,it's a box body truck.You got som splanin to do Lucy.
This guy has to be the biggest idiot I have ever seen. His wife must be ready to divorce him.
I wonder if the PTA is aware of this?
Aww just think of it this way Joe you are in his thoughts more and more each day!! Think of it as a compliment!
"Just Google the John Robinson name in a day or two"
Why wait... google Joe now for great stories!
I went to high school with JR and I must admit, this has been very entertaining!!! He always was a goofy guy! I bet he's loving this attention in some way or another.
Isn't freedom of speech something you always hype Joe? Guess when it only works in your favor??!
Johnny boy, you crack me up. I gotta print me a FUJR sign.
I thought I'd take a look at what would come up when I Googled his name.
Oh Jonny boy, sure am glad I don't have YOUR name!
Do you think this clown Robinson will ever learn?
12:09 No!
Anon1156 - Wow. Sadly there are some interesting topics that pop up.
I may be old school but I will never shop in his store again. I may not like some of the things you put up here Joe and I didn't like your response back, (two wrongs don't make a right) but I don't pay to come here and I do pay to have my clocks repaired and my wife's jewlery worked on from time to time. Does anyone else know of a reputable clock repair shop locally.
I can't wait a day or two, I'll forget. Can you tell us now or give us a link later?
The MVA should have never issued a tag for jr but anyone that knows him,knows that he lied his a$$ of to get that tag , hopefully there will be an investigation on this matter.
this guy is always scamming. I will never buy from him again. I bought what I thought was 14k gold and it turned out to be a turd 10k. Buyer Beware.
cant have historic tags on a commericial vehicle so it looks like he isnt legal after all
Historic tags on a commercial vehicle is a big NO NO, call DOT and ask what the fine is....you'll be astounded....
Historical tags on a commercial vehicle? Isn't there a limit on how many miles you are allowed to drive a year with historical tags?
Looks like he just goes to the junkyard and picks out the first piece of junk he sees. Then he carries it home and paints mice all over it. Has anyone ever seen his yard at his house? It looks like a crazy person lives there.
This truck cannot pass a normal State inspection as is. Johnny can't/won't pay to have all that is wrong fixed. So he gets a historic tag (there is a limit to miles driven in a year) to skateboard the law.
That is disgustingly unprofessional for someone in business to have an fu sticker on a decaled company vehicle. I think I will avoid that place form here on out.
I love the place - grate deal on watch batteries, below retail on jewelry and a very nice family. Get a life folks. Bet you that say will never go there never have been in the place.
12:26 I asked about a reputable clock repair place in the area several months ago and I never got an answer. Surely, there must be another repair store in the area, especially for repairing grandfather type clocks.
JR is wrong. I bought my 1st wifes wedding ring from him. The ring did not fit and it was a disaster. I am planning on getting remarried in the fall and need a new ring. If this is how local businesses act I will go to the mall and buy my ring. I always try to keep money local but if the local yahoo's are going to act like this then they may as well burn and sink!
I hate that place. Great deal on watch batteries yes but lets be honest that is a $2 dollar item. All the other stuff is costume jewelry and cheap chinesse knock off junk. If you want real stuff go elsewhere. If you want to deal with a jive turkey then go!
The quality of your jewerly is not up to par with Kuhns or other well established fine jewelry stores.
Your products are more like Walmart jewelry, factory seconds and low quality diamonds. There is a difference.
this kid needs to grow up. I would keep exposing him for the fraud that he is. If he will ever straighten up then you can stop exposing him. it seems like he has a new hustle every day.
And will JR please get spell check?? Damn the man cant spell.
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